"You hiding that dress with a jacket isn't working. Anybody can see that dress from a mile away
"Hey" Min-Ju said not knowing what to say to him
"Hey? Is that all you have to say?" He said but it wasn't anger it was pain
"Please" She begged sounding very tired as she didn't sleep for 10 days
"I don't want to argue with you today. Not today we can argue later but I'm so..." Before she could finish Min-Ju fainted. JinHai watching her fall caught her before she hit the ground
"MIN-JU! MIN-JU! MIN-JU! " JinHai screamed trying to wake her up
He called an ambulance and checked her pulse before taking in a deep breath. He watched her get into the ambulance
"Are you her husband?'' A paramedic asked JinHai
"No..." He hesitated for a minute "I'm just her friend"
"Okay. I need you to confirm things at the hospital. Get in the ambulance please"
JinHai kept watching her on the stretcher. "Do you know her contact information for her husband?"
"I don't know. He's famous he doesn't give his number to random people"
"Perhaps you know her password to her phone" He said giving JinHai her phone
"I might" He takes the phone and tries to guess the password
He tried her birthday, her mother, father, and BiYu. Then he searched up Su-Hyung and found his birthday and it wasn't it.
They had reached the hospital bay and he was still guessing the password. JinHai was being careful before being locked out of her phone for a long time. He tried to guess Yong-Sun's birthday 'She left for Korea in December and he is ten because his birthday passed but GOD that's a lot of numbers then someone called her phone.
'Mr. Choi' was what it said on the phone
"Agassi* Where are you right now? Mr.Park is very worried" JinHai had to keep his composer and cleared his throat before speaking as he didn't understand anything Mr.Choi just said
"Hello. Can you speak Chinese"
"What? Are you saying? Sir, I think he is talking in Chinese" the man on the other side said
JinHai was in a predicament. He was wondering what to do? Then He hit him he asked for the paramedic's phone and using a translation app
'Min-Ju is going to the hospital' He typed in letting the translated voice speak through the phone
"What? Is it saying..." Mr.Choi asked "I think I heard hospital" another person said
"Oh shhh... Where... Where" Mr.Choi asked desperately
"Beijing Hospital" JinHai replied
"Okay Thank You" Mr.Choi said but hesitated to go because the party hasn't reached its peak and Mr.Park hasn't chatted with all of the investors
Mr.Choi walked up to Su-Hyung and told him about the problem knowing it would disappoint him
Su-Hyung told him he will go in the morning when she gets better. Mr.Choi hesitates not to lose it on him but he decides not to and went on to scanning the room for anyone that might harm Mr.Park but the person most likely to hurt him was him. He hated how Mr.Park treated Min-Ju but he was a bodyguard at the bottom of the social ladder. So he wouldn't dare to speak up
The next morning her identity was confirmed and Mr.Choi told one of Su-Hyung's assistants to put Min-Ju into a VIP room away from the cameras
When Min-Ju was moved to the VIP section of the hospital with the most famous surgeons and physicians treating the rich. Min-Ju's room was bigger than most apartments. She was moved to the room at the middle of the night
It was the next morning, Min-Ju awakened in an unfamiliar place. She looked around and saw JinHai asleep in the chair next to her making her smile a bit. Her head really hurt and she was very tired
She tried to get up and the rustling of the blankets woke JinHai up.
"Wait, Why are you getting up?" He said jolting up to push her back onto the bed
"What are you doing?" She asked, shocked "The doctor said to rest. You are fatigued and malnourished. You have to get some rest" He said
Min-Ju didn't say anything as she was tired. Those four words took all the might out of her
"Your husband isn't here" He said while watching her "What kind of husband doesn't come when their wife is in the hospital?" He questioned with anger
In the afternoon, When they brought her food for her JinHai stayed by the corner doing his work
"What are you doing right now?" She asked feeling not hungry "You know getting richer" He joked making Min-Ju laugh and chuckle
Then Mr.Choi walked in ignoring the fact there was another man in the room. He bowed "Agassi are you feeling better?" He asked kindly "I'm fine Jae-Hyuk" She gave a kind smile to him. She was the only one that called him by his name because he was her friend
"Mr.Park is in negotiations for a deal and can not see you until later in the evening. He sent me to take care of you in the meanwhile" he said politely not wanting to see her suffer more than she already did
"I know. gomawoyo*" She said, giving a smile before eating her food. Jae-Hyuk was standing there awkwardly still not acknowledging JinHai sitting quietly in the corner.
When Min-Ju finished her food. Jae-Hyuk moved it to another table and placed it there for the cleaning lady to take it and Min-Ju insisted for him to sit down because she knew it was tiring. So he sat down near JinHai as two others were guarding the door. Now JinHai and the bodyguard were staring at each other awkwardly and Min-Ju could feel the awkward air between them
It wasn't until Min-Ju introduced them to each other and this time it was difficult as the language barrier was very inconvenient. They shook hands and smiled at each other. Then they returned to being awkward again
It was later in the evening, JinHai was on a business call. Min-Ju forced him to let her listen in because she wanted the work but he wouldn't let her. Insisting for her to get more rest but she couldn't her body didn't allow her. So she started talking to Jae-Hyuk who was still awkward and trying to hold it together. He has never lost his cool but this time he was very close. Usually, he would be guarding the door with the other men but Su-Hyung gave orders for him to take care of her
Jae-Hyuk looked at his phone and suddenly got up and left the room and there was mumbling at the door so JinHai looked up and got up to go next to her
Su-Hyung walked through the door
"Oh yeobo*" She said
"Are you okay? Did you get enough rest" He asked with a concerning voice touching her hair with his hand
"I'm Okay" She reassured him saying what she knew he wanted to hear. Then he finally acknowledged JinHai who he was
"Hello. I am Park Su-Hyung. I am Min-Ju's husband" He said in so somewhat perfect but somewhat broken Chinese
"Hi I'm Huang JinHai"
"Oh" Shocking Su-Hyung
"Nice to meet you" he said with a grin
"You too" Said JinHai
*Agassi 아가씨= Ma'am
*Gomawoyo 고마워= Thank You (informal)
*Yeobo 여보= Honey or Dear