Min-Ju still remains speechless but anger came to her after she processed everything she just heard
"You came to give me food to tell me this..." She said angrily with her head still lowered
"Get out!" She said calmly for the first time "Min-Ju..." He said weakly reaching hands
"GET THE FUCK OUT" She screams at him with tears in her eyes locking eyes with him
He tries to comfort her but she screams at him again. She tells him to leave but he doesn't. Not before saying
"I'm sorry" and leaves and closes the door
She gets up from her bed and starts slowly walking to the bathroom bringing her IV stand with her. She went to the bathroom so no one could see her cry. She sighs looking at the humongous bathroom. Her fingertips brush the countertop before quietly sitting down on the shiny wooden floor with her legs to her chest. She doesn't cry but she sits there in silence until Jae-Hyuk came in looking for her
He looked for her worrying until he found her sitting in the bathroom by herself. They made eye contact but he doesn't say anything. He just sits next to her while looking at her but doesn't say anything. They sat in silence with their knees close to their chest
"I'm okay," Min-Ju finally says, locking eyes with him. She was careful not to show more emotion than she had to. "Are you sure?" Jae-Hyuk asked with his deep soft voice. Min-Ju nodded turning her head away from him, looking out at the setting sun
They were silent until Min-Ju fell asleep on his shoulder. Not wanting to wake her up he sat there looking out at the window of the bathroom until one of the other bodyguards came in to check on them. When the other bodyguard saw them Jae-Hyuk shushed him. He picked up Min-Ju and told the other bodyguard to push her IV stand. He placed her down on to her bed and told the other bodyguard to get a nurse
It was late when Min-Ju woke up. Su-Hyung was on a phone call and Min-Ju noticed something on this hand. It was an IV needle and he had a bandage covering it but Min-Ju could still clearly see it was an IV needle the same one that is stuck in her right now. She waited until he finished his phone call to talk to him
When he finished he noticed that Min-Ju was up and was staring at his hand. He quickly hid his hand behind his back
"What is that?" She asked without hesitating pointing behind his back
"This?... It's just something... they had to draw my blood" he replied
"Are they supposed to take it out after?" she asked, suspicious at his vagueness
"Yeah, they are going take it out tomorrow but they want to take my blood again tomorrow so they kept it in"
"Why?" She asked with worry in her voice
"No reason just convince" He answered very vaguely
"Do you know when I'm leaving this dreadful place?"
"I think in two days. I'll ask the nurse later'' Then suddenly Jae-Hyuk came inside the room to tell Min-Ju and Su-Hyung that someone was outside, it was BiYu who was outside and Min-Ju told Jae-Hyuk to let her inside
BiYu looked at Min-Ju worriedly and looked like she was on the verge of tears. So Min-Ju told Su-Hyung in Korean to leave because she knew that BiYu was going to yell and cry. Su-Hyung bowed goodbye and shook hands with BiYu before going outside
"Are you okay?" BiYu said with her voice breaking. "If I knew that he was overworking you I would have killed him myself." she said angrily, turning her hand to the door and cursing at him
"It wasn't his fault. He asked me if I wanted to take a break but I didn't want to... I pushed myself" She admitted
"You shouldn't have pushed yourself that much" She demanded Min-Ju never to push herself overboard and made her promise not to push herself past her limit
BiYu sat down on the chair next to Min-Ju "GuoWei is going to get dinner for us"
"Who told you where I was?"
''JinHai told me a few hours ago"
"JinHai? He told you?"
"Yeah, He told us when he got to the office"
"I...wasn't going to tell you about it until afterward"
"Why not?"
"I didn't want to worry you about it"
"You told JinHai but not me!" BiYu said raising her voice
Min-Ju shook her head "I didn't tell him. He...was there"
"What do you mean?" She questioned a bit confused
"I don't want to talk about it, just know that he doesn't want to see me again"
"Why not?" Min-Ju laughed at her friend's need for gossip. BiYu doesn't like to gossip but she always wanted to know the details when it came to JinHai and Min-Ju even back in college
"How should I know? He just suddenly said that and why should I care? I'm married and he has a girlfriend. I don't know why we were still communicating with each other?" She said trying to muster up a smile
"I'm sorry" She said. The door opened and Jae-Hyuk came in and told Min-Ju that someone was outside. "That my husband," said BiYu. Confused why Jae-Hyuk was still standing there as he couldn't understand Chinese he waited for Min-Ju response
"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you didn't understand. That's my friend's husband you can let him in" Jae-Hyuk bowed and left but helped GuoWei to carry the food in
It was a lot of food all from Mr.Song and Mrs.Kwan's restaurant. "There is more" GuoWei added "Mr.Song is parking the car with Mrs.Kwan"
"What? Why are they here?" Min-Ju then stared at BiYu and called Jae-Hyuk into the room to get Su-Hyung. Mr.Song never liked anyone that Min-Ju dated, maybe it was because she had terrible taste in men. Su-Hyung came into the room with Mr.Song and Mrs.Kwan helping to hold food. Mr.Song looked angry but Min-Ju knew under that mean exterior there was a man that cared for her
Su-Hyung took all the food that they were holding and placed it on the dinner table she had in her hospital bed. "Wow this is bigger than the restaurant" Mr.Song said shocked "So this is what money can buy"
"hal-abeoji* stop it. Watch your mouth" Min-Ju snapped back
Mr.Song ignored her and continued to explore the very large room. "Are you okay?" Mrs.Kwan asked her while taking out the Jajangmyeon* and Kimchi* out of the paper bag. She took out plates and started serving food to the people in the room
"I'm okay. I'll be leaving soon" Min-Ju said, trying not to worry any of them. Min-Ju already knows that Mrs.Kwan has much more to worry than a person who couldn't watch her own health
"If I knew you. I would say you are lying and I do. So stop lying to me so you can keep me from worrying because that is a little too late for that" Mrs.Kwan responded passing out the Jajangmyeon to everybody in the room, even Jae-Hyuk. When he refused Mrs.Kwan insisted until Min-Ju told him to eat some and told the other bodyguard to come in and eat. Su-Hyung was sitting at the foot of Min-Ju's bed eating the Jajangmyeon looking at her with a smile as BiYu, Mr.Song, and Mrs.Kwan scolds her for not telling them
After it settled down it was already late and Mr.Song and Mrs.Kwan needed to leave
"Let us have dinner soon. What do you say son" Mr.Song said asking Su-Hyung
"Okay. We would love that" He said "I want get to know the people who raised my wonderful wife'' He said with a bright smile
"Let me get one of our men to drive you back home. I have to get back to the office" He told both of them before turning around to telling Min-Ju that he has to go but not before kissing her on the forehead
Mrs.Kwan and Mr.Song started leaving Min-Ju stopped Mrs.Kwan to ask her if Mr.Song is okay. She had been so preoccupied with Su-Hyung that she forgot to call them. "He's okay it happened a couple of times but it hasn't happened since last week" Mrs.Kwan said in a low voice so no one could hear them. Min-Ju let out a small smile and hugged Mrs.Kwan goodbye. "He's gonna be okay" Mrs.Kwan told Min-Ju before letting go of the hug and waving goodbye
BiYu was cleaning up the table. She finally spoke when GuoWei was in the bathroom. "Can you tell me what happened?" BiYu said in a serious tone
"I'm tired and I don't want to talk about it now" She said giving another excuse " But... But I promise I'll tell you but right now is just... Not the right time" She said looking down at the blankets trying to avoid eye contact "You better" BiYu said seeing how her friend was still processing what happened
When GuoWei got out of the bathroom, he and Min-Ju had a nice conversation but soon he had to go home as well because he still had to go to work tomorrow. He gathered their stuff and left after speaking to BiYu. She told him to go home first because she wanted to stay and take care of Min-Ju
Min-Ju said goodbye to GuoWei and when he left the room BiYu shut off the lights and turned on the television. She got on Min-Ju's bed and they had a movie night like in the past
*hal-abeoji 할아버지= Grandfather
*Jajangmyeon 짜장면= Chinese style Korean noodles
*Kimchi 김치= Fermented vegetables