Trial of Innate Talents

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

Slimes were a kind of monster without legs. They had to hop and jump to move around, thus their movement speed was relatively low compared to other monsters.

The Mutated Slime King was a Boss among the Boss Monsters. It might be slow, but normal Players still could not stand a chance against it.

The second Player that discovered the Mutated Slime King and provided a recording of it did not have a pair of high-quality boots like the first Player. After the Mutated Slime King noticed him, it did not take long for the Mutated Slime King to catch up to the Player. The Mutated Slime King jumped when it was close enough. Its enormous body descended from the sky and smashed the Player to death.

The recording was only less than a minute. It did not provide any useful information apart from proving the existence of the Mutated Slime King.

Interestingly, when the second Player that discovered the Mutated Slime King returned, he realized the Mutated Slime King had turned into a normal Slime King just like the first Player's encounter.

Was the mutation random? Or was there some kind of condition that triggered it?

These were the two main speculations on the forum.

Chen Mo frowned after seeing the two speculations.

If the Mutated Slime King would only show up randomly, he basically had zero chance stumbling into a Mutated Slime King.

However, as a hacker, Chen Mo believed it was unlikely that the Mutated Slime King was showing up randomly.

A Boss that showed up randomly could not highlight the talents of the game designer. Anyone could easily implement the simple logic for a random-spawning Boss. However, judging from the secrets that he had discovered and the existence of the Hidden Boss, the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf, he believed the game designers of Genesis would not come up with a special Boss that only spawned randomly. There must be certain conditions that triggered its spawning.

If the Mutated Slime King really existed, the conclusion he arrived at last night was most likely on point. The Mutated Slime King had an extremely huge aggro radius. If he could find out the conditions that would cause a Slime King to mutate, he could try finding a way to kill a Mutated Slime King by himself.

Apart from the Mutated Slime King, the hottest topic on the forum was the "Trial of Innate Talents" that was available to the Players after they left the Rookie Village at Level 10.

When Players left the Rookie Village at Level 10, they could choose to participate in the Trial of Innate Talents. The Trial of Innate Talents was split into Normal, Hard, Nightmare, and Hell, four different difficulties. Those who passed the Normal difficulty could choose one of the three main human cities to be teleported to, and they would also learn one of the Innate Talents of their Class. For those who chose not to take part in the trial or those who failed the trial, they would be teleported to one of the three main cities randomly. They would have to spend time completing some quests from the guilds of their respective Class to obtain their Innate Talents.

The Normal difficulty trial was not too difficult. Many Players on the forum managed to pass it. Furthermore, Players did not have to take the Trial of Innate Talents alone. They could team up with other Players for it. It was possible for Players that were not as skilled to complete the trial, if they were lucky enough.

Players were allowed to team up for different difficulties too, but not many had managed to complete them. Currently, on the forum, there were only Players that claimed they had passed the Hard difficulty and provided some evidence for it.

Similar to the Player that posted about the Mutated Slime King, the Players that passed the trial on the Hard difficulty also uploaded a pay-to-watch recording. In the end, hundreds of thousands of people were willing to pay just to watch the recording.

In the past, a recording that was uploaded to the traditional network would be pirated in less than a minute. However, in the full-dive virtual reality network, the viewers were not allowed to share or download the recording without the owner's permission. Even words were not allowed to be copy-pasted without the permission of the owner of the post.

Therefore, the reason why these Players were able to make a fortune from their posts was mainly because of the full-dive virtual reality network.

These functionalities of the full-dive virtual reality network had already been around for some time, but people only had a better understanding of them after someone suddenly became a millionaire overnight.

Chen Mo was quite surprised too. He felt like it was almost impossible to prevent the traditional network from being replaced by the full-dive virtual reality network.

However, Chen Mo was clearly not the kind to give up halfway. If he gave up just because there was a chance of failure, he would not be Chen Mo.

Failing was one thing, giving up was another thing. The outcome of both might be the same, but the nature behind them was completely different.

Chen Mo also paid to watch the recording about the Trial of Innate Talents on Hard difficulty. However, he realized there was not much difference between the Normal difficulty and Hard difficulty.

Both difficulties involved fighting a powerful monster. The Players in the recording had managed to pass the trial because there were more than ten Players in the trial, and each Player had a set of impressive equipment. The Players were quite skilled too, allowing them to pass the trial in the end.

After passing the Trial of Innate Talents on the Hard difficulty, apart from an Innate Talent, each Player was given ten silvers as the reward too. The Players were no longer restricted to the three main cities. They also had the option to teleport to the smaller cities that were suitable for a Level 10 Player.

It was quite obvious that the three main cities would have the highest player count, resulting in fierce competition. It would be more advantageous for Players when leveling up if they were teleported to less populated cities.

No one had shared about the Nightmare difficulty of the Trial of Innate Talents on the forum, but according to some rumors, some people did pass the trial on the Nightmare difficulty. The Players seemed to have acquired all the rewards in the Hard difficulty, plus a very useful skill book.

There was no news about the trial on the Hell difficulty.

According to some people, the Hell difficulty was impossible to be completed at Level 10!


The Wolf Valley...

Chen Mo decided to try his luck in the Wolf Valley in the end.

The number of Players in the Rookie Village was surprisingly higher than the night before. There were Players everywhere. The only place that was less crowded was the Wolf Valley.

The Wolf Valley was guarded by the Hidden Boss, the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf. The valley was deserted; there were only monsters, there was no sign of Players.

Chen Mo tried to avoid the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf's range of vision to sneak past the monster and venture deeper into the Wolf Valley, but he realized it was impossible. However, there were still many Players that were curious about the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf crowding the entrance of the Wolf Valley and provoking it.

If he was being cautious and with a little luck, he might be able to sneak past the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf and went deeper into the valley with the help of these Players.

Chen Mo arrived at the entrance of the Wolf Valley and saw a bunch of Players standing there. Occasionally, a Player would hop into the valley and hop back out.

Inside the Wolf Valley, the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf was lying lazily on the scorching ground as if it could not see the Players that were provoking it.

The Players were even bolder when the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf did not show any reaction to them. They decided to go closer.

ROAR! The Three-Headed Fiery Wolf finally went enraged. It cried out furiously and pounced at the Players.


Chen Mo had been waiting for this moment.

The title "The Corrupted"!

The Low-level Mutated Dexterity Potion!

The Players immediately fled for their lives following the deafening blast. The Three-Headed Fiery Wolf chased after them. Unlike the Players, Chen Mo ran into the valley instead. His movement speed greatly increased after equipping the title "The Corrupted" and consuming a Low-level Mutated Dexterity Potion!


Chen Mo rushed into the Wolf Valley.

He nervously turned around to look at the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf. His heart suddenly skipped a beat!

The monster noticed him! The Three-Headed Fiery Wolf had three pairs of eyes; why did he think it would be easy to sneak past it!?

The Three-Headed Fiery Wolf shuddered when it saw Chen Mo. It decided to give up on chasing the other Players and pursue Chen Mo instead.

However, after taking a step, it realized there were more Players in the other direction. It decided to give up on pursuing Chen Mo and went after the other Players instead.

Chen Mo let out a relieved sigh. It seemed like he had bet it right.

However, being able to enter the Wolf Valley was one thing. If the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf returned later, he would still have to die.

He could only run as far as he could until he was outside the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf's aggro radius.

Considering the incredible aggro radius of the Mutated Slime King, he assumed the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf had a wide aggro radius too.

On top of it, the Wolf Valley was the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf's territory.

Chen Mo avoided the Wild Wolves along the way and went to the deepest part of the Wolf Valley.

After killing the Wild Wolves for some time, Chen Mo was relieved when the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf did not show up.

There were monsters everywhere. The title "The Corrupted" had granted Chen Mo a lot of extra attributes too, allowing him to rapidly grind the exp.

Chen Mo was planning to grind until Level 9 before heading to the Slime Valley. He would reach Level 10 there and look for the Slime King.