The Slime's Poison

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

On the official forum, Chen Mo's pay-to-view post was copyrighted. The Players that read its content and reposted it for free would be punished accordingly.

However, it did not apply to Brother Nine's situation. Since he had already discovered the Free Skill Casting system before Chen Mo put up the post, he had the right to post about it too.

"I saw someone trying to make a fortune with a post about the Free Skill Casting system. As a member of the Nouveau Riches Club, I, Brother Nine, decide to step forward to put a stop to such a shameless act. Otherwise, if every post on the forum becomes pay-to-view, it's going to be disastrous for the growth of the Chinese server! I have spent more than a day experimenting with the Free Skill Casting system. As a result, I'm already behind in levels, but I've made some fascinating discoveries too. I shall explain them to you all..."

"Well said! The Nouveau Riches Club is impressive. We should really put a stop to the people who tried to abuse the posts to make a fortune!"

"Not bad! Brother Nine, you have my support!"

"Brother Nine! I want to join the Nouveau Riches Club!"

"Brother Nine, please date with me!"


Chen Mo's face darkened when he saw the post that Brother Nine put up.

Damn it, this guy from the Nouveau Riches Club was obviously using him to make a name for himself!

Brother Nine had only unlocked the Free Spell Casting system slightly later than Chen Mo did. If he really was concerned about the Players, he would have put up the post earlier.

However, they decided not to put up the post first. If they posted straight away, they might still earn some reputation and compliments, but they knew the forgetful Players would soon forget about the benefits that they had obtained for free.

It was a lot different now that they had put up the post for free while claiming they were doing it for the sake of every Player in the Chinese server after someone put up a pay-to-view post first.

Chen Mo who first posted about the Free Skill Casting system and was asking only a yuan from the Players had become a vile person, while every Player was grateful for what the Nouveau Riches Club had done!

The Nouveau Riches Club?

-Just wait and see, let's hope you don't end up in my hands, or I'll let you know why the flowers are so red!-

Chen Mo wore a cold face. He had listed the Nouveau Riches Club as his first enemy in the game.

Chen Mo was not trying to make a fortune from the post. He was only planning to earn some capital.

Chen Mo would gladly accept his defeat if the Nouveau Riches Club had truly put up the post just because they were concerned about the general wellbeing of the Chinese server.

However, the Nouveau Riches Club was clearly using him to make a name for themselves. Otherwise, how was it possible that the guy called Brother Nine could write a post consisting of a few thousand words, images, and even videos to support his claims in just a few minutes?

After putting the Nouveau Riches Club on his 'to-get-revenge' list, Chen Mo returned to the game and started buying the Simmer-fried Pufferfish and the rest of the items.

"Brother, one silver for a Simmer-fried Pufferfish, are you interested?"

"Pretty lady over there, do you have a Rotten Apple? I'm willing to trade one silver for it!"

"Hey, the guy over there..."


The Rookies Village did not have a designated area for trading purposes, thus most Players had gathered at the entrance of the Rookies Village to do their trades. However, Chen Mo did not head over to the entrance.

The items he was interested in were extremely rare. Despite the number of Players at the entrance, it was still unlikely he could find any Players with the items he needed.

Chen Mo went to the NPCs with the quests related to the items he needed instead. The Players that visited these NPCs had most likely finished the quest.

The price of one silver for an item was not low at all. Most Players that reached Level 10 only had slightly over two silver. The Players that had the item that Chen Mo was looking for did not even hesitate to sell it to him when they heard the price he was offering.

In less than an hour, Chen Mo had acquired the five items he needed.

Chen Mo had to look for a pair of high-quality boots too, but it was not easy to find a pair of high-quality boots. He spent some time looking around at the entrance of the Rookies Village. After failing to find the boots he needed, he proceeded to the Slime Valley without any hesitation.

He had to find out the reason behind the Slime King's mutation first. Otherwise, it would be a waste of effort even if he found the boots he needed.

Ten minutes later, Chen Mo arrived at the Slime King's location.

Chen Mo used the disguising skill to prevent himself from alerting the Slime King. He went closer to the Slime King.

"Simmer-fried Pufferfish!"

System Notification: You have used the item "Simmer-fried Pufferfish". Your Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Spirit have increased by 10. The effect lasts for 10 minutes. During this time, you will lose 5 HP every second!

The Slime King did not show any reaction after Chen Mo used the Simmer-fried Pufferfish. It continued to look around blankly.

"Rotten Apple..."

System Notification: You have used the item "Rotten Apple", recovering 200 HP and 200 MP. Your Strength and Intelligence have decreased by 10. Your HP and MP will recover by 20 every second for 20 seconds.

The next item was the Rotten Apple, but the Slime King still did not show any reaction.

"Expired Strong Wine...Alluring Poison...Discarded Dog Food..."

Chen Mo soon used all the items.

"It's not that easy as I've expected."

Chen Mo sighed staring at the Slime King that did not show the slightest change at all. He was not surprised.

His approach and thought process was on the right track. The problem was, it was impossible the forum would have information about every quest item in the game. There were still some quests that the Players on the forum had yet to complete.

Chen Mo did not give up. He went back to the forum and analyzed the quests that the Players had not completed yet, or did not reveal what the rewards were.

Half an hour later, Chen Mo placed his attention on two quests.

One was from a beggar in Aiur Town. He was asking Players to collect 10 pieces of wolf meat. The wolf meat was only available in the Wolf Valley, but since the Wolf Valley was currently under the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf's control, and a Gathering Skill was necessary to collect the wolf meat, there was no Player on the forum that had completed the quest. There was no information on the quest reward either, but since the reward of a gathering quest was normally not that impressive, the Players could not care less about it.

The second quest was to the north of the Slime Valley. An old man was asking Players to collect 20 Green Slime Poison and an old liquid container.

Green Slime Poison was an item that the Green Slimes would drop by chance when they died. Chen Mo had collected seven of them so far after killing a few dozens of Green Slimes.

The item's drop rate was not high, but it was not low either. He would not have any trouble buying 50 of them from the Players.

The problem left was the old liquid container. No one on the forum knew where to find it. Not even the vendors were selling it.

Therefore, even though many Players had accepted the quest, no one had completed it still, thus no one knew what its reward was.

Chen Mo wore a weird expression as he read about the two quests.

No one would think the two quests had anything to do with one another when they were mixed with the other quests, but if anyone was to look at them together, they would realize the quests were somehow related!

The only way to find the answer was to do the quests!

Chen Mo accepted the quest from the beggar and returned to the Wolf Valley. He was able to sneak past the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf with the help of the disguising skill while it was busy killing some other Players and went deeper into the Wolf Valley.

He collected 10 pieces of wolf meat in the Wolf Valley and returned to Aiur Town.

"Thank you, kind adventurer, I'm just a beggar, I don't have anything valuable. Perhaps this glass bottle will come in handy for you."

The beggar gratefully gave Chen Mo a glass bottle after he handed in the quest.

System Notification: You have obtained the item "Old Liquid Container"!

"As I thought!"

Chen Mo was excited. He believed he had found the right answer!

He just needed to get 50 Green Slime Poison to learn what the reward of the other quest was.

Since Chen Mo was almost broke, he had no choice but to kill the Green Slimes himself.

"Hehe, it actually works!"

Chen Mo went to the Slime Valley and killed a Green Slime. The monster did not any item, but when Chen Mo tried using the gathering skill on it, he was able to collect a Green Slime Poison!

After learning that he could just obtain the Green Slime Poison with the gathering skill, he gave up on killing the Green Slimes himself. He started looking for the remains of Green Slimes along the way and used the gathering skill on them.

He had collected 50 Green Slime Poison when he was only halfway to the NPC!

"Not bad, this potion is your reward. Use it wisely, you will realize that the slimes are the least of your problem!"

A few minutes later, Chen Mo handed in the quest to the NPC. The old man nodded and gave Chen Mo a potion.

System Notification: You have obtained "Slime's Poison!"