Sacred Condemnation Demoness

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

Chen Mo did not expect he had to avoid being hit by Inoch even once.

However, he believed his speculation of Inoch's max HP was still on point.

If Chen Mo knew he had to defeat Inoch without being hit once, he would have given up on the quest.

The quest was way too difficult; it would be impossible if Chen Mo did not have the skill to summon slimes to his aid after collecting the full set of Slime King's accessories.

Chen Mo had come up with a plan to deal with Inoch with the help of Mutated Slimes.

He ran to the Mutated Green Slime and hid behind it. He consumed a bottle of Low-level Mutated Strength Potion.

Apart from increasing Player's Strength by 20 upon consumption, the Player would also deal 20 extra damage to enemy. 

The potion was extremely rare. Chen Mo had only gotten three of them after killing the Mutated Black Goblin six times. If possible, Chen Mo would prefer to keep it, but he had no choice but to use it under the circumstances.

As soon as Chen Mo consumed the potion, he aimed his crossbow at Inoch that was chasing after him and fired at will. 

Inoch did not expect her Blitz to fail. She was even more enraged. She had no intention to give up until she got her hands on Chen Mo.

However, Chen Mo obviously would not give her any chance to do so. There was no obstacle in the spacious room, but Chen Mo was using the Mutated Slime as an obstacle instead. 

A normal Slime was only the size of a basketball, but a Mutated Slime was thrice as big. It was blocking in front of Chen Mo like a huge balloon.

Inoch's current speed was nowhere close to Chen Mo's. He could easily kite her around the Mutated Slime.

Besides, Inoch was unable to use Blitz when the Mutated Slime was in between her and Chen Mo.

Her Bisecting Slash could only hit Mutated Slime too. Chen Mo was basically treating the Mutated Slime as an obstacle. He had given it the command to hold its position. It would only bounce and attack Inoch whenever she came close.

The bolts landed on Inoch; the skill Minor Poison Bolt, the effects of Slime's Poison, and the physical damage and extra poison damage of the Minor Poison Crossbow allowed Chen Mo to deal close to four hundred damage to Inoch with every arrow. Inoch's HP was falling at an insane rate. She had lost over ten thousand HP in no time. Her remaining HP was less than twenty thousand.

"Shadow Strike!" Inoch finally ran out of patience. She flicked her wrist, sending a shadow that dashed toward Chen Mo fiercely.

Even though Chen Mo was using the Mutated Slime to kite Inoch, he never did lower his guard. He was paying full attention to Inoch's movement at all times. He knew Inoch was using a new skill as soon as he saw her wrist flicking.

However, the new skill still took Chen Mo by surprise!

Inoch seemed to be tossing a shadow dagger at Chen Mo.

The skill was different than Blitz. Using Blitz would instantly teleport Inoch to where Chen Mo was. However, since the Mutated Slime was in the way, Inoch did not have enough space to use Blitz. On the other hand, she could toss the shadow dagger right at Chen Mo since it could fly right past the Mutated Slime above its head.

Chen Mo was aware of what Inoch was doing since he had been keeping an eye on her at all times. Even though the skill had taken him by surprise, he was still able to dodge it in time.

However, Inoch gathered her strength like a stretched bow as soon as she executed the Shadow Strike. Chen Mo had a strong feeling that Inoch would immediately dash to him if he was to dodge to the side or crouch to dodge the dagger. It would allow Inoch to catch up to him!

He could not afford to dodge the dagger!

Chen Mo immediately came to a realization!

What was he supposed to do then?

The effect of Windspeed Evasion had long ended. Even if it was still available, he only had a 20% chance to evade the dagger. It was still very likely that the dagger would land on him.

Slime King's Roar!


Chen Mo did not dodge the dagger, but it did not necessarily mean he was out of options.

He used the Slime King's Roar as soon as he made up his mind. The skill's buff was applied to him and the Mutated Slime. He quickly ordered the Mutated Slime King to jump.

Normally, the height that the Mutated Slime could reach was extremely low. It was nowhere high enough to block Inoch's shadow dagger, but the Slime King's Roar had increased its jumping height by two meters!

The Mutated Slime carried out Chen Mo's order without any hesitation.

The Mutated Slime bounced into the air when the shadow dagger was flying across the air. The dagger stabbed heavily into the Mutated Slime, dealing around seven hundred damage to it. It also reduced the Mutated Slime's speed.

Not only was the Shadow Strike's damage high, it would also apply debuffs to its target. The Mutated Slime's eyes were veiled by a gray light, indicating that it was currently under the Blind state.

Speed reduction and blind; even if Chen Mo did not die to the attack right away, Inoch would still catch up to him eventually!

He indeed could not allow Inoch to hit him even once!

Inoch's eyes widened. Her tense body slowly relaxed. She did not expect the Mutated Slime to jump into the air and block her dagger.

"Hehe, what other skills do you have? Use them all on me!" Chen Mo said provokingly.

It would be the best to force Inoch to use all her skills while the effects of Slime King's Roar were still around.

However, Inoch simply glared at Chen Mo and proceeded to chase after him.

Chen Mo kept running around the Mutated Slime and attacking Inoch with his crossbow. He would occasionally throw down a Basic Trap at times.

Chen Mo preferred to hold on to the Dazing Trap. It was his life-saving trump card.

Inoch continued to struggle to catch up to Chen Mo while suffering Chen Mo's attacks, each inflicting multiple damages on her. Her HP eventually dropped below ten thousand, and it continued to drop further.


Chen Mo fixed his eyes on Inoch. He began to feel a little nervous.

Inoch was mostly just a Level 10 Boss. Even the Mutated Slime King that was most likely the strongest Level 10 Boss in the game did not behave differently when its HP was almost empty. He assumed Inoch would be the same too.

However, Inoch was different than the Mutated Slime King. She was an NPC, not a low-level Boss Monster that every Player could fight against like the Slime King. Chen Mo would not be surprised if Inoch suddenly behaved differently.


Her current HP was lower than 15% of her max HP!

Inoch did not behave differently. -Does that mean she isn't going to do anything different then?-

Time to give her the killing blow!

Chen Mo could not care less anymore. He began to attack more rapidly while being cautious around her, causing Inoch's HP to drop even quicker!

Remaining HP...3000!

Only 10% left!

"Shameless adventurer, I didn't expect you to be so strong, but evil never wins! Come, Sacred Condemnation Demoness!"

When Inoch only had 10% HP left, the thing that Chen Mo worried about the most happened still.

Inoch stopped chasing after Chen Mo. She took out an ancient wooden badge from her backpack. It began to emit a dark glow while she was speaking.

Chen Mo felt the ground softening all of a sudden. It suddenly turned into a pitch-black swamp.

A familiar black figure emerged from the swamp and stood at the center of the room.

Chen Mo was startled when he saw the figure.

The Sacred Condemnation Demoness, the black figures that he once saw in the Sacred Land of Condemnation!