The Celestial Mage and Trouble

Lucy P.O.V

My first time coming to a Fairy Tail was a chaos. There is fight everywhere, a guy then walk butt naked towards me then asking for my skirt, there also a handsome teen that flirt me, and the Guild Master was a giant at first then shrunk to a tiny old man. This guild is full of many interesting characters that makes it interesting as I thought.

I suddenly hear giggles from behind me, I look at my back and found Mirajane and Hime the most strongest magician in the world. My internal is screaming in happiness.

I stop internal screaming when I hear Hime giggle again. Then that make me realise, I forgot her hearing ability.

"Yes, you are correct I can hear your thoughts. You have very interesting way of thought." She answer my question.

I immediately smile to respect her "My name is Lucy, nice to meet you Mira-san, Hime." After I said that I bow.

Hime giggle at me again "Lucy, Hime is a title the the others give to me, it's not my name. Nice to meet you my name is Aoi Luna Dreyar. You may call me Luna or Aoi."

Mira join the laugh "You are correct Luna, she is interesting girl." They are talking to themselves for a bit before Luna notice me . "Mira-nee you forgot to give her the guild mark." She pat her shoulder.

Mira-san then give me the pink guild mark at my hand. I finally become one of the Fairy Tail.

Aoi Luna P.O.V

We just get another guild member. Her name is Lucy, she is a bright girl, like to smile much like me, but I can feel and hear her soul is crying for a place where she belong.

I do hope she find her place here. This place maybe very chaotic, but it also very heart warming place. Many feel belong here. In this place everyone treat each others with respect and equally.

"Lucy do you have a home yet?" I ask her. She shook her head. I give her a nod and ask "Maybe I can help. Can you imagine the house you want to live?"

She look at me oddly before doing what I ask. The place she imagine is a great place, I remember there is one place near the river that like this one.

"I remember one they are near the river, the view also good, I think you may find comfortable there. Do want me to show you the place?" I smile at her.

Her eyes glimmer and her smile widened, she give me a nod as an approval. Then we talk for a while, I find her nice and a good company.

We stop talking when we hear Natsu yelling. "Lucy! Aoi come here!" He yell. Being in Fairy Tail for years make me more tolerate with loud noise. The first year was so painful, that days Laxus nii-sama always beat the loud ones to death.

We come near him, he is standing in front the job board. "Can you help me find an interesting job? I have been searching but fine none." He say that while pointing the board.

We help him I take the left side, Natsu in the middle, and Lucy in the right side. I found one that say to hunt bandit, I think Natsu will like it.

I took the paper and show it to Natsu he stare at it for a while, then he shook his head. He say that hunting bandit is to easy he want more challenge.

I give him a nod and put it back to the board. Me and Lucy continue to give him jobs but he reject all of it. Lucy begin to complain at him because he doesn't except even one.

He think hard then he look at me, he begin to stare at me his face is to close. I'm getting uncomfortable. "Natsu? Is there something wrong with my face?" I ask him. Lucy help me by pulling Natsu away from my face.

He still stare at me, then his aura change. "Aoi can you take me with you when you d-" he about to ask me a question but Romeo intrude him by yelling Natsu name.

"Romeo why are you yelling?" I kneel down to his height. He start to tell us that Macao-san have gone for a week, he haven't come back from a mission that he take a week ago.

Natsu decide to go and search for him. Me and Lucy decide to go along with him and Happy.

"Aoi where is Ryuu? Isn't he usually always with you." Natsu ask me while walking out the guild.

"Yes, that is true. Yesterday, Laxus Nii-sama say that he will borrow him for a week, he say that he need him to go to his destination. But I think he just drag Ryuu with him, without his consent." I say with a smile.

I swear Lucy sweat drop at the comments. Natsu sigh, if we want to go to a mountain riding Ryuu is a best choice but he isn't here.

"Hey, Aoi. Do you remember your Heaven Hymn?" Natsu ask me. I give him a sad smile and shook my head.

Lucy become confused, she is curious and ask me "What? Heaven Hymn? What is it?"

I smile at her "Heaven Hymn is my magic name. It was a song that can restore all thing and living being in one area."

"Whaa! That is amazing! Can I hear one?" Lucy said that while holding my hand. I suddenly feel sad, I have forgotten my song, my favourite song.

Nii-sama seem to be relief that I forgot the song, grandpa is sad but his aura also say that he relief. Erza-nee, Mira-nee, Macao-san, and Freed-nii is sad but they also have a huge relief. The other that doesn't know the side effects say that is a pity. Like Natsu here.

I make them to keep it a secret for the rest. So the other that don't know my situation, their reaction is predictable.

I smile at Lucy "I'm fine. I believe when the time come. I will remember." Beside I believe that also the last time I am going to sing.

In the end we find that Macao-san is been take over by a Vulcan. Natsu have punch him many time until the time I release Macao-san from the magic with my Lock.

He look very awful, it really hurt my feeling seeing him hurt. At this time I really wish I remember my Heaven Hymn. At least I can still use my water magic to ease the pain he had.


I look behind me and I know it was Lucy. I already felt and heard her near me since an hour ago. She have been hesitating to ask question to me. While I already know her question, because I can hear it with my sharp hearing.

"I'm sorry Lucy, I can't help you with your first mission. I already have make a promise with Grandpa first." I smile sadly.

She face me and shook her head. "It's okay. I know you are busy, after all you is the strongest S-class in this country."

I smile at her as a thanks "Lucy, I batter go now or I will make him late to the annual meeting." I give her a wave as a good bye, then I go back home to pick up some others necessaries for the meeting.

I open the door and said "Grandpa, Nii-sama, I'm home." While, I can already felt their aura before I step into the house, but it still a manner. I know, Grandpa is still away, but Nii-sama is here.

I startled when I felt hands warped into waist. But when I know the person who did it, I relaxed and become comfortable with the warmth he given to me.

I snuggle closer to his chest, this is really my favourite place. I hear his deep chuckle as he pull me closer to his body.

"Luna you are not a child anymore. You can't snuggle at my chest like you usually do when you are young. People will misunderstood when they saw this." He lecture while stroking my hair. Even he scolding me his true feelings told me that he also happy that I still like to cuddle him.

I ignore his comments still clinging to his body. "I love my Nii-sama." His aura change to a shocked one. "Eh! Luna do you know what are you saying!?" He ask me in panic.

I feel his body getting warmer, my Nii-sama is embarrassed. I smile facing his face "While, I don't really know the difference but my feeling for you is the same feeling I have for my Dad and my Mom."

His aura become calm and relax but, it soon change to a curious one. "Luna I have been wondering, why your parents isn't with you?" He ask me.

I smile at him, I know he going to ask it. "My birth parents isn't there when I born." This make my brother go silent, he in a deep thought, he is thinking to many thing that make me have a hard time to hear all of them.

"Then who is this Dad and Mom you always said?" He ask me again. "My Dad and Mom is the person that raise me till I'm five or six? It was so long I don't quite remember anymore." I sit at his lap while swinging my legs.

He give me a sigh, his thoughts already told me. He already have a hunch about it, for a while before, but he just didn't want to admit it for my sake.

This is why my brother is kind, he will do anything to protect me. And this is also make me worried, because he won't hesitate to hurt others just for me. I hope my last bad feelings won't come true even if I have a feeling that it will happen sometime in the future. I just wish my brother won't hurts others for my sake.

"Luna you always said 'Dad' and 'Mom' but they do have a name right? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I won't force you to explain if you don't want to talk." He ask that while scratching his cheek. I can feel his hesitant.

I shook my head, I still smile but now is filled with worry. "You know there is a reason why I never said their name. But I decide that I am going to tell you, because I trust Nii-sama will keep it a secret from everyone even from Grandpa."

My brother aura filled with confusion and curiosity. That is no surprise I know this will happen, I wonder how he will act when he know. I take a deep breath and speak.

"Okay, I will start with my Dad you might not believed my story because it was unbelievable to others." He look even more confused, I giggle at his reaction.

"My Dad name is Zeref, the most strongest and the most evil mage alive. You might not believe me but what people said about him is totally wrong. My Dad is the most kind man I ever known, he is the one that always put my well being above anything else. I know you asking how he still able to live. Actually, I don't really know either, how he able to do it especially when my Dad look so young. Maybe older than my age right now when he should be a grandpa long time ago."

My brother thought is filled with many thing he want to ask, but he don't ask. He respect me to finish with my story. I smile at him as thanks.

"My Mom name is Mavis, if you think it was Mavis the first guild Master. You are right she is the first guild Master of this guild, unlike my dad, she is dead. But she live as a ghost till now."

After I told him the story, he stop stroking my head. He sorting my story in my silence. I will hear his opinion from his own mouth. That is what I promise myself to him the next most precious person after my parent.

"Luna-" Nii-sama about to ask me a question but I make him silent by pressing my finger to his lips. I also press my other finger to my lips. "Grandpa is coming. Please don't tell him anything about my Dad and Mom. He will have a heart attack." I told him that while removed my finger from his lips.

I make myself comfortable in his lap again. Before he able to talk back, Grandpa open the front door and find us sitting in the floor while I cuddle my beloved brother. He have a shocked aura filling him, I wonder why?

"Laxus what are you doing to your sister!? Go away from her!" He yelled at Nii-sama while his emotions filled with anger. "What! It's not my fault old man! Luna wish to sit at my lap." Nii-sama yelled back and ignore him by wrapping his arm around me more firmly.

And they start arguing again. By what I mean again is that they have been fighting for my well being since the last accident. Their relationship already bad before I come but I make it worse. After all that time my heart still in pain when I remember it.

"Luna/Aoi!" I then heard grandpa and my brother yelling my name, that make me snap from my self guilt. "Huh, what's wrong Grandpa, Nii-sama?" I ask them while giving them a smile.

"Luna why are you crying?" Nii-sama ask me, his and grandpa aura is filled with worry. Wait! Did he say I'm crying? I touch my face I feel water flowing down from my eyes. Eh! Why I'm crying? I can't stop it!

I suddenly feel someone hug me. This warmth, this aura, this is my brother. I hug him back, I broke down in his hug, I cry with all my might.

"Its okay Luna. I'm sorry we made you sad again" Nii-sama say that while patting me. He misunderstood, I feel sad because I never felt this useless, if I'm not I'll then I won't make them worried about my well being all the time.

I cried in my brother arms, Grandpa also hug me afterwards. After I calm down I went with Grandpa to the annual guild Master meeting.

If you wondering where Ryuu is, Nii-sama said he is going to borrow him to do something. Ryuu would having very pissed aura when he know. *sweat drop*

Makarov P.O.V

That was the second time I saw her cried, Aoi have been looking sad for a while. When she told us her situation she still smiling, but I bet it was hurtful for her.

She just break down when me and Laxus fight. She definitely think that she make us fight because her conditions isn't getting any better.

Since that day Aoi always take a medicine to kill the pain from the side effects and that make her body unhealthy. Laxus beginning to show panic every time she cough blood.

What make us in pain that she always smile when that happen. She always say that everything is alright and it will calm down soon.

There is a accident that make her in coma for four months. That is when she decided to protect everyone in the guild with her barrier from an evil mage that targeting her.

I made Porlyusica heal her and that is the time we found another thing that can make her life span shorten. Her body is still to young to bear all magic power she have. Laxus decided to take half of it in to lessen her burden and he will give it back to her when he think she ready.

He save all her half power in a lacrima and always bring it with him, knowing that it will be dangerous if any wrong person use it. Aoi's half magic power is equal to many S-class magician. It really surprise me that she didn't die from all the magic. I might not surprise if she can active the Etherion with that lacrima.

Porlyusica also found that her eyes is the source of her magic and every time she use magic, she will go stronger. That is why her father put a seal on her eyes, to suppress her magic growth knowing it will harm her.

Her father huh, she never speak his name along with her mother name. But she did tell me that they are not her birth parents. It make me so curious, I don't want to force her to speak things she doesn't want, I guess I have to wait for her to tell me.

"Grandpa is something wrong you seem to be troubled?" Aoi asked me while walking beside me. I'm startled because I forgotten that Aoi is beside me.

"Nothing just wondering about something." I answer her with a smile. Aoi give me a nod but I bet she isn't convince with my excuses. After all she can hear my thoughts if she wanted.

Aoi is kind so she won't hear my personal thought until I give a permission. When she accidentally heard, she will keep it as a personal secret and keep it away from other until the person confess.

I smile at the thought, I'm glad to have a good granddaughter like her. She is like the most kind person in the world I ever meet, but I also worry her kindness is being used by other like Laxus.

Laxus have changed since I told him about his father and the fact that others only see him as my grandson not himself. Others never give him the credit he wanted so that make him pursue power that only for himself.

That also the time Aoi come to the guild. I thought maybe Aoi can heal the loneliness that Laxus felt and I'm right, Laxus become more open to her. Her kindness reach him. But after knowing that Aoi is slowly dying, he become more desperate to have power.

He is now believe power is everything. I'm afraid that he use Aoi's magic lacrima for no good. I begin to doubt if my decision to entrusting the lacrima to him.

He also taking Ryuu more frequently now. When I asked Ryuu where Laxus brought him, Ryuu just glared at me and told me to asked Laxus myself. I don't know why but Ryuu always have animosity too everyone in the guild including Laxus.

He just don't show it when Aoi is near. I know Aoi knew what happens, she always apologise to everyone that Ryuu snap. She always said that is the how Ryuu protecting her all the time.

Really Aoi's understanding personality is too wide. She willing to give all her money she got from a job she done to a thief that stole some of that money, making the thief that known very heartless cried in guilt and made him repent from what he done.

That thief right now is in Magnolia selling many type of beautiful accessories. I have seen him talking to Aoi sometimes in the past. You really won't believe me if that guy is a heartless thief before.

I stopped thinking hearing Aoi giggle, I stop walking and face her, my face is paint with confusion. "I'm sorry, I just remember that day. Mister Philip is actually a kind person. He use the money he steal for the children in the orphanage. He only known as the heartless thief because he kill horrible nobles that kidnapping and killing innocent children for fun." She stop talking and take a deep breath.

"When I walk around Magnolia, I hear his heart crying from all the guilt. I come near him and let him steal from me. When he threatened me to give him my money, I casually give him my money. He then snap at me asking why I smile so kindly to a person who want to steal my money. I just answer it truthfully what I felt. He say that I'm an idiot, but after that he knell in front me say thank you many time. I make him stop than and remind him that the child is waiting. As you say he stop stealing and work to pay the all the money he steal and make a living with the children." She giggle at the end of the story.

"Grandpa you know! After I told that story to Laxus Nii-sama and Ryuu. They snap at me calling me idiot, stupid, and selfless fool. I just smile at them, I know that they are worried about me. I never felt being care by someone after that day." She smile so happily but also seem so sad.

What is 'that day' she talking about? She don't answer my question, she just give me a sad smile and say sorry.

Aoi Luna P.O.V

After walking for two days we arrive at the meeting. If you wondering why I'm here, well Master Bob and Master Goldmine request me to sing at the end of the meeting. I wonder if the rest of the guild members is alright especially Natsu and Gray, Grandpa always cried seeing the damage they caused.

And if Erza-nee combined with them it will be disaster. I smile and giggle at the thought. "Aoi what make you so happy?" Grandpa ask me, his voice is a bit weird, I smell a beer this make me giggle again.

"Nothing Grandpa, you will cry if you know what I thinking and you should stop drinking now, Porlyusica-san already told you that it will make your health bad." His aura change to a playful one.

"Jeez, Aoi can you just let me drink all I wanted, I have been stressed for a long time. You beginning to be like Erza as you grow up." He pout at my warning. He begin to drink even more and got drunk, he then stand on the table and started to dance a strange dance. The other guild Masters who also drunk give him applause and some of them is laughing him. I shake my head and release a sigh. Well, maybe for a three or two glass I will allow him drink.

To focused at Grandpa, I don't realise Master Bob sneaking behind me and give me a bone crushing hug. I squeak because startled before relaxing knowing that the person who hug me mean no harm.

"Luna-hime nice to see you here, it must me very tiring journey. Thank you for hearing my request, I want to hear your beautiful voice." He praise me.

I feel the heat come to my face, I still not used to others praise for me even all this year. "I'm not tired, but thank you for the praise. I'm happy that my voice still can bring happiness to others." I smile at him as thanks.

"Well, Hime-sama your stage is up there." Master Goldmine say that while pushing me to the back stage. I released a deep breath and stand in front everyone in the meeting. The room is dark and spotlight is shining down at me.

I never imagine standing in front many people just to make them hear my song. I usually hide behind Laxus Nii-sama when people stare at me. But Nii-sama change my fear to confidence. And now I can sing without shaking, I can feel even if he isn't here he will always protect me.

So I sing for him, for grandpa, and for myself. My voice make the room go silence and I can sing without distracted. Everyone aura is alike, many is amaze with my voice and I can feel Grandpa is proud at me. This make me happy.

When I done singing everyone give me applause, I bow down and say my thanks. I sit in the table where grandpa, Master Bob, and Master Goldmine is.

Then a bird come inside and stop in front me, I took the letter he bring and say thank you. He flew away only to come back to give me a berry and then left for good.

"My~my~my, Luna-hime really loved by animals." I just smile at Master Bob comment. I give the letter to Grandpa, because it was for him.

Grandpa open the letter and Mira-nee voice come out she say that Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza is going on a mission together. He choked out the beer he drink and begin to cry. The other Master is in confusion from his sudden reaction, I just give a sigh and make him stop crying.

"Grandpa if you so worry I can check what they do. I can hear them if I took off my headphones." I say that while patting his back. He stop sobbing and give me a nod with a face full of his own snot and tear.

I took off my headphones and focused listening to their voice. I can hear them in the Oshibana station they having a discussion. I sharpen my hearing to their conversation.

They said something about an evil mage coming this way about to start the Lullaby? A song? No, they say it was a flute. And they were trapped at a wind barrier can't get out.

I smile and using the telepathy magic Warren teach me. "I shall help you guys then" I told them and cut the telepathy. From the guild meeting I'm using the gift that Fon give me.

I open my eyes an it was the colour of green. I make a prayer and I can feel the wind barrier that covering the Oshibana station calm down and back to where it belong.

I giggle hearing Lucy compliment to me. Gray and Erza just say a simple thanks with a smile. Natsu yell thank you to me make me cringe from the sudden loud voice.

Erza and Gray hit Natsu in the head because yelling in loud voice so suddenly. They know that loud voice isn't match well with my sharp hearing. I smile knowing that they are okay, I put back my headphones and my hearing range is narrow to 1 km. Without the headphones I actually can hear the whole continent conversation now.

Nii-sama help make me sure of my hearing ability range every week and he make me stay close to Natsu to overcome my sharp hearing weakness, it actually worked even if it still hurt a bit.

I report all things that I hear to Grandpa, Master Bob, and Master Goldmine. They have a shocked expression and start discussing. I hear that Lullaby is a dark magic that Papa created. The song it play take the soul of the person who hear it.

Then I feel someone approach us, his aura is different from what Erza and the rest say. His soul is lost, he is wondering to look for a place he belong. The kind of soul that being used by the flute, I immediately tell Grandpa, Master Bob, and Master Goldmine.

They agree and decided to trust me. Grandpa sitting near him in a fake drunken expression. Me, Master Bob, and Master Goldmine waiting Natsu and the rest come.

Erza P.O.V

"There he is!" I yell and point at Kageyama who is talking to Master. Why is he here with him, especially while drunk?! Luna should have be with him! Where is she?!

"Mas-!!!" Natsu about to yell but a hand on his shoulder stop it and the owner is Luna. We look behind us and find her standing beside Master Goldmine and Master Bob.

"Everyone don't worry that person isn't that bad. I believe that Grandpa able to change him." She said it with her usual sweet smile. Me, Gray, and Natsu begin to relax, while we ignore the confuse Lucy. All the person in the guild know her judgement on people never been wrong.

We all wait and hear the magnificent speech Master give us. When Kageyama drop his knees and give up, we all come out from hiding and congratulate him.

"Thanks for believing me." Luna said while walk closer to us. "What are you saying Aoi? Of course we believe you, you are my friend." Natsu said it bluntly making Luna look at him a bit surprise the blush appear on her face.

She immediately run behind Gray, hug him in a firm grip and bury her face on his back to hide her red face. Gray isn't that much better either his face is redder then Natsu flame when Luna hug his unclothed upper half.

This is one bad habits Luna take when she grow inside the guild. She unconsciously hide behind a man she know when she embarrassed, not knowing that every man alive is glad to die after she hug them. This also one reason that Laxus always keep her close to him, to avoid this things to happen when Luna is easy to be embarrassed.

"Hey Aoi stop! Laxus going to kill me if he know!" Gray said that after snap out his daze and try to peal her firm hug of his body. He shiver when he recall how protective Laxus to her, that is the one of the reason why Luna hasn't have any boyfriend yet.

"Hahaha!! Serve you right Gray! I will tell this to Laxus!" Natsu laugh out loud while point his finger in front Gray's face.

"You better shut your mouth you flame brain or I will make you unable to talk!" Gray snap at Natsu forgetting Luna who still bury her face on his back.

"Oh, I beg you try ice princess." Natsu provoke Gray making them about to fight. Right about to fight.

A loud evil laughter stop them from fighting and Luna who recover from her bad habit. We all look at the flute that is flying then turn into a giant. So, this is the true form of the devil of lullaby.

Aoi Luna P.O.V

"Hua..ha...ha...! You puny human is to stupid and easy to manipulate but all of you also fickle. I had enough! If there no one want to play me then I will play on my own." Said the evil giant while releasing a few music note.

I take a deep breath and sing the song I just sung a while ago. My song and his voice cancelling each other. Erza-nee, Natsu and Gray take this as a chance to attacks the monstrous Lullaby.

Erza-nee quickly changes to her Heaven's Wheel Armor attacks one of Lullaby's legs and try to cut them to pieces. Natsu climbs up one of Lullaby's arms and kicks it in the face. Kageyama-san, Lucy and Happy are surprised, that Natsu, Gray and Erza's movements are completely in sync.

Then the Lullaby stop sending the tune give me a time to breath and shot black magical orbs to Natsu but he evade it easily.

The Lullaby begun to heading towards the other Guild Masters at the guild meeting building. Gray who notice this work fast and protects them using Ice-Make: Shield while I made many barrier to protect each the guild master from the spark.

The other Guild Masters are surprised at how fast Gray can create things with his Ice-Make Magic and amaze by my instant barrier.

Gray then hits Lullaby with Ice-Make: Lance pierce the giant Lullaby with it. Erza-new changes into her Black Wing Armor then start slashing the giant like a piece of paper, while Natsu brings the flames from his left hand together with the flames on his right hand to make Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame, rush to the giant with it. Together, the three attack Lullaby finally defeating him.

I immediately jump down to the hole and place a seal on the Lullaby flute so no one will use it for bad reason.

"I'm finally done." I release a sigh and look at the flute that warped by sealing papers and put inside my barrier box. I place it back to crate so that the council can find it easily.

I climb to back to be suddenly pulled by Gray and he carry me like a bride. "Is there something wrong?" I ask him confuse. "Look behind and you will understand." He said it while keep running.

I felt what behind and find out that the guild meeting building is destroyed pretty badly. The guild masters just realize it and begin to chase us. Grandpa's soul is hang between live and death because of the stress.

Gray P.O.V

I know when Aoi become quite it is the time when she nag us for doing bad things. Her being mature since young age usually become the guild mother figure despite her age. And her nagging is one of bad habit the entire guild don't like.

"How many time I told all of you that to look your surrounding before doing something!?"

"Grandpa is old! Stop piling his table with complain from the council! Look at him! Grandpa is barely alive because the shock and worry!"

"Gray you must hold your..nag..nag..nag...and nag."

"Argh! Stop nagging me!" I yell frustrated and loosen my grip on her body. This make her squeak in a cute voice, but then she suddenly warped her arms around my neck and pressing her chest close to mine.

This blissful moment is very rare. Aoi don't mind close skin ship but her super protective brother and raging mad dragon always make sure nobody touch her especially men.

Aoi is to dense to know that almost every men in the guild see her as a woman then a friend.

I beginning to remember the time when Loki ask her to be his girlfriend in front of Laxus. That is one disaster, but luckily for Loki. He have a special spot in Aoi heart. She manage to calm Laxus because Laxus know Aoi won't be happy if he hurt Loki in front her.

That make many men in the guild is jealous. To tell you the truth I also have a crush on her. She is a great women that is so rare to find. But she have two guardian that very protective to her.

"Gray what wrong? Your body is warmer then the usual."

I now can feel my own heat is rushing up because her blunt and innocent comment.

"I'm fine! Don't worry!" I unconsciously yell because embarrass.

She flinch at my loud yell making me realise what I have done.

"Um.., sorry Aoi I forgot."

She just shock her head and give me her understanding smile. "It's okay, Natsu is even more louder then you. It just I'm getting curious."

This take my interest away from the guilt I just felt. "What is it?"

She lay her head to my right shoulder and release a soft warm breath. This make my body shudder and I can feel that I'm getting warmer each breath she release.

"Your body usually cold, I always like your coldness it make me remember the winter that I always felt when I still a toddler. That last day when I see Mama and Papa."

She said it with a low voice but I can feel that she actually sad to remember her parents. I know her feeling, I too lost my parent when I still young.

She seem to sense my change. She lift her head face close to mine she having her smile, that kindhearted smile.

"I'm sorry, it seem that I have made you remember a bad memories. I just want to say that your body more warm then usual, I don't hate it your warmth is very comfortable."

This make me in the edge from nosebleed. She is to innocent for her own good!

Erza P.O.V

I won't admit that we have gotten lost in the Clover Canyon. This is bad, we have been wondering around here after escaping the Guild Masters wrath and it was two days ago.

Then a loud sound come out from our stomach. Yes, we are hungry and lost. Can my day be a bit better? Sigh...

With an exception one. I look at Luna who walking gracefully beside me. I'm ashamed that even the great me is defeated by a younger girl in hunger contest.

"Luna don't you feel hungry?" I finally ask her. She look at me a bit confuse "What are you talking about Erza-nee? I just eat an apple a moment ago."

Hearing make all of us except her to stop move. Gray, Natsu, and Happy immediately come face close to her with a predator face.

"AOI GIVE ME FOOD!!" Natsu yell out loud making her flinch. We usually always punish him but all of us is hungry even master give her his most cute pleading face.

"Natsu you don't need to yell! I have apples for each of you." She said it after stop tremble a bit and took six apple from her sleeve.

She is wearing a white kimono with a little petal on it. She seems to love the kimono after Laxus bought her one in the middle of a mission they done together. Now that I think about it, she always loved everything Laxus give to her. He does have a great style in fashion, but I definitely won't admit it in front him, it will only boost his already inflated ego.

After we ate the apple she give us. We begin to grow thirsty. She saw this and give us a bottle of water for each of us.

"Here take it Lucy." She give Lucy a drink that she take from her sleeve.

Lucy seem to stare Luna sleeve very interested. "Hey, Aoi I have been wondering is there a secret in your sleeve? You able to take many items from that thin cloth."

Luna giggle and answer her "Yes, I make all my kimono sleeve connected with dimensions warp magic. I can put anything in it, the only thing I need is to remember what things I put inside or it will be gone for good."

Lucy release a gaps at that information. Luna is very amazing, she is a genius that born from hundred trillion people. She also create many kind of new magic that help to make life more easier and don't consume many magic energy so all people can use it.

This is the reason why the council always tolerate the many damage we did is because Luna's work paid the damage we did and the thing that I don't like is that they sent too many suitor to make her join the council.

Good things that the council know Laxus and Ryuu protectiveness, they stop pestering Luna to join after the two protective demon beat them near death or it's going to be death, if it isn't for Luna's kindness.

"Hey there is something flying in front of us!" Luna suddenly point the front making all of us that still hungry look at the place she pointing.

What we saw is many strange looking flying fish under the cliff. The other except me and Luna went straight ahead to fish them. I know this fish they is posters on the guild job board for 30.000 Jewels to who dare to eat it.

"Erza-nee you won't go fishing?" Luna sudden question make me jump a little before I calm myself.

"No I'm fine it just I have seen those fish on the guild job board, they put money on a fish that not rare by the number we see here, so I have a bad feeling about it." I explain my reasoning to her.

"Ah, is the one that flying is a fish that can talk?" She look a bit worried when she said that. I look at her confused but I still answer "Yes, it is."

Then she look panic and try to run to the other that fishing, but her kimono restricted her movement a bit. When we arrive we already hear Happy crying.

"Ah, I'm to late." Luna said that sadly.

This make the other look at her surprise. "Aoi you bully! If you know why you don't tell me! That is the most horrible fish that I ever eat!" Happy snap at her while sobbing.

Luna knee down and rub Happy's head gently "I'm sorry to not notice it sooner, I promise I will cook it properly for you."

Happy look at her like the earth have been destroyed. "No way! I won't eat that horrible fish again! Give me that one!"

"Trust me that fish is the most tastiest fish in the world it just not many know how to cook it properly. Remember my birthday that fish you eat there is from them."

Happy look dumbfounded "You are lying! There no way this fish can be that good!"

Luna just smile "Trust me I won't lie." Happy give her a nod even if he still don't believe her.

Gray suddenly ask her a question "Are you sure this is the fish you cook Aoi? I never see Happy hate a fish before."

She give him a nervous smile "I'm sure. They actually tasty but not many know to cook them properly."

Natsu is unusual ask a question "So how you cook it Aoi?"

Luna look a bit sad when he said that making all of us glare at Natsu who make her like that, but he to stupid to realise that he is the source "What! Why all of you look at me like that!"

"I actually don't like to cook them much but Nii-sama and Grandpa love it" She said that while playing her pointer fingers.

This make Master curious at how she cook it. "That fish is from this one." She give him a nod. "Well, to cook them properly is a bit cruel that make me don't like to cook it much."

This take all of our intention, we become quite to wait her explanation even that loud Natsu.

"The problem that make their meat inedible is that they easily stressed. If they stressed they will release a poison that make their true taste gone. So fishing it then just burn it to flame make it taste awful. So the fastest way to make their meat taste normal is to kill them in their most comfortable situation where no stress quickly and quite. Then quickly removed the poison jar inside them." We all then shiver at the end of her explanation.

No one want to be kill after the false comfort that just given, that just really cruel. Master bow down in front Luna asking for forgiveness because he and Laxus have make her carry guilt every time they eat it. Happy also crying with Master make a promise that they won't ask that fish again.

Natsu P.O.V

"Urgh!! Aoi do you have any other food?!" I yell loudly forgetting her sharp hearing again.

"I'm sorry Natsu I don't have anymore you just finish the last one." She said that with a soft voice almost unheard. I can feel the glare from behind me, that make me notice that I did it again.

Gulp..."Ha..Ha..Ha..., Hey Aoi can you hear people around here?" This time I said it normally to avoid more glare.

"Alright let me stop a bit." She stop moving and took off her headphones. We all look at her expecting something we all very hungry and getting sick of this Canyon.

"Ah!" This make all of us look at her expecting something good. "I can hear smoke in front of us there is a village, b-"


Me and Happy immediately run to the village she said not thinking anything other then FOOD.

Aoi Luna P.O.V

"-I'm not done yet..."

Natsu he is really inpatient. Sigh...

"So Aoi is there something wrong in the village you said?" Grandpa ask me while looking serious. He know that I like to say the important thing. I don't like beating a bush.

"Well let's just see, I'm worried about them. That village is strange." After I said that I run to the direction where Natsu and Happy went.

After a while we find them lost near the forest near the village, they got one hell of lecture from Erza-nee for not hearing to the end.

We finally arrived at the village but this place is like ghost town. "Luna is this what you mean?" Erza-nee ask me after she check the empty house near here.

"Yes, I can't hear anyone near here but I feel a great magic is activated on this town and it covered this whole town." I give them a nod, but inside I don't like this place a bit.

"Alright Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and Happy will go and search for food on the forest we just pass. The rest will come with me and search this place. I warning all of you to not touch any food in here it can be a trap." Erza-nee giving order to our group and then we do as she told.

I feel the magic become stronger every second passed. "Grandpa! Erza-nee! Let's get out from this place! This place is shaking!"

Then as told them the floor give a heat and the house start to rumble. We rejoined with Natsu's group and climb to a higher cliff to look what happen on the village. The village turn into a monster.

"That is-" I about to say something but Natsu interrupt me again "Food!!!" He jump down and followed by the rest except me and Grandpa.

I look sad and sit on the edge of the cliff "Why he always ignore what I trying to say?" I actually pouting a bit because it already happen two times.

Grandpa pet my back gently make me calm down. "That is Alive a long time ago banned magic." He said while look at the monster who is being chopped, flamed, and freeze by our hungry teammate.

"Yeah, now I can feel that monster is actually the people in this place who is being Take Over by the monster they created. The other is probably notice that this monsters won't be taste good by now." I said that sadly making Grandpa sweet drop.

"That is the thing you worried?" I give him a nod. Then we hear the cracking sound under us and see the rest of our teammates fall into that hole. I release a sigh before standing up.

"Grandpa I'm going to end this." He give me a nod as an approval. I put my hands in front me and make a picturing pose. I say stoically "Alive Unlock." While release the picture pose. In an instant the monster is gone and back to an original village along with the people live in that place.

We come near them and Grandpa start to give them a lecture about using a magic that they don't know. At that time the rest of our group return.

"Who is this people?" Gray ask there is surprise painted on his voice. "They are the people who is being Take Over by the monster and also the monsters creator." I answer him.

"So who defeat that monster?" Lucy ask while looking around. I can feel the stare on my back so I turn to them give them an awkward smile "It not me."

"Sure it not you." Natsu look at me while grinning evilly. "Yes, it only a puny great magician who did it." Gray continue to tease me. "Yes, just a little girl with a great power who did it." Even Erza-nee decide to tease me.

"ITS NOT ME!" I yell at them with a red face from anger. "Yeah, right we all know that you can't lie Aoi." Gray said that while petting my head. "I'm sorry Luna, but Gray is right your lying skill is suck." Erza-nee approve Gray's statement.

"I'M not Lying!!" I yell frustrated. The other just laugh at my reaction. They are a bully!

When we back at the guild, Natsu challenge Erza-nee to a fight. Thus will be the first one after that long time training. I want to watch but...

"Ah!" I squeak in a small voice when I feel that someone drag me. I know this aura it is Nii-sama.

"Is there something you want Nii-sama? I want to watch their match." I say that while release his grip from my kimono.

He then take my right wrist and drag me with him again "Just come with me." This is happening more frequently now. He always take me to a mission along with his Thunder God Tribe and Ryuu.

He drag me to a open field where his Tribe and Ryuu is. Ryuu is in his Dragon form he is sleeping comfortable in the grass field but he open his eyes when he felt me.

He look at Nii-sama who a bit forceful dragging me. "Oi! What are you doing to Aoi?! She is hurt because you dragging her!" He stand up and let an intimidating growl at him.

Nii-sama then realise what he doing and stop dragging me. He then rub my bruised wrist gently. "I'm sorry. I have a bad mood lately." His aura is very tense, he is getting impatient that I have only a few year left.

I took his hand and cherish it. "I'm fine Nii-sama. I'm fine." I said with my usual smile but I can feel that this only give a different effect on him. His heart is full of worry, guilt, frustrated, and anger.

If only I remember my Heaven Hymn I can make him calm and not stressful like this. Being born with great power have a side effects. I'm the living prove for it. My time is not long knowing that Nii-sama get impatient but I have another wish. I wish that I can make everyone happy that is including Nii-sama.

Is this the reason I'm born? I only make Nii-sama and the other worried. I don't wish for this great power. I only wish to protect my beloved.

"-na, Luna? LUNA!" I snap of my thoughts and I can feel that my brother getting more worry because I don't react on his calling.

"I'm fine, I just thinking something. Is there something I need to hear?" I ask him with my smile. He is calming down that is a good thing.

"I just want you to help me to get this item I wish." I give him a nod then all of us fly on Ryuu back.

We arrive at a mansion who is broke down. Freed-nii lead us to a hidden underground. In a empty room we find a glass case inside there is an item that Nii-sama wish to get.

"Nii-sama this is.." I feel a great magic from it but it cannot be used by the other in here. "This is God's Tear. It said that God once use it to seal magic be cause people misuse magic for cruelty. The God is sad by that judgement thus the name God's Tear."

He just give a stern gaze and said "I know. I study that God item you said. I have no use for it but I want you to seal your power. Your magic is killing you every second you use it. Your magic always growing and the seal on your eyes is not enough."

I see so it is for me again. I already wondering what Nii-sama want from this rundown mansion.

I take the Tear from the case and use a chain to make it a necklace. When I put it on all my magic that I store is flaring make the rest people inside this mansion hardly able to stand.

"Urgh! This is her pure half magic!" Bickslow groans. My magic power make Nii-sama and Ryuu go on one knee while the rest of the Thunder God Tribe is laying flat on the floor.

"Luna hurry up!" Freed-nii who finally able to kneel yell at me while try to help Evergreen.

The Tear is swallowing my magic but it has a limit. It only can seal 8/10 from my half. the Tear seem to adapting my magic.

The rest finally able to stand. "So how is it Luna-chan?" Evergreen ask me. I give her an apologise smile after all she is the one who nearly squash by my magic.

"It is fine. The Tear is getting use with my power, for now it can only contain 8/10 from my half but it will able to seal more. It just have to adapting to my grow rate."

Bickslow sweat drop "Is that thing alive? By the way you say I can imagine that that thing is made like an animal." Now that I think about it and I realise that it certainly behave like an animal.