Feelings brewing

Olivia looked the same. 

She wasn't someone who freaked over things for too long. She knew she would just have to deal with the man, when the time comes. 

Even though it still make her skin crawl, she has put it at the back of her mind. 

The beautiful golden orbs and orange lips in front her right now, was a sight to behold.

Poor boy! 

Look at the way he was looking at her. 

He has been whipped so badly. 

Olivia's head was running through lots of thoughts. Despite the whole thing, she didn't forget her mission and wasn't really planning to stress herself too much, because no man could resist her anyway. 

It wouldn't be a surprise if this man's heart no longer belonged to him. 

It won't be a surprise if she already owns it. 

'Darling, is there a way to confirm if he has fallen completely?' She conversed with the system, but their eyes still held each others still. 

It was like they were having a staring contest.