Is this love?

They were expecting some sort of high class club, but that wasn't the case. 

It was just the regular club with loads of customers and a few roughness was expected from drunk or immoral men. 

Brian knew what he was doing. 

They wanted to have fun? 

Then, here it is. 

This club was the type that people don't care who you are unless an issue occurred that arose attention and escalated to police issues, because some of them were okay with dancing while others fought at the side. 

They wouldn't have much free time to do all these from now on. They are still young and the feeling to be extra careful will isolate them. 

One of the other reasons was how going to a high class one would make them stand out. They are a group of girls with extreme beauty and nice shapes.

This alone could potentially attract unwanted attention. Any attention from such clubs would be a disturbing one.