Not taking 'No' for an answer

What's wrong with his head?

That question popped up in her head and even though she was questioning his guts, she couldn't stop how her body was so tense at the moment.

Brian on the other hand, was waiting for his response. He couldn't help it anymore.

When he sleeps, he has started dreaming about her. When he was in the bathroom, he would raise his hand and the memory of her would surface.

How she looked so petite and fragile under his touch. The feeling of their body contact lingered and he couldn't help but want to be with her.

To claim this woman as his own, because he has never wanted anyone like he wanted her, if his mother was excluded.

To fully take responsibility for taking her first time.

There hasn't been a day that he doesn't wish the time could move back and his mom could be alive again.