An outing with Long Yi

Emily hugged him neck and despite how much he's pissed, he couldn't show it and still ended up patting her back.

"Let's go and eat." He said and she slowly nodded her head before getting up to clean her face.

He buried his face in his palms and felt Violet wagging her tail in front of him until he picked him up.

If this is Alicia's scheme to get close to him, it won't work anyway, but still, letting her close to his sister….

When you love too much, you do things that you shouldn't. He believes that now.

Emily stepped out and they went to the dining room.

She didn't give Emma any attitude, but didn't talk or laugh with her as usual.

Emma doesn't look like she cared as well.

That was how their usual dining that was usually full of laughter and talking ended as an awkward one.

Only Max looked affected.


They were all gathered in one room.