Sit on me (R18)

"It's okay. I will find my way out. Just take care of yourself and don't get hurt. I will take the matter to court, since I think it's necessary to openly get permission to investigate the case, along with the police." Michael said and Brian nodded his head.

With that, they both part ways with Michael shaking his head, not believing this is actually happening.

Immediately he left, Brian walked towards the room and opened it, only to see her so messed up. Her eyes were full with tears falling and her mouth was shivering from trying to suppress her tears.

He rushed towards her and saw her suitcase packed. He was stunned, because it was agreed that they will stay with these men and even use their help with their plan.

He had helped her set her clothes and put the bag aside, but Olivia had packed it again absentmindedly, while she was debating whether to run or stay.