A mother and a friend

It was near midnight and both mother and daughter seemed to be having the best time of their lives.

Emma has never laughed this much in a long while. They forgot dignity and just expressed their emotions.

Before leaving the park earlier, Emma joined the kids playing ball. They make fun of her, as she sucks at it.

Laura watched with heavy heart as the kids began teaching Emma skills and how clumsy she was acting.

The boys would facepalm like adults and Emma would constantly apologize, but they are good kids. They didn't mind the interruption at all and just did it like they were having fun.

Laura soon made herself busy, by going to their driver and asking him to help get some things for the kids and Emma.

They were excited for the treat and praised Emma for catching up at the end.

After they left there, their mood was elevated and nothing serious in their heart, so they explored.