She's the real Hero

With excitement, a group of young geniuses, as all the staff refer to the team in charge of the technologies in the company emerged.

Most of them got more payment than high staff in the company, because thanks to them, they were impenetrable to the enemies.

There have been challenges in the past, due to enemies trying to infiltrate them and bring them down.

"If I remember correctly, my dear uncle made a huge mistake that nearly brought about the ruin of our corporation." Emma said.

No one could ever forget that incident.

Harry had been tricked by the opponent then and he foolishly let in a young talented boy into the company.

He fought hard to make the boy the head of these men here, trying to gain recognition as the one who brought in a valuable asset to the corporation, but the boy was there on a mission and Harry foolishly pushed him deeper into their inner core.