To do as she wish

Brian would have been in support of this outburst, but Mary was there while Olivia was in a coma.

He might act cold, but not a heartless person.

Cupping Olivia's face in his palms, he felt her angry. It seems something is upsetting her greatly, but couldn't put his mind on what it could be.

Maybe because of his proposal a while ago? 


He refused to let his mind dwell on the reaction he got in return. She loves him and that's what matters.

It's not as if the marriage proposal was out of his readiness. It was all because of the issues at hand.

Olivia returned his angry gaze from Mary to his own. She looked at him confused.

Her emotions all riled up, that she just wanted to assume shit right now and she did just that.

Her mind flew to when Brian had been unable to stand Mary.

She recalled how he was uncomfortable with her stares.