Fighting the Silver Grade Undead

After getting out of the cave Alex start to walk toward another cave in which Silver Undead was, after coming at the entrance of the cave Alex took a deep breath.

After walking in side the Cave he didn't come across any undead because that silver undead have send all the undead under his control after Alex.

After walking into the cave for a while Alex stop and said to the system,"Use all 20 points and buy me a sword".

[ding! Brown sword acquired]

Then Alex thinks about it and a sword that was giving a powerful aura comes into his hand.

After walking deep into the cave and taking about two or three turns he comes at the end of the cave, there a saw the same Silver Grade undead.

After taking a deep breath he start to run toward the Silver Grade Undead, when undead saw that a human was attacking him he quickly dodge the in coming attack.

Then that undead eyes turn somewhat red and that undead start to run toward Alex and throw a punch at him, when Alex saw this he use his sword to stop.that punch.

But he was still backed some steps and marks of him pushed was form on the ground. After taking that undead attack Alex know that this undead was somewhat getting the power of Silver grade.

After taking the attack of the undead, Alex start to walk toward that undead and attack that undead with sword but that undead dodge his sword and pinched him in his stomach.

When that punch landed in his stomach, he throw out blood from his mouth toward undead, and undead dodge it thinking that it was somekind of attack.

When undead dodge his blood Alex got sometime to get himself together, and start to use his lighting Aura and lighting start to come out of his body.

He use his lighting Aura and rap it over his sword and wait for undead to attack, after dodging the blood of Alex, the undead again walk toward Alex to attack.

When Alex saw undead attack he waited there and let undead attack first, right when the undead attacks Alex he dodge to the side and swing his sword at the head of undead.

With the flash of lighting the head of that undead got spreated from his body and Alex fell down and then a notification sounded in his head.

[ding! congratulations to host for defeating an enemy of grade higher then his, awarding him 30 Points]

When he heard that he got 30 points he quickly brought [Holy Water{Fake copy}] and drink it quickly.

After drinking [Holy Water{Fake copy}] Alex start to feel good and then after sometime he was able to walk, he got up and start to walk toward the corpse of the undead.

After cutting the chest of the undead Alex found the core of the silver Grade Undead, he start to wash it with water and after getting it clean, he sit down and start to absorb it after two minutes the core turn into dust and some of aura got toward the sky.


[Name» Alex Green

LifeSpan» 500 years

Battle power» 10.5K

Cultivation» Aura Brown stage

Cultivation Method» Aura Heaven's

Gift Manual.

Aura Control» Max

Aura Type» Lighting(Saint)

System points» 0

State» Exhausted

Skills» Swordmanship]

After looking at his status Alex asked system,"How does Aura Heaven's Gift Manual increase my Battle power".

[ding! host can have following battle power by following.

Brown»15K,Silver»150K,Gold»1.5M, Red»15M,Purple»150M and White»1.5Billion]

When Alex saw this he was shocked because when he reach the peak of Brown Grade he would have 15K Battle Power, from this he can see that when he reach the peak of Brown he would he invincible in Brown Grade.

After walking out of the cave, Alex start to walk toward the city. The island that Alex was right now has three major city's, while there were many tribes in the wild.

The City's were Tiger, Dragon and Owl. The city were Alex and his master was living is Owl city. After knowing the way toward the city Alex start to walk toward it.

Just when he was almost halfway toward the city he come across of Monster that was very big and look like a dinosaur, when he saw this he quickly hide himself behind the tree.

That dinosaur was still there, but then suddenly two man come flying and that dinosaur start run, but they didn't care about it and start to talk something that he couldn't fully understand, but then a notification sounded in his head.

[ding! host has come across the Fricronnins, the race of the was finally know adding that to Status and also transferring fricronnins language into host]

When that notification Alex now can clearly understand what they were talking,"Hey Alfred I can't still find Alex".

"I also didn't find him Fred, now what should we do".

When Alex heard them he got out of his hiding place and start to walk toward them, when both Alfred and Fred feel someone coming toward them, they look at found Alex.

When they saw that it was Alex they said,"Alex final we found you".

Alex look at them and said,"Do you guys know me". When both Alfred and Fred heard this they look at Alex and said,"Alex did you have memory lose".

When Alex heard them he only nod his head. The reason behind this was beacuse Alex wants to behave that he got a memory lose so that he can learn everything about past Alex because the memories that he got was kind of incomplete.

"Okay Alex come with us we will bring you to your master he will tell you all things about you".

When Alex heard both Alfred and Fred talk he only nod his head and follow them.


[Name» Alex Green

LifeSpan» 500 years

Battle power» 10.5K

Cultivation» Aura Brown stage

Cultivation Method» Aura Heaven's

Gift Manual.

Aura Control» Max

Aura Type» Lighting(Saint)

System points» 0

State» Fine

Skills» Swordsmanship]