Take care of Honey.

"Wow! I will beat you." Suyin brought her fists up. She was stunned silly by Wang Shi's sudden confession. Shocking really! Her mind reeled two minutes back, comprehending if she really heard it? A few minutes before she was talking about the break-up, but the weird man confessed her instead! 

Subconsciously, her defensive stance kicked in, taking his words to be a joke. If he really was playing with her, she would eat roasted Wang Shi for lunch. 

"ZHAO SUYIN.... Out of all the words I expected to hear from you, you said this!? Like seriously!?" he seethed. 

She opened her mouth to say something, but he pinched her lips. "No more nonsense. You are spoiling the mood. Let me finish this."

He pushed wet strands of hair sticking to her neck, "I have never seen a woman before who could put every other woman to shame. For this confidence in your soul, sarcasm on your tongue, warmth in heart, and love in eyes, it is my heart I lose to you."