Story of Su and Ze

"Is he sleeping?" Suyin asked the nurse in a soft voice, mistakenly waking up Zeng from his sleep. He instantly sat pressed the remote to elevate the bed, worry laced his handsome face.

"Your X-Ray?"

"No fracture, no blood clot, no concussion. Just scraped elbows which will probably take longer for the scars to heal. You better compensate me properly," flashing her beautiful smile, she walked to his bed, "Make space for me," Shocked by the sudden request, Zeng fumbled for a second before scooting to the side and lifted the blanket.

"So, what should I do to compensate you?" he gently touched the white bandage on her elbow.

"Not much, teach me how to skid," 

"Keep dreaming. That's risky." He rested his head on her shoulder, enjoying the rare moment. Don't know if he'd get the opportunity again. "Ask something else,"