Voice letter

"Can you tell me what are you looking for?"

"Phone. Where's my phone?"

"How would I know?"

"Dad, if you can't help then please get a side." Honey continued rummaging the entire office, looking for his dammed phone which probably grew legs and hid somewhere.

"Her phone is switched off," No. it was part of the belongings he had found near the cemetery.

"I don't care."

Wang Shi fished his own phone out of pocket to give a call at Honey's number. Just now he had told Honey about Suyin, and instead of giving him an expression, the little one started running across the room in an emergency, throwing things, looking for.... Phone?

"Great, your phone is switched off--"

"Found it!" snugged inside the corner of the couch, "Duh, useless thing. Charger. Now I have to find a charger."