Convincing family 2 (Family convinced!)

Wang Shi noticed the three elders in utter silence, their head drooped low. Over the past few days his parents, especially his mother had said all kinds of nonsense against Suyin upon knowing she wants Honey. 

Not to ignore, they even ignored Honey has Suyin's son's heart beating within. They might be sorry that her child died, but at the same time they were grateful Honey was alive.


"Whoever this mastermind is- he's our enemy as well. Judging his actions, I can say he's seeking revenge. Sabotaging Wang family's name and helping Wu Sean and Wu Sangui up in power~ not only he has personal motives but political. Do I have to go in depths how much of a favour Suyin did and is still doing to us?" He looked at his grandfather who was rubbing the gem on his walking stick, "I know grandma gave you that gem, but can you please add some words here?"

The old man looked up, "Do you have her photo?"


"You hear me,"