They just love kissing me, just like you.

"Then why? Even if you did it for your brothers, why not leave her when they grew old? Why didn't you take any legal action? Was it guilt?"

"Guilt? Never." Luo said. Suyin saw his one hand clutched into Amara's as she caressed his head lovingly. "Initially, it was for my brothers.... then it was for myself."

"What do you mean?"

"Zeke, Zeke, LuLu said he will take me to see mountains! Rivers! Beaches! And we will take a ride on the giant iron bird that flies in the sky! Zooooom! Aeroplane, aeroplane, it is called. But first, we will go to the zoo. I want to see an elephant. Lulu can we take little devil also? He's cute!" 

Luo smiled, and for the first time, it reached his eyes. But the way he looked at Amara was something else, something much more. It's the same how Wang Shi looks at her. With love.

"You two--" She stopped, feeling a squeeze on her hand. 

"I need a favor. Actually two. Please."
