And I was talking about my moon

In the pitch dark, El Sandrios was no more than a ghost town with barely a few lights flickering. Suyin sat down on the terrace, her gaze at the black heavens. The moon bathed in its dappled beauty, in perfect synchrony with its heavenly companion. It was difficult today, and she needed relief from the crush.

She could not help but go through her life. Calling it a roller coaster ride would be apt. Everything that she had never expected happened. Well, that's life! It never stops giving you surprise, shock, disappointment, betrayal, happiness, and sometimes happiness.

Her foot absentmindedly kicked the gravel on the floor as she wondered. That was why she did not hear the man coming. 

"Did you find it?"

She peeled her gaze away from the milky glow to the owner of the deep voice. "What?" 

"Our destiny, my love." His wheelchair stopped barely a foot away from her. The man accompanying Wang Shi secured the brakes and left at his order.