The Blood Bond Snaps!

(Zrudread University)

(Forest Lord Kingdom Park- Maze Complex)

The reddish-brown snake entered the outermost left path without being affected by the smell due to the fact that it was mechanical.

Moon bravely flew in as well, but the overwhelming stench of rotten meat and eggs was proving to be a burden too difficult to bear.

Sophie could do little except offer mental words of comfort to her pet who was obviously suffering.

The walls of the maze soon turned from metallic to something…. 

Much darker.

Dim light shone through the tunnel, but it was enough to illuminate the horrors that lay in wait. 

Biological fleshy growths coated the walls with unsettling appearances that caused even Sophie's heart to skip a beat.

Multiple organs, orifices and eyes grew out of these walls of flesh and Sophie could swear that some eyes were looking at Moon as he flew by.