A Fine Addition To My Collection

(Unova Syndicate)

(Hidden Location- Planet Xerciam Prime)

"You aren't from around here… are you?" Q'reanea jiggled his gelatinous body as he opened the door to the private room.

"I heard there were plenty of opportunities to get rich on this god forsaken planet, so I arrived a few weeks ago," Sophie smiled and replied without hesitation.

Working with information sellers was a tricky business as they could just as well sell off your information to the next highest bidder.

Or worse…

Sophie had already thought of a backstory before entering the inn despite not knowing much about the planet.

There were just some motivations that were universal across civilisations.

Greed was one of them.

"Hmmm," Q'reanea swayed slightly and entered the private room before a tendril on his back beckoned for Sophie to enter.

Sophie walked inside confidently and took a quick glance to see what was inside the space.