Lily's Hidden Power Is Revealed....

(Unova Syndicate- Planet Xerciam Prime)

(Rexanera Sea)

Hiding deep below in the murky depths of the Rexanera sea one could find all sorts of horrific and contorted monstrosities swimming freely.

The volcanic landforms on the seafloor had created a stable supply of heat and oxygen that was conductive to the growth of an entire ecosystem.

Millions of years of evolution had led to a rich biodiversity with extraordinary species that would make any scientist eager to dissect and examine their bodies.

One of these aquatic creatures was a race of marine reptiles known locally as 'the swarm.' 

These reptiles were only around the size of a baseball, but it was their strength in numbers that gave them their fearsome reputation.

Their greenish-yellow skin blended in perfectly with the natural colour of the Rexanera sea, but it was their odd physiology that truly made them apex predators.