The Battle For Planet Xercpolisis

(Unova Syndicate- Planet Xercpolisis)

This was perhaps one of the most beautiful planets that Sophie had ever seen. It was around three times the size of Earth with oceans that covered over fifty percent of its surface area.

The continents were filled with lush greenery, forests and bushes that were visible from space. 

Two blue moons lazily rotated around the planet in addition to a smoky ring of dust particles created from micro-meteor collisions on the moons.

Planet Xercpolisis despite its perfect conditions for life was mainly used as a mining colony by certain financial groups.

It was the only source of a rare metal known as 'Ternieum'. This metal was only found deep within the planet's core and was mainly used to create expensive jewellery.

Currently there were over two hundred starships floating within a thousand-kilometer zone above the planet.