Theories About Time Travel

(Hydra Star System- Planet Eleron)

(Archmage Hollystorm's Tower- Unknown Location)

"This is so boring…" Astrid muttered under her breath as she opened up yet another heavy tome and coughed violently as a cloud of dust wafted upwards from the ancient pages.

You would think that an archmage would cast a cleaning spell to make sure that his books were free from dust but… nope.

Astrid suspected that he did it on purpose to make sure that she stayed awake during her study time.

Her hypothesis was evidenced by the fact that the books were dusty but somehow all perfectly undamaged.

And somehow even if she casted a cleaning spell… the dust would still remain as if it was locked in place until she opened the books.

The Mendolesa girl sighed again as she read the pages in front of her. This tome was about the theory of quantum locking and the implications of time-spatial disruption.

It was all dreadfully dull.