Going Above And Beyond

(Nyrean Super Galaxy- Rtern Region)

(Planet Aquanox- Central Trading Port)

Planet Aquanox was a beautiful planet covered almost entirely by a vast and mysterious ocean concealed by a thin layer of ice.

The planet was heated up thanks to the numerous underground volcanoes and hydraulic vents that provided a warm enough temperature to sustain life.

Many fascinating lifeforms swam in the murky depths of the water but there was only one species that ruled the seas.

The Nephtunians.

An alien race with slender, streamlined bodies that were well adapted for life underwater at remarkable depths of over five thousand feet.

Their skin glowed with a bright range of hues and colours from the sparkling steel-like plates that covered their sleek bodies.

Fin-like appendages extended outwards from the side of their limbs which aided them in swimming through the depths.