Then my world went black...
I woke up to not being able to see anything. However, I realize I could speak.
"July! You're awake!" Said a voice.
"Maria?" I said, it was the first word I said in years
"July, you can speak now?" Marks said
It sounds like she was crying.
"Maria, I can't see anything."
"What? Let me ask the doctor!" Maria rushes out
A moment later, the doctor comes in.
"I don't know why but it seem that somehow, you have lost your eyesight and gained your voice back." The doctor said
"Will she ever get her eyesight back?" Maria asks
"It's unknown, there a chance it will come back and there's a chance it won't." The doctor said
Then silent.
"Maria, I want to rest for a bit, can you help me?"
"Sure darling."
There, I lay in the hospital for a few days. One day, my colleagues came.
"July, we're so glad you're okay!" Mary said
Since the day I lost my eyesight, my ear became very sensitive.
"Mary?" I asked
"July you can talk again!"
"Yea, but I lost my eyesight in exchange."
"Oh... it's okay"
"I can't do my job anymore." I burst into tears
"No no, July. You can still do your job even when you're blind." Mary pull me into a hug
"But I can't supervise anyone without seeing them."
"July, don't worry too much." Mary said calmly, "We'll find a way!"
I don't know if she smiled or not but her voice sound very happy. A few days later I got discharge from the hospital. They gave me a service dog named June. He's a great help, not only physically but mentally. Although I'm blind, I can still prepare food like normal since I've been doing it for so long. This saves me lots of money especially because I have no family member that would care about me enough or have time to take care of me. After getting discharged from the hospital, I stayed home for a week. Then I decided to go to my company and ask about my situation. Mary came over to walk to work with me.
"Mary, thank you for doing this."
"No problem."
"Can you tell out the street names?"
"Sure, I'll sus the street name every time we turn or got into a new street."
"Thank you, you're the best."
With Mary holding one hand and holding my dog on the other hand, I feel safe. Mary tell me the street names as promised. But when we reach Emison road...
I started to have a panic attack.
"No no no, the car. I'm gonna go blind, I'm gonna die. I can't do my job. No no no" I mumbled with my hands around my head.
Mary pull me into a hug, "It's okay, I'm here. It's okay, it's okay. Nothing gonna happen to you it's okay."
I started to calm down but. I could feel all eyes on me. Then I heard siren, it was very familiar. I lost consciousness.
When I woke up, the doctors ask me to follow them to go get a MRI scan of my brain.
I changed into the hospital gown and lay on the platform. It was like something from outer space. It was kinda terrifying. I calmed myself down and the platform started to move toward the circle looking thing. After the MRI scan, I waited for a result from the doctor.
"Miss Zhou, according to the MRI scan and what happened. Emison road gave you memories of the accident and you got a panic attack." The doctor said
"Oh, is there anyway to stop it?" I asked
"Well it hard to say. But in most case, it only happen occasionally. So you don't have to worry about it too much. But to be safe, you should come here once a year for a check up. That being said, you can go back now."
"Thank you doctor." I smile finding the railing.
"Let me get you to your room, your dog and colleague is there waiting." He put my hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you." I said as I follow behind
"Oh and your friend has registered for you to get discharged."
"Oh okay, thank you for the information."
"We're here. Take care!"
Mary ran out to help me.
"Are you okay?"
"Yea Im fine."
"I register your leave, do you wanna go to the company now? I'll drive you." Mary offers
"Mary, you know me best oh and thanks in advance."
"We've been working together and best friend for years now." She laugh
"Come on lets go." I stand up reaching for June
"June come here!" I call out as she runs to me. "Good girl!" I have her a belly rub
Mary grab my hand and lead me to her car. Then we drove to my company. Mary brought me to Chad's office.
"Mr.Wei, July is here to see you." Mary said
"Tell her to come in." Chad said
Mary help me to the chair in front of Chad the leave.
"How are you?" He asks
"I'm fine. But I don't think I can continue my job being blind. Do you have any job that doesn't require eye sight?"
"Well, you have a point. But we don't have jobs that doesn't require eyesight. But I know someone who's hiring. This job doesn't require your eyesight. Just years of experience which you have."
"That's great! Could you ask that person for me to get an interview Mr.Wei?"
"But you need to know mandarin and move to China to do this job."
"Hmmmmm, I don't have any family here. I am very good at mandarin. But I'm blind so I'll need assistance to know where I am."
"That won't be a problem. If you're willing to take that job, I'll arrange things for you!"
"That'll be great. Thank you for everything."
"No problem."
"Oh and here my resignation paper." I said reach for the paper then hand them to Chad.
"Thank you. You may go."
"Goodbye Mr.Wei." I smile waving as June lead the way.