I can’t

Then, he and Weilong pull me into a hug.

"It's okay, it's okay, everything is fine now." Jun Jie said patting my back gently as I continue mumbling. Then, I lost consciousness, again.

"What happened?" I said getting up from my bed.

"You fainted again. Have some water." Jun Jie said handing me a cup of water.

"How long was I like this?" I ask

"12 hours maybe? The director said that you lost consciousness due to lost of blood, emotional breakdowns, and shock. You'll recover run no time." Jun Jie said reassuring me.

"What about the photoshoot and launch of the new everyday collection?" I ask

"We postponed it. Do you remember who drugged you?" Jun Jie ask

"What do you mean? I was drugged?"

"What do you remember?"

"I was getting changed in the dressing room, and now I'm here." I said, "Did something happened that I not know?"

"Never mind, get some rest. I need to go check on something." Jun Jie said walking out of my room. Then, I over heard Jun Jie's conversation with the doctor.

"You said fainted due to lost of blood, emotional breakdowns, and shock. Is it possible that she lost part of her memory too?" Jun Jie ask

"According to the MRI scan, she also hit her head. So she it's possible for her to loose her memory. But now, it seem to be the case." The doctor said

"Will she ever get the memory back?"

"If something happens that trigger her memory of the certain event, yes."

"Oh okay, thank you."

"Also, keep an eye out for her. Her senses might change."

"What do you mean?"

"In the past, Xiao Qing was mute. After an accident, she became blind and gained her ability to speak again. It's possible that she might gain her ability to see and in exchange for another ability."

"Okay." Jun Jie reply

I walk out of my room and headed to the kitchen to get some water, that's when I started to see bits of light. Little by little, I could see more and more. After a while, I was able to see again. Then someone approaches,

"Getting water?" Jun Jie ask.

"Jun Jie, I can see again, I can see everything. This place is beautiful!" I said overjoyed.

This was the first time I see Jun Jie's face. He's handsome and looks younger than his age.

"Wait, how many fingers am I holding up?" Jun Jie ask holding up two fingers.

"Two. Your thumb and index." I said smiling

"That's great! Let's tell Weilong and mom about this."

"Okay" I answer happily

"Mom" Jun Jie said knocking on the door

"Mrs. Yang." I said

"Xiao Qing, you haven't recovered yet, why are you here?" Mrs. Yang said taking my hand bringing me to the chair where Weilong was sitting.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" He ask

"I can see again! I can see everyone!" I said happily

They we're both wordless.

"We should celebrate then." Mrs. Yang said.

"Mrs. Yang, how about we cook something together?" I suggest

"Sure, lets go. Let's make hotpot." Mrs. Yang said dragging me downstairs.

We went to the kitchen and started cooking.

"Xiao Qing," Mrs. Yang said

"Yes, Mrs. Yang?" I answer looking over as I continue to cut the vegetables

"Don't call me Mrs. Yang, call me mom ne-XIAO QING, YOUR FINGER." Mrs. Yang said rushing toward me.

"Wha-?" I said looking down only to realize that I have cut off a bit of my finger.

"TENG FEI! GET DOWN HERE HURRY." Mrs.Yang yelled out.

Within seconds, everyone ran downstairs.

"She cuts her finger off." Mrs. Yang said to Teng Fei.

"I didn't feel any pain. This...this, the exchange for my sight." I said as Teng Fei cleanse and wrap my wound.

"Since this is the exchange, you have to be careful of what you're doing. You won't be able to feel physical pain so you might put yourself in danger not paying close attention." Teng Fei said as he slowly wrap my wound

"Got it." I said

"Xiao Qing, you have to be careful, why are you so careless." Jun Jie said

"I'm sorry, I'll pay more attention next time." I said

"Mom, don't cut yourself again, it's scary." Weilong said tears forming in his eyes

"Okay, I won't. I'm sorry." I said giving Weilong a pat on his head, "Mrs. Yang, I mean mom, thank you for telling me."

"Don't look away and keep cutting okay?" Mrs. Yang said, "Go ser the table outside, I'll finish cooking. Jun Jie, lend me a hand."

"Okay, I'll go then. Weilong let's go." I said taking some bowl outside with me, Weilong follows right behind me holding the utensils.

"Alright mom, the usual hot pot?" Jun Jie ask putting on an apron.

"Yea." Mrs. Yang replies.

They continue to cook the hotpot and then we ate dinner. For the next few months, things went on as if nothing ever happened. The company learn that I can see again. Jun Jie decided that no one other than Mrs. Yang, Weilong, Jun Jie, the doctor, and I can know about my inability to feel physical pain. It was too risky to let others know. Months has past and nothing happened so the incident was forgotten.

"Buzzz Buzzzzz Buzzzz" my phone rings.