First week

Finally, I can leave this place and study at my dream school. Five days ago, I got the latter of acceptance to Shanghai University. I have spent the past few years learning mandarin just so I could get into this school. Finally, my effort paid off.



At the airport



"Maria, thank you for seeing me off. I'll come back after four years." I sign to Maria as I enter the airport.

"Be safe in China, you don't have any family member there so be careful. Don't get hurt or get yourself into a bad situation. Update every weekend alright?" Maria said

"I will. I have to go now, take care!" I signed as I head to the check in station.

"Bye!" Maria said and left.



23 hours later, I arrive in China. I got off the plane, get my luggage and headed straight to the entrance to catch a taxi.

I wrote "Shanghai University" on a piece of paper and handed it to the driver.

"We're here, do you want me to drop you off at the exchange student dormitory?" The driver offered.

"No, it's fine. Is this enough?" I wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to him with some money.

"Oh, okay. And here's your change." The driver said handing me back some of my money and got out of the car to get my luggage.

"Thank you so much. Have a great day!" I wrote

"You too, study hard!" The driver said as he get inside his car and drive away.

I headed to the main office to fill out my informations and get my dorm. Then, I went straight to my dorm. After settling down, I headed to straight to my class. After a few days, I made some friends who are also my roommate.


At lunch.


"Xiao Qing, can i borrow your note for the days I was absent?" Ask Ming Yue, my classmate/ Friend/ roommate.

"Sure, illl give it to y when we get back to our dorm." I wrote down on my phone and show it to her.

"Thanks, you're the best." Ming Yue said smiling brightly

"No problem. By the way, where the others?" I typed

"Tian Ge went on a date with her boyfriend. Yan Yan have to stayed behind to assist the teacher with the up coming event. I don't know about Wu Pei." Ming Yue replies

"Oh, okay. We should hurry up, our next class is starting in 10 minutes." I typed


"Excuse me, can I sit here?" Ask an unfamiliar voice.

"Sure, we're leaving anyways." I typed in my phone as I turn around to show it to the person.

"Oh okay." The person reply and took a seat.

"Ming Yue, I'm done. Let's go!" I typed showing my phone to Ming Yue as I stand up with my tray.

"Oh okay. Let's go." Ming Yue said standing up as well.

"Enjoy your lunch." She said turning to the person.

"Have a good day!" I typed showing to the person waving goodbye.

"Hey, do you know that guy?" I typed, "You seemed flustered back there.

"You don't know? He's the principal's son, Wu Dong Hai. He's one of the handsomest and talented guy on campus. He's very popular, how do you not know him?" Ming Yue said

"Oh, I don't really pay attention. You said he's one of the handsomest and talented guy in the school, there are others?" I asked

"Yea. There are other guys too, they're all in the student council. There's Wang Mei Zou, he's the heir of the Wang family. He's extremely talented and handsome. There's Lee Min Jun, he's an exchange student from Korea. He majoring in finance, music, business administration, and acting. It's believed that he's a trainee at one of the big company. He's my ideal type. Then there's Le Quang Minh, he's Vietnamese. He's the head of student council, he's very charming. He's the most popular out of the whole student council. Oh and the student council only have 6 members. They are all handsome and talented boys in their sophomore year."

"So there's Wu Dong Hai, Wang Mei Zou, Lee Min Jun, and Le Quang Minh. That's only four people, what about the other two?"

"The Vice President is Lee Kang, he and Min Jun are twins. Not many people know about him. The sixth member of the student council is unknown."

"So there are little information about the fifth member. And the last member of the student council is unknown?"

"Yea basically."

"Class starting!"


After class


"Hello, would you mind if we join your group? It seem that you are missing two male members." A classmate offer.

"Sure!" Ming Yue said before I could type anything.

"Great!" He replies

"I'm Gu Ming Yue, I'm a freshman. Fashion major." She introduced herself.

"I'm Zhou July, but my friends call me Xiao Qing. I'm an exchange student, freshman. I major in business administration and Fashion." I typed

"And she's mute." Ming Yue adds

"Oh. I'm Lee Kang, korean exchange student. I'm a junior majoring in fashion, acting, and music." Lee Kang introduces himself.

"Wait are you the Vice President of the student council?" Ming Yue ask surprised

"Yea, nice to meet you all!" Lee Kang said

"Nice to meet you, hope we work well together. We still need another male member, do you know anyone who's hold like to join the group?" I asked

"Well, my twin, Lee Min Jun, doesn't have a group. Perhaps he could join."

"Great, we have enough people then." I said.

"Alright, let's exchange number. I'll Create a group chat where we can share information." Lee Kang said giving his phone to me.

"This is Ming Yue's and my number." I wrote on a piece of paper and hand it to Lee Kang.

"Oh okay." He said taking his phone back to type in the numbers.

"Me and Ming Yue have to go now, we'll talk about the project later!" I typed gathering my and Ming Yue's stuff.

"Oh okay, bye!" Lee Kang said moving aside leaving space for Ming Yue and I to pass through.

"Bye!" I typed as I practically dragged Ming Yue, who is frozen, out of the classroom.