
"We only offer to go after 10pm but if you don't have anywhere to go, you can always sit at table 14 over near the window." I quickly typed out the message and play it out.

"Oh, thank you so much." He said with a happy tone.

I turn to make some drinks only to realize I still have the mascot on. I ran into the back and quickly change out of the mascot. Then I went back out to prepare the drink and goods. I put them all on a tray and brought it to table 14.

"Thank you." He said when I set down the tray

No problem I signaled

"By the way," he said looking up

I turned around to him

"Never mind." He said, looking back outside the window.

He seemed to got something on his mind. I went to the counter to get my phone and came back to the table, taking a seat.

He gave me a confused look.

"You seem to got something on your mind." I played out the message.

He hesitated, "No, I," he sighs

"I'm just not used to spending New Year alone." He continued

"What happened?"

"Just, my parents went on a business trip."

I nodded.

We sat there and stared out the street for hours. Not a single word spoken.

The fireworks went off. We just sat there and admired the fireworks.

"It's late, I should get going." He said standing up with his tray.

I stood up as well.

"Thank you and sorry for bothering you." He said putting his tray away and left the store.

I watched as he leaves the store.

I went back out and cleaned up the store. It was about an hour later when I finished cleaning up the store. I left the store, making sure to lock it.

I looked at my phone, 1AM

I don't know what went through my mind at that time but I didn't want to go back to the dorm. Maybe it's because no one is there. Maybe it's because the city just seemed beautiful that night. Maybe it's because it's Lunar New Year. Whatever it was, I ended up wandering around the city. It was peaceful. In the mist of people celebrating New, I somehow felt at peace.

Now, most people had already gone to bed. The street is empty. Just me and the street lamps, but still somehow, I didn't feel alone. It's now 3AM. I should head back. After all, I am still a girl. It's not good to wander the street alone at this hour.

I walked back to the dormitory. Thankfully, it's not closed yet as many students are now getting back to the dorm as well. I went to my dorm and turned on the light.

"Xiao Qing?" Wu Pei said with a sleepy tone. She peeked her head out of her bed to check if it was me.

I waved at her.

"What were you doing to come back at this time?" She questioned.

"I took a stroll around the city after work. It was pretty." I typed out then replay it.


"I thought you were going to visit your parents."

"Oh, that. I booked the wrong flight. Instead of it being today, it was for tomorrow. Figured I go back and get some rest then fly out tomorrow."

"Oh, sleep tight then."

We both went to sleep. I woke up to an incoming call. I looked at the caller ID, it was Yuan Jun. I picked up.

"Hey, are you free today? I wanna bring you somewhere," Yuan Jun said over the phone.

There was along pause.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you see my text message. Please answer me." He said before hanging up.

I checked his messages and replied to him.


I'm free today.

Sorry, I was sleeping.

Oh, I'm so sorry for waking you up.

No, it's fine.

Where do you wanna

bring me today?

Secret, I'll pick you up at 12 then!



I checked the time, it was 11:30. I scrambled out of bed and quickly got ready. I took my bag and put in some personal items before leaving the dorm. When I got out of the dormitory, I found Yuan Jun waiting hold a bag of some sort. He noticed me and headed toward me.

"Hey, figured you haven't gotten breakfast yet." He said lifting up the bag he was holding.

I signed thank you. It was one of the thing he could understood.

"I didn't know what you'd like so I just got some bread and water."

"That's okay"

"Let's go. We'll need to catch the train."

We both ran to the train station hoping that we could catch the incoming train. Luckily we made it.