
Before heading outside and ordering a ride home, I decided to head to the bathroom quickly. It was going to be a long drive home and I didn't want to have to stop anywhere.

I wandered around for a bit lost as I didn't want to ask for directions but wasn't familiar with the layout to get where I needed to be. I eventually came across a door that said Men's Room.

Thrilled I continued down the same hallway in hopes of finding the matching restroom.

As I was walking down, I noticed a brightly lit room with the door shut up ahead. Although I was still far away, I could hear a couple of raised voices inside the room. I continued walking closer in hopes that I would see the women's room as soon as possible. I didn't want to be noticed in case somebody decided to leave that room. They could be discussing business deals or secrets and I didn't want to be under any suspicion.

I was almost to the door with no women's restroom in-sight when I considered turning back and trying the other side of the hallway. I had a dark foreboding feeling that was making me feel anxious. I wanted to write it off as just my turbulent emotions from my ex-fiance and sister getting together but I just couldn't.

Making a swift decision, I turned around immediately and began heading back. As I began my trek back, I heard a male voice firmly say "I didn't agree to the marriage. Whether or not you made the decision while I was gone and she has been calling herself my wife is not my problem. I suggest you organize what you need to say and tell it to the Christian family immediately. Because you will not like how I would handle it. Just know my temper is short and I'm not afraid to make a mess. Enjoy your evening."

Then the sound of a door opening.

I unwittingly turned back for a glimpse at who was exiting the room.

At first, I could only see the shadow of his figure before he moved forward. The hallway was softly lit with recessed lights near the floor and by doors.

He seemed tall and slim yet nicely proportioned. His suit well fitted to his body shape. I glimpsed deep-set eyes, thick arched eyebrows and a 5 o'clock shadow. His lips were drawn into a thin line and he looked mildly irritated. As he stepped forward his eyes focused on and connected with mine. I graced him with an awkward smile before turning away hoping he wouldn't call out to me or accuse me of trying to listen in on his conversation.

I seemed to be worried for nothing as he didn't attempt to say anything. I could hear his footsteps behind me and although it was a bit nerve-wracking, I wasn't too worried. I was in a house owned by my family, with hundreds of people around. I'm sure there were even cameras I wasn't aware of. There was no way he could do anything to me without anybody finding out.

I continued walking forward nervously passing the Men's Room again heading back where I came from.

I sped up as quickly as I could without looking disgraceful while looking left and right for the Women's room. Finally spotting it, I entered the main door rapidly and quickly dashed through the waiting room through another set of doors. Panting I glanced around to make sure that it was clear.

Why was I being paranoid?

Collecting myself, I quickly used the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror while washing my hands.

I had a heart-shaped face, dark nicely shaped eyebrows over my hazel green eyes. I had a slightly arched nose and full red lips. With my caramel skin, and black curly hair I was reminded of how different I looked from the rest of my family.

Shaking myself out of my bad mood, I dried my hands and reached for the phone I had hidden on a thigh strap pouch. Quickly ordering a ride, I started to make my way back towards the house entrance.

There were a couple of people standing around conversing in the foyer so I quickly exited to go wait by the well-lit valet stand.

There was only one man standing out there, looking down at his phone. As I approached, he turned to look back and I slowed down when I saw his face. What were the odds?