

My father commanded from his desk. Of course, he didn't bother to look up at me, all his attention was fixed on the papers on his desk.

I sat in the only open chair in the tense silence. While waiting for him to speak, I glanced around the study. Tall windows facing the garden let in large amounts of light. Floor to ceiling dark wood bookshelves lined the walls. The large ebony desk in front of me was covered in neatly stacked papers. It was a stark room, empty of decorations and gave off a cold, imposing feel, just like the owner.

The man sitting behind it was tall and slim. His face was stern, a pair of wire-framed glasses on his face, his salt, and pepper hair combed back neatly. He was the very picture of a strict father.

"Explain yourself." Short, sweet, and to the point. Still not bothering to look at me.

"I don't understand what you mean." I kept my replies polite and concise.

"Don't play around with me. I assume you've seen the news. What happened yesterday? When and where did you meet the son of the Rockefeller family? Explain yourself." at this he finally looked up, the rage on his face palpable. His words were like bullets.

"I've seen the news. I have no relation with him. We just happened to be in the same place at the same time. The media is blowing this out of proportion."

"Canary. Do not test my patience or intelligence. I understand you may be upset about your sister's engagement but it was a decision made in the family's interest. The fact that you would engineer such a situation to show your displeasure really speaks of your narrow mindedness. What would you do if the Christian family thought we meant them ill will with this stunt you just pulled? Besides, do you really think you're in a position to fight with your sister?" As if he hadn't heard my words he continued ranting on.

"I don't understand what you mean father. I didn't engineer any situation. Nothing was planned. It was a simple coincidence that we happened to be there at the same time." I replied as calmly as I could. I was innocent in this matter and didn't understand why he was trying to pin something on me.

"I don't care. These careless actions of yours have now put our family in the spotlight and in conflict with the Christian family. What was supposed to be a joyous announcement of the union between our families has now turned out to be a parodical situation engineered by you. The news is now filled with your little tête-à-tête last night. Instead of standing in support of your sister and your family, you decided to go meet some man. Their family could now believe we used this situation to gain access to both Rockefeller heir and the Christian boy."

"Father, you're being ridiculous. I don't even know the man-"

"Be quiet when I am speaking to you! I am warning you now Canary. Do not make any more waves. You will go and apologize to your sister for ruining her big night! You will ride out the rest of your semester quietly! You will stay away from the Christian boy and let me not see you in the news again! Am I clear?!" The last few words were accompanied by his fist slamming on the desk.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. You're dismissed. Close the door on your way out."

I got up, bowed slightly and left. There was nothing else to say. He had clearly made up his mind.

Although the situation was coincidental, everyone including my supposedly well educated, well-informed father thought it was a plot.

I couldn't see the logic though. I had no connection to Avery Rockefeller. We had never met until last night and by all assumptions, he was happily married. We innocently met at his step-son's engagement party where lots of families were attending. Where was the plot in that?

Vowing to keep my head down for the next couple weeks and definitely not apologize to my sister, I called a ride to take me to my favorite coffee shop in the city - Ibrik.