Chapter 17 - Trap(1)

Wha-? Wh-Where am I?

I felt extremely groggy as I woke up. My head was pounding harshly and my vision was a little blurry. Sitting up slowly, I realized I wasn't in my own bed or bedroom.

Where was I then?

Whatever I was laying on was extremely uncomfortable. I could feel a slight soreness in my body that probably came from laying on it for a while.

Looking around confirmed I definitely wasn't in my room. I was in some sort of small windowless room and was laying on some raggedy cot. There was no other furniture and the space was dimly lit with barely enough room to walk around.

A quick check of my surroundings showed that I didn't have my bag or phone. My head felt a bit sore and running my fingers through my hair showed that there was quite a large knot on the back of my head. I guess I had been knocked out by one of the servants and dropped here. Lovely.

Thankfully, I was still fully dressed and my shoes were still on. It looked like they had just taken my bag and phone.

Damn it.

I didn't have time for this at all. I needed to get out of here. I didn't know how much time had passed and I would not- could not miss my own graduation. I rapidly got up and patted myself down. No phone, no smartwatch. Nothing.

Double damn it.

I got up checked the door. It had no handle and seemed to be jammed tight. Furious, I started kicking the door as hard as I could.

Thud! Thud! Thud! I was kicking it with all my might and considering I played sports and exercised fairly regularly, it was quite a lot of force. The door unfortunately, did not budge a single bit.

"Let me out! Let me out right now! I don't understand why you're doing this! You don't even want me! You should be happy I am leaving and will not be spoiling the great Blackwell name!"

"Let." Kick

"Me" Kick

"Out!" Kick



"Let me go!"

Honestly, they made kicking down doors look easier in movies.

I continued yelling and kicking the door for 5 more minutes, but it looked like either nobody was round, or I was being ignored. More likely it was the latter and I wouldn't be surprised if the soundproofing was also top notch.

My stomach growled and I realized I hadn't eaten in a very long time. In fact, I had skipped dinner the day before and not eaten anything for breakfast either. I was starving and thirsty.

"I need to use the bathroom! I'm going to pee myself!" I shouted in hopes that someone would at least come to let me use the bathroom.

Nothing. Just silence.

Were they just going to ignore me? What if I really needed to pee? Would I have to pee in the corner like an inmate?

I collapsed against the door and sobbed, dropping my had onto my knees.

I don't get it.

I couldn't understand why it was like this. Why couldn't they just let me leave peacefully. I just wanted to graduate, leave the house and be free to live my life however I saw fit. I didn't understand why my family was reacting this way. It seemed that anytime I wanted to gain any independence or escape their influence, they made every effort to try and squash me. They had made it very clear that I wasn't wanted but then they refused to free me. Why? There was nothing I could offer them. I wasn't even a valuable pawn for the family. Why bother keeping me around if I was so hated.

It was so frustrating!

I couldn't get out and couldn't contact anyone! If only I had a phone or walkie talkie or something.

I just had to depend on my stepmother's goodwill to let me out before I starved to death.

And who knew when she would? It definitely wouldn't be before graduation. If I didn't attend, then there would be no one to upstage her children in front of other high society families.

Tired if my futile situation, I continued crying.

Sniffling, I clasped my hand and prayed as hard as I could – Please God if you exist, please help me get out of here. I will definitely devote myself to whoever can get me out of here before tomorrow.

Feeling exhausted and a bit woozy, I dozed off into a fitful sleep.