
He was once The Federation's strongest soldier. Their greatest ally. But for some reason, he rebelled and became their greatest enemy.

That is why they want him dead. That's why he is currently in this dire situation.

Xenn looked around to see the handful of federal soldiers that surrounded him. He recognized most of them, and was certain that they were among The Human Federation's strongest soldiers. He really could die this time.

Initially the squad were up to a dozen, but he had knocked out the ones with long-ranged weapons. Now, anyone that wanted to kill him had to come within the range of his mythical staff.

He took a step back after an Elite Force soldier successfully knocked his weapon out of his hands. It is almost impossible to disarm Xenn in a fight, but there are many reasons why this high-ranked soldier could achieve such a great feat.

The first reason was fatigue. Just standing in this dessert was enough to make anyone exhausted. Yet Xenn still had to fight, to survive this assassination attempt.

Around him were numerous other soldiers that took turns at him, while also blocking every escape route. This was the second reason: he was outnumbered.

Instead of attacking him together, they fought him in smaller groups to wear him out. If they had done otherwise, they would've given him a chance to wipe them all out at once.

The high-ranked soldier was about to finish off the defenseless rebel, but he stopped the moment he saw Xenn's grin. Something was up. He was definitely running into a trap.

The colonel reflexively bent and the traitor's elegant silver staff swiftly missed him, but Xenn's grin didn't vanish because he hoped the high-ranked soldier would notice and dodge his flying weapon.

He really did set a trap, but it wasn't for the colonel. His mythical staff kept flying at a great speed till it met an unsuspecting soldier, whose eyes were glowing. Getting the jump on this soldier was the true reason why Xenn faked getting disarmed. The rebel needed to get rid of this sergeant, and his annoying flair, in order to win this unfair fight.

"Null, watch out!"

A well-built soldier, who quickly saw through Xenn's plan, shouted. Despite not having seniority, this buff low-ranked soldier was put in charge of this special squad. This sergeant was called Aches Papastathopoulos.

Despite the leader's warning, the staff met its target and with an hit to the stomach, it flew Sergeant Null Noname away. This was because Xenn had telepathically issued one command to his elegant silver weapon: "Take Null far away from me ASAP."

Once the sergeant could no longer be seen, Xenn closed his dark green eyes and the moment he opened them, they glowed brightly. He had activated his flair, and all the soldiers instantly knew they were fucked.

"Activate your flairs!" Aches commanded, and his eyes glowed brightly along with his temporary subordinates'.

Xenn's constant overconfident smile widened. It didn't matter that they were all flaired, if their flairs couldn't hold a candle to his. This was why they initially had Null's flair render every other flair useless, so they could have an advantage.

Xenn could feel everything.

After activating his flair, Xenn realized the strong link he had with the arid dwarf planet. He could feel the soldiers' weights and points of contact on the ground, the tectonic plates far below them and even the hot magma that flowed underground. He could feel literally anything that had to do with planet Gamara's soil.

"Stop him at any cost!"

Their leader yelled, but before the fastest soldier could reach Xenn, the dessert vibrated violently. Sand, rocks and lava shot up from the ground everywhere, except where the rebel stood.

After spamming the attack for a while, he finally stopped. The dust settled to reveal the dessert's terrain had been completely changed. Scattered around the new environment, were half of his opponents, ranging from injured or unconscious.

"You bloody traitor!"

The well-built sergeant cussed before he appeared in front of the rebel in a split second. It was hard to tell whether Aches ran or jumped, but Xenn saw the soldier in his front and before he could even react, Aches's balled fist headed towards his face.

An instant stone wall grew in-between them, but when the punch made contact, it blew both the wall and the rebel away. Aches' flair lived up to its name, it was truly Superhuman.

Before Xenn could even land on the ground, a swift-footed soldier caught up to him and drilled him into the sand. And just then, two other soldiers jumped towards him with the intent of also landing lethal superpowered attacks.

Xenn knew the consequences of those attacks would be fatal, that's why before they could reach him, his glowing eyes widened and the top layer of the dessert's soil rose up and spun around in every imaginable direction.

After a while, the huge sandstorm finally ceased and only a handful of soldiers were left conscious.

Aches looked around. It was hard to recognize the desert and his unconscious temporary subordinates were littered everywhere.

Even though they are among the best soldiers The Federation had to offer, even though they had easily wiped out his entire rebel team, they were having a ridiculously hard time killing this traitor. There was a reason.

This young man, whom they've been ordered to kill, isn't just the first person on The Human Federation's most wanted criminals list. He is also the former Commander of the Elite Forces, in other words: he is their former Commanding Officer.

Dead or alive, The Federation wanted to catch this traitor so much they literally gave him the codename: Most Wanted.

Xenn took in quick breaths, in an attempt to reduce his exhaustion. Even he too would get tired after recreating city-destroying disasters back-to-back.

"Great job so far guys, he is exhausted! On my signal, let's charge at him and end this together!" Aches stated. There was still hope for him and this remaining select few.

Sweat trickled down Xenn's face. He was tired, not only of this battle, but of the countless battles he has been fighting since his rebellion.

Everytime he survives an assassination attempt, The Federation just sends stronger soldiers after him. This went on till they sent the top of the shelf — the soldiers he's currently fighting.

He wanted a fucking break!

He had rightfully won this planet in a P.A.C., but that didn't stop these persistent soldiers from invading his land. Nothing stopped them from attacking him the moment they find out his location.

Xenn looked around, analyzing the remaining soldiers with his glowing eyes.

At least it can't get any worse.

As if to mock his thought, a large shadow loomed over them. It was like a moon had appeared out of nowhere and blocked the sun to cause a solar eclipse.

Xenn looked up and he couldn't believe his eyes. Now, he was certain The Federal Council had gone mad.

"A Mansion?!"

"W-What is it doing here?"

The soldiers muttered between themselves. The entity that blocked the sun wasn't a moon but a very large spacecraft, so large it could act like a large moon to this tiny planet.

The spaceship's purpose of jumping into this dwarf arid planet's orbit was uncertain to both Xenn and his former subordinates. But there's one thing that was certain...

"Has the Council truly lost it?"

...nothing good ever comes out from a Mansion's involvement.

Why, you ask?

Because it destroys planets.