Let's do another vote

The Chairman looked at his successor one last time before teleporting from his pedestal, leaving no trace of ever being there.

"Commander Iris."

The General said, talking to nobody in particular.

Almost immediately, a large hologram popped up in the center of the hall, showing a young lady. Her bright pink hair was packed into two long pigtails, excluding two bands of hair that fell on the sides of her face.

"Lieutenant General Iris, Commander of the Elite Forces at your service." The jovial girl said, while doing the federal salute. She then focused her gaze on Crowler.

"How are you, General?"

"I'm fine, no thanks to you." The General replied, rolling his eyes. He knew she wasn't asking about his wellbeing, but if he had recovered from the last time she frustrated the hell out of him.

"The Council has come to a decision. Recruit Most Wanted."

The permanent smile she had on, widened with even more joy. She lost her composure and started celebrating, stopping only after Crowler cleared his throat.

"Oh, sorry about that."

"I'm giving the Elite Forces this mission because there's a possibility that he might regain his memories or start a fight. Do you have any questions?"

"Um, can I go myself?"

A Force Commander being sent on a recruiting mission? It wasn't even a poor joke, it was an insult to The Federation.

"Of course not! Don't you have more important things to do?"

"Tch. Oh, and one more thing...." She said, but her whole personality had done a 180-degree turn. Her expression and voice had completely transitioned from 'playful and jovial' to 'dead serious'.

"What is it?"

"I request for Xenn to be re-ranked." She answered Aella, taking the whole Council by surprise.

To shock The Federal Council isn't an easy feat, but Iris accomplished that with a simple request.

"Do you know what you are asking for?!"

"I'm pretty sure I know, old man."

"Hey, I'm just thirty-two." Klide replied.

"Yum~ Is it even possible to request a rogue agent to be re-ranked?" Gus asked, downing a fruit that was native to Mother Earth. It was big, juicy and had a lot of little seeds. He devoured both the soft insides and hard skin.

"I knew one of you would say that, so I got prepared. Ecom, read The Federal Constitution Section One Chapter Three Rule Three."

"As you wish, Madam Iris. If a Federal soldier partially or completely loses their memories, by any means, rendering them ignorant of past actions. Such soldier can be requested to be recruited again, by a fellow soldier who has had a close relationship with them for more than five years, which would grant the soldier their formal ranks and titles. This is possible in spite of The Federal Council opinions, regardless of if the soldier defected. However, if the soldier is not req—".

"It's okay. You don't have to read the whole rule." Cali interrupted.

The truth was the AI didn't need to read the rule in the first place.

All the Council members already knew the rule, even Lieutenant Elizabeth Stone was familiar with it. Gus had probably asked the question because he was drunk on the watermelon juices.

"Iris, I don't think this is the best approach." Aella said, trying to reason with The Elite Force Commander.

"I don't remember asking for your thoughts on the matter."

The whole hall got quiet as they waited for the acting Chairman's comment.


He finally faced the hologram.

"So be it. He would be re-ranked. If he proves himself to still be useful, he would be given his former rank, achievements, glory, soldiers, and all the gears he had...before his rebellion. But before any of that happens, he would first stand before The Federal Court."

"Why does he need to face The Court?"

"We have to verify if he truly doesn't remember anything, right?" Crowler answered Iris. "I believe it's best if our fair judiciary system judge his state."

She knew going to court was a trap but she still nodded in agreement. After all, she hadn't expected them to agree to her insane request without resistance. Still, it wasn't like they had much choice on the matter.

"You know, if he is re-ranked, his 'Traitor' tag would be abolished, right?"

"Yes. He would be exonerated from all the crimes he committed as long as he doesn't rebel again or recall commiting them."

Some of the members weren't okay with how things turned out, but not even the Chairman could do much about it; because every individual is below the absolute Constitutional Laws.

After hearing what she wanted, Iris switched back to her usual jovial self.

"Thanks Crowly." She said with a smile, and some of the Council members stiff faces loosened a bit.

In contrast, Crowler's face stiffened after hearing the annoying nickname she has always called him since they were small.

"Thank you for your time, Iris. That would be all."

"OK, Bye Crow—"

The call ended before she could get the chance to call him that embarrassing name again, which made Crowly let out a sigh of relief.

The Council room was quiet like someone beloved had died until a green-haired Councilman broke the silence, laughing like a maniac. He finally stopped to catch his breath.

"I thought it was going to take long before you all realize your mistakes. But I was wrong, it happened too quick. Just know that I would always be here to remind you all that this is all your faults. Oh except you, Rigid. You did well."

Klide mocked the other members for their decisions during the vote, and his compliment made the rocky-scaled being growl a little.

"Can you say something sensible for once?" Aella retorted, starting another fight like they were kids.

"Come and say that here, let me hear you clearly."

"U-Um, can I be excused?" Lt. Stone pitched in. The Chairman wasn't here to stop the quarrel this time and that worried her.

"You are still here?!"

Just like she thought, The Council members had forgotten her.

"You may leave."

"Thank you, Sir."

She walked to the elevator, not looking back once.

After the elevator took the Lieutenant down, Klide turned to the General.

"Why does he need to face The Federal Court? By law, he is to be re-ranked without appearing before Court."

"Oh that's just a safety measure I took to make sure he never gets re-ranked." General Crowler replied, with a smile that made Klide smile too.

"What do you mean by that, Councilman Crowler?"

The demihuman's Representative asked, in place of the other confused members. Cali was the only person that called Crowler a Councilman, even though he hasn't fully dropped his duties as a General yet.

"Exactly what you think I mean. Can't you all see our options were limited to either recruiting or leaving Most Wanted on Mother Earth, because the Chairman didn't want him dead?"

"Is there anything wrong with that?" Aella asked.

"Yes, this isn't a monarchy. I don't think I want him to live, even though that's what The Chairman wants. And what's even worse is that he might get re-ranked. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way." Crowler said, taking a glance at the other Council members.

"Soo whaat doo yoou propoose, Actiing Chairmaan?" The living slime hissed.

"Let's do another vote."

"I'm not against the idea, but you know we can't revote without The Chairman since he was present for the initial vote." Rigid's voice boomed.

"I know, that's why this vote is completely different. It would determine if we should send an assassin to kill Xenn before Elite Forces can recruit him."

"This is a waste of time! We have already voted and I don't think the fact Xenn would get his former rank back is going to change the results." Aella protested.

"If you are so sure of what you are saying, then there's nothing to be scared of, right?" Klide teased.

"I-I'm not scared. It just that—"

"Councilwoman. Aella. This. Isn't. The. First. Time. We. Are. Doing. A. Revote. Is. It?"

The thought of Ezzy finally on his side almost made Klide cry tears of joy.

"Not. That. My. Decision. Will. Change. Though."

"Eh?" Klide muttered, as EZ's statement knocked him out of his daydream.

"But. If. They. Want. To. Do. It. Again. Let. Them. Whatever. Happens. Is. Meant. To. Happen."

"So you are not changing your mind?" Klide asked.

"No. I. Just. Said. That. Didn't. I?" EZ replied, its cute voice sounding like a cross between a child and a robot.

The General looked at his colleagues, they had all decided to participate.

"Before going into our next agenda. All in favour of assassinating Most Wanted...."


Kaly is a state that shares borders with Unity. Simply put, it's the main base of The Human Federation's Elite Force.

It's far larger than the Axes' capital and is filled with buildings which includes numerous landing pads, of different sizes and capacities, that houses countless different types of spacecrafts.

Standing in the middle of this vast city is a huge skyscraper, that's cylindrical in shape, with a diameter that's as wide as the giant amphitheatre in Unity. In short, it looks like a giant can of soup coated with reinforced glass.

This building is called the Home of the Elites, and it is the main administrative block of The Elite Force.

Simply put, The Elite Force is the arm of The Federation that is assigned missions that are too dangerous for normal Federal soldiers. This is because, as their name implies, they are The Federation's best soldiers. An Elite Force Private is as strong as another Force Sergeant.

The top floor of this building was basically one large office. Inside this office was a smaller office that sat on an higher platform. This small office didn't have walls and it overlooked every person and thing in the much larger office below.

Lieutenant Elizabeth Stone took the lift that led to the small office, and in there sat Iris and an older lady.

Commander Iris was also wearing the Elite Force service dress uniform. Her black skirt had golden double lampasses to match her uniform golden details, and her kepi cap was attached to her military web belt that had a golden waist-plate.

On the left side of her black coat were countless little color-coded strips and a golden aiguillette went around her right shoulder. On her shoulder pads were four stars, which was the rank insignia of a Lieutenant General. She also wore long black leggings along her knee-high black boots.

"Thanks, Liz. You played your part well." Iris expressed her gratitude.

Elizabeth melted into a seat. She was glad to have made it out of The Glass Dome alive.

"The tension in that hall was unbelievable, especially when the Tiins wanted to kill each other. I thought I was going to die."

"I know right." The older lady agreed with the Lieutenant.

Instead of an aiguillette, she had on a fourragère. Her little color-coded strips weren't nearly as much as Iris', but she had achieved more accolades when compared to Elizabeth. Her black Elite Force uniform was designed with red details and her shoulder pads had three stars each. Like Iris, she didn't wear her cap on her short black hair, she attached it to her web belt instead.

This high-ranked soldier is one of Iris' close friends and is the second-in-command of the Elite Forces, She is Major General Edith Long.

"It's even more scary when The Chairman isn't around to stop them." Edith added.

"Exactly! I was shaking when the Chairman teleported and they started fighting again. All I could do was imagine what would happen if they actually fought."

"If they actually fought each other...hm...they would destroy the whole building and probably a quarter of Unity. And you would've been part of the collateral damage."

"That's exactly what I thought." Liz agreed, before they both noticed their Commander hadn't said a word since, which was very unusual.

"Iris, what's wrong?"

"I'm thinking of the person that would pick up Xenn."

"Ms. Iris, weren't you going to send me?" Lt. Stone asked. She had assumed she would be given the mission.

"I'm afraid not. It has to be someone he knows. It would be easier to recruit him that way. But everybody I'm thinking of would rather attack him at first sight."

"What's the point of sending someone he knows, when he won't remember the person?"

"Who said he won't remember the person?"

Edith and Liz were equally puzzled. Iris had spoken in tongues.

"I don't understand, Ms. Iris."

"Xenn might've lost his memories but his flair hasn't."

Iris' explanation failed to clear up the confusion. A flair was just a superpower, it wasn't a living thing that could have memories. Even though they didn't understand Xenn's flair as much as her, they were certain it was still just a flair.

"It still doesn't make sense, Iris." Edith said, and Liz nodded in agreement.

"Does something have to make sense for it to be true?"

"...no." They replied in unison.

"Then trust me on this."

They had no choice. They are many reasons why she is in charge of a Force made up of The Federation's strongest soldiers. They didn't need a valid reason before they could trust her judgement.

"Iris, have you considered your first student? The one that recently got re-ranked."

"Ive?...ah, she's perfect! Elsa, call Ive."

In response, an holographic screen popped up. The call connected and a female redhead could be seen.

"Lieutenant Ive Aido, at your service." Ive said, while doing the Federal salute.

"How are you, Ive?"

"I'm fine, ma'am."

"I have a mission for you."

"But my SES evaluation test could come up at anytime."

"I know, but this mission is important. Xenn is alive."

Ive's eyes widened in surprise, as she heard her mentor's words.

"I-I thought he died in the Battle of Gamara?"

"It turns out that he survived, but he has lost his memories. Your mission is to recruit him. I will have his coordinates and some gears sent to you. Oh and one last thing: try not to tell him anything about his past life. He might be reluctant to follow you if you spring something like that on him. Is everything clear?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Godspeed Lieutenant. That will be all."

The call ended, and Iris let out a giggle.

"What's funny, Ms. Iris?"

"I just remembered that Ive and Xenn were once together. I can still remember how heartbroken he was, when she left both him and The Federation."