As we turned around we saw odd thing. They were fighting Jake. Ja and Jimmy flew down fast. I held Ja's neck so I wound not fly off his neck.( also Leon is the size of Ja's eye and Ja's eye is small. But dragons are vary big ) when they hit the ground Ja and Jimmy turned back into their normal forms. The newcomers had wings fish tails. Jake saw me and ran over to me and held his arms in front of me facing the newcomers. He was protecting me. " who are you and what do you want from us " Jake said " we are Lekgos " the one in the front of all of them " why are you here " Jake said " we come from the ocean and we are here to make a trade " the Lekgo said " what is your trade? " Jake said as he put his hands down. I pocked my head from behind his arm. " i want your mate and for return all of our Lekgo eggs " he leader said. Jakes body got lava red. His body got so hot I couldn't touch him. I burnt my hand touching him for a hot second and I yelped. " NO! I WILL NEVER TRDE MY MATE FOR SOME EGGS " Jake yelled. Jake gave Ja a look of -get Leon out of here- Ja ran over to me and picked Me up. Turned into a dragon and flew off. The Lekgos walked back to the ocean and Ja flew back down to the ground.