Chapter 38: an Assassin RisesChapter

Here we are folks. A lot of you have really been anticipating this chapter since the end of the Preliminaries, and I can understand why. I just hope this chapter lives up to your expectations. And that you'll find the outcome satisfactory, at least.

To anonymous reviewer Hell Fire, thank you so much for your review! With your question about when will Naruto be a full assassin, I actually had him become a full Assassin way back when they graduated from the Academy. I forget the exact chapter, but he assassinated Mizuki to become a full assassin. As for why he's learning the Rasengan, he is currently struggling but trying to accept both Jiraiya and Raphael's instruction that he should round himself out more, instead of relying too much on his assassin skills. That's why he is accepting and learning the Rasengan.

To the anonymous guest reviewer who asked if Hinata would learn Bayek's archery skills, that might be a possibility. Some of Bayek's skills or his abilities with his bows were impressive, and I think they would translate well for Hinata here. The trick though is figuring out which ones can work.

Nothing else to say, except let's get this chapter rolling!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Assassin's Creed, or Fight Song. They are owned by Masashi Kishimoto, Ubisoft, and Rachel Platten respectively. This is a nonprofit fan made work of fiction. Please support the official releases.

Chapter 38

…an Assassin Rises

Excitement filled the air, an almost festival mood hung thick in the atmosphere as people filled the streets, making their way towards the massive circular arena in Konoha where the final portion of the Chuunin Exams was being held. The arena was a massive affair, surrounded by an exceptionally high wall made of concrete, with entrances for the spectators all along one half of the exterior base. These entrances led up to the rows and rows of auditorium seats, where the spectators would be able to view the events within from an elevated position. Opposite them was the entrance way for the contestants, above which was a small balcony carved out of the wall, where the contestants would wait and watch their allies and opponents fight in the arena below. Above the normal spectator seats was a balcony where the Hokage and his fellow kage or other important guests would watch and judge their genin.

Currently Hiruzen Sarutobi sat in his chair, his broad Hokage hat shielding him from the rising sun as he thoughtfully chewed on the end of his pipe. He had much more on his mind than just the upcoming Finals, much more indeed.

The information gathered by Raphael, compounded by additional information gathered by Jiraiya's own spy network, had all but absolutely confirmed that Suna and Oto both were working together against Konoha. The information all pointed to an invasion, given the number of Suna shinobi reportedly leaving their village and not returning, and the gathering of missing nin who had not made a reappearance in the past several months after apparently being approached by recruiters for Oto. The final nail in the coffin though had been the capture of the Oto genin Dosu by Kiseki Uchiha, as he attempted to sneak into the Uchiha clan head manor. An intense interrogation by Ibiki himself had easily cracked the young man's resolve, and he confirmed that not only was Orochimaru leading Oto, but he was planning some type of attack against Konoha.

Unfortunately, with no evidence on when or how the attack would take place, the most Sarutobi could do was subtly increase the watch on the walls of Konoha and discreetly alert his shinobi and have them ready for any sign of invasion ahead of time. Even now, numerous shinobi had already hidden themselves away along the streets and buildings of Konoha, readying themselves to secure evacuation routes for civilians, secure vital buildings such as the Academy, Hokage Tower, and hospital, and begin to push back against the invaders.

What had been worrying though was the response of Danzou, when Sarutobi had informed the clan heads of what was going to transpire. His former friend and now bitter rival had been as cold and calculating as ever, suggesting that they launch a preemptive strike against Suna with elite ANBU teams, and strike down their village while their own forces prepared to invade Konoha. Sarutobi had torpedoed the idea, stating that they would need every available shinobi in Konoha to defend it, and that striking against Suna and destroying it in such a way would drive the Suna shinobi to attack with no regard for their own lives, having nothing left to lose. He reasoned that Suna likely was only going to such lengths because of the Kaze daimyo shifting missions towards Konoha instead of his own shinobi village, and that if they defeated Suna, they could then work to repair their alliance afterwards. Destroying Suna would gain them nothing, especially with how many of the big five villages were still highly antagonistic towards Konoha.

Danzou had accepted his reasoning, but Sarutobi knew him well enough to know that the warhawk was far from pleased. Since then he had seen very little of Danzou at all, leading Sarutobi to wonder if the old cripple was simply going to weather the invasion and rebuild from whatever ashes remained.

There had also been a second worrying event that had occurred as well. Only a few days ago the body of Hayate, the proctor for the preliminaries, had been found on a roof top, his body badly mutilated by some type of ninjutsu. A member of the Yamanaka clan had tried to utilize one of their jutsu for investigating the mind of the deceased, but the damage was extensive enough that they could not get a clear image of what exactly happened. Given the nature of his wounds though, it seemed likely he was killed by a wind based ninjutsu, pointing to a Suna shinobi.

He was drawn from his thoughts at the approach of the muscular dark skinned form of the Raikage, joined by two people of similar skin tone and white hair color. The first was a broad but somewhat stocky figure with shaggy white hair and a lazy look on his face, while carrying a cleaver like blade strapped to his back. This was C, the Raikage's right hand man. The other figure, the Raikage's secretary known as Mabui, was a woman with attractive features, wearing a short skirted battle kimono that did little to hide her ample chest and curves. Sarutobi did his best not to stare at the woman's chest as he rose to greet his counterpart from Kumo. "Welcome to Konoha, A-san. It has been quite some time," he said.

"Indeed it has, Hiruzen-san. I'll admit though, I find it hard to accept welcome from a village that seems so prejudicial against my own. I understand you expelled one of my jounin and are holding a member of the team he led captive. And that my other team were being watched closely by your ANBU since then as well," A said, a frown evident on his face.

Sarutobi just gave him a genial smile. "Considering your 'genin' was captured attempting to kidnap some of my genin with his teammates, I'm sure you'll understand that we simply wished to take the necessary precautions against further incidents," he said. "We wouldn't want a repeat of the misunderstanding that happened over ten years ago, would we?"

A just frowned but sat down, as another robed figure appeared. This one, dressed in the white and blue robes and hat of the Kazekage, was accompanied by two bodyguards dressed in long beige cloaks with turbans wrapped around their heads. He bowed his head to Sarutobi, who returned the bow.

"Hiruzen-san, it is good to see you again. It would seem it is a good thing the exams took place here in Konoha. I do not think you would make it to Suna, given your age," the Kazekage said.

"You should know not to make judgments on appearances. I still have plenty of strength and life in me," the aged Hokage said with a chuckle, keeping up appearances. "I am glad you were able to make it here with no trouble at all."

The Kazekage merely nodded, sitting in the other chair present and looking down at the arena below where the genin finalists were lined up. "We seem to be missing a genin. There should be twelve genin down there, but I only see eleven."

"Unfortunately, the Oto genin Dosu was forced to withdraw from the Finals due to extenuating circumstances. Otherwise we would be joined by the leader of his village. A rather awkward instance considering I have recently learned the leader of said village is not only a former student of mine, but a traitor to Konoha as well," Sarutobi said, noticing the barely visible twitch from the Kazekage at his statement.

"Yes, that would be awkward I think," the Kazekage said. "Still, there are plenty of strong contestants down there. My own son, the son of the Uchiha clan head, and the prodigy of the Hyuuga clan."

"Do not count out my genin either," A growled, eyes narrowing at the Kazekage. "She and her team were trained by one of the best of my village."

"I am sure all of them will perform splendidly," Sarutobi stated, ending the potential argument before it could begin. He sat back in his seat, as the jounin assigned to be his bodyguard leaned over to him.

"Our forces all report they're in position, Hokage-sama. And Jiraiya-sama is ready as well," he whispered quietly.

Sarutobi just nodded as he glanced down at the arena below.

In the section of the stands reserved for clans, Hiashi quietly watched the genin lined up below, his outward appearance calm and composed. Inside though, he was agitated due to recent news. He had been informed by one of his contacts in the capital of the death of Todo Mishiraya, his ally in the daimyo's court. Todo had been the one to supply him with information that had helped him ensure his clan remained allied with the strongest or most profitable merchants and nobles both in the court of the daimyo, and from other countries as well. He had also been his ear to the daimyo itself. With him gone, the Hyuuga clan would suffer with regards to its connections outside of those made due to their prestige as a shinobi clan. It would take time to cultivate a new partnership with one of the other nobles in a similar position with the court of Hi no Kuni's leadership.

His eyes roved along the line of genin, confidence filling him as he sought out his nephew and champion for the Hyuuga clan in this event. He had strong faith that Neji would put on a strong showing, earning the clan power, prestige, and respect amongst the clients here to witness this event. Nobles and representatives traveled from far and wide to each Chuunin Exam, to see the strength of the villages competing in them. Those who did well easily won honor, missions, and funding for their villages and especially for their clans if they came from one.

His eyes moved down the line, a faint sneer appearing as he saw her, his exiled daughter. She was currently clad in a tan cloak that hid everything except her head and face. He saw her eyes roving the crowd, before they locked on his own. He felt surprise when he saw anger and loathing appear in those eyes, instead of the fear or intimidation he was sure she would be feeling. Then her eyes moved on, and he frowned slightly. Deciding to bolster himself from that unsettling moment, he leaned over to Hanabi. "Watch closely Hanabi. You will see why Neji is one of the strongest in the clan. You would do well to learn from his fights. Especially this first one," he said.

"Of course otou-san," Hanabi said, her own face impassive, her eyes cold. However, she had felt conflict arising again as she saw her sister standing there before them. In the few times she had ever seen her sister since her exile, she had barely glanced at her, not wanting to look at her. But now, forced to actually see her, she couldn't help but feel that confusion rise again. This was not a broken weakling as her father and cousin claimed. The genin who stood before them held herself with confidence. She didn't want to believe her father could be wrong, not after the certainty she had gained from listening to him, and yet the doubt was there and it wouldn't leave.

Beside her, Hitomi quietly gripped her hands on her lap, feeling sadness but also pride at the sight of her daughter. She only wished she could publically cheer her daughter on, to let her know how proud she was of her. She glanced down a bit at her hands, a small smile on her face. 'Show them your true strength, my sunshine'.

Elsewhere, Anko and Raphael both grinned from their spots as they watched Team Eight standing tall alongside the other genin, ready for the fights ahead. "This is exactly what I've been hoping for," Anko said. "A chance for everyone to see the awesome teaching techniques of Anko Mitarashi!"

"Mmmm, so modest," Raphael said with a grin, wrapping an arm around her waist. "One would hardly know you were boasting, my dear."

She just stuck a tongue out at him, before grinning as her fellow jounin joined them. "Well well, Kakashi Hatake actually on time for something. Will wonders never cease," she said with a smirk.

Kakashi ignored her, nose buried in his book in order to give him time to think. He would have preferred arriving a bit late with Sasuke, in order to get in some last minute training and to create an impression on the clients. Clients enjoyed shinobi who showed not only ability, but also personal quirks, eccentricity, and flair, at least from his experience. But Mikoto had refused, stating her son would be on time for this important event. And so here he was, already in the stands and ready to watch his student prevail. He was confident in Sasuke to win the Chuunin Exams, defeating all comers. The real challenges would most likely be Neji or Gaara, though Naruto could be a potential danger as well. But by the end of all this, Kakashi was confident Sasuke would emerge the victor. And when he did, he would prove not just his superior teaching techniques, but that Naruto would be better under his tutelage.

Anko, seeing Kakashi ignoring her, just shook her head and turned back to look at the arena floor. "I've got five hundred down that at least one member of Team Eight makes it to the Finals," she commented with confidence. "Even if I didn't have all my students in the Finals, I'd still place that bet on any of them."

Asuma chuckled from his seat, putting a fresh cigarette in his mouth. "Feeling awfully cocky today, aren't we Anko-san?" He asked her, only to pout as Kurenai pulled the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Don't smoke that around my apprentice," she said, glancing at Yakumo. "Last thing she needs right now is your second hand smoke."

Asuma chuckled before nodding. "Fine, fine," he said.

"That is a most youthful attitude to have, Kurenai-san! Smoking is not a good habit, and certainly not a healthy one!" Gai said, looking down at the genin below. "This is most exciting! I can't wait to see all our genin unleash their Flames of Youth! Especially my protégé!"

Yakumo, listening to them, could only nod softly as she agreed with Gai. She was eager to see Lee in action here in the Finals, and she hoped he would do quite well. She blushed as she adjusted her green kimono, a sign of her support of him.

Nearby, the various other genin of the Konoha Twelve were seated, each one eager to cheer on their teammates. Chouji had brought enough snacks for them all, and they currently were busy starting on their first snacks as they waited for the Finals to begin. Though Tenten was a little less enthused regarding one of her teammates. She would admit that she had a small crush on Neji during the Academy, and had been excited to be on his team. But she had always strove to be professional, focusing on being a kunoichi first and a girl second. This had won her at least some respect in Neji's eyes, who had complimented her, in his own way, regarding her accuracy and skill with thrown weapons and even with weapons not usually meant for throwing.

Tenten had enjoyed his praise, but soon saw parts of Neji that she did not like. His constant putting down of Lee's efforts to prove he could be a strong and powerful shinobi even without ninjutsu or genjutsu, his treatment of anyone he considered an inferior, and his constant preaching about fate had worn away at her previous crush. She still respected Neji because he was a skilled shinobi, but there was little else positive she could say about him.

He had come to her, during the month long break between exam parts, to ask her to aid him in his training. Though demand might be more accurate, given how he assumed she would. She had hesitantly done so at first, annoyed with his demand but still wanting to be a good teammate by aiding him. But things came to a head when he approached her and 'requested' her aid while she was busy training with Lee. She had promised to help Lee, and refused to break a promise. Neji had been less then pleased, but accepted her choice, though not without a few subtle insults towards Lee and his chances of winning.

So now as she watched the genin before her, Tenten glanced at her two teammates and felt conflicted on her desire to be a good teammate and cheer Neji on, and her desire for him to learn some humility at the hands of a superior opponent. She just hoped that if that opponent wasn't Hinata that he didn't badly hurt or kill her.

In the arena, the finalists all stood at attention, lined up facing the crowds of people. There was no particular order in how they were lined up; they simply stood at attention, waiting for their instructions. But each of them felt nervous energy in their hearts and body, to differing degrees and for differing reasons.

As the seats were filled and the time neared, the Hokage gave a nod to the jounin standing in the arena. This shinobi was dressed almost exactly like Hayate had been, save for his forehead protector was secured backwards on his head, and he chewed on a senbon. Now he turned to the genin, nodding to them. "My name's Genma, and I'm your proctor for the Chuunin Exam Finals. So listen, and listen well. My word is law, as far as any of you are concerned. I say stop, you stop. I say you win or lose, that's it. No surprise strikes, no whining, no complaining, got it?" He demanded.

As they all nodded, he pulled out a piece of paper, unfolding it to show them a new line up arrangement for the fights. "Now due to unforeseen circumstances, Genin Dosu Kinatu will not be taking part in the Finals. That means that Genin Naruto Uzumaki, your match against him will not be taking place. Instead, we're reorganizing one of the matches. Genin Sasuke Uchiha and Genin Gaara will be the final match of the first set. And you, Naruto Uzumaki, will be facing both of them as well, in a three way free for all."

Naruto's eyes widened, glancing at Gaara, who remained impassive save for a flicker of bloody excitement in his eyes, before glancing the other way at Sasuke. The Uchiha heir's outfit had changed, now sporting a black short sleeved top and shorts with the Uchiha clan crest on the back of the shirt. He also sported bandages and an elbow pad on his right arm now as well. Sasuke looked just as surprised as Naruto did, glancing at him before giving a slight nod. Naruto did the same, taking a deep breath as he began analyzing and planning how to handle such a situation.

Genma, seeing they all understood, put the piece of paper away and nodded. "Right then. It's time for the Finals to begin!" He shouted out, so the entire stadium could hear. "The first match is Hinata Mitarashi versus Neji Hyuuga! All other contestants head to the observing balcony to wait for your match!" He shouted.

The other genin began to move away, with Naruto moving close to Hinata. "Good luck Hinata-chan. Kick his ass," he said with a grin.

Hinata gave him a nod and a grin, before turning to face Neji as he did the same. The genin quickly streamed away, moving through the opening that led to the stairs up to the balcony as well as pathways that led to the spectator area and medical areas for injured contestants.

On the arena floor Hinata gave a quick glance around the arena. It was largely barren, made of dirt and rock for the most part, but there was a small clump of trees along one portion of the wall. That was the only cover in the entire arena. She looked back to Neji again, who had a condescending smile on his face.

Genma moved between them, looking to each contestant. "Are both fighters ready?" He asked.

Both of them gave a nod and he raised one hand, before bringing it down. "Begin!" He shouted, jumping back.

Hinata reached up, grabbing the collar of her cloak and pulling it away, tossing it aside. Beneath she now wore her Assassin robes, symbol to those who knew of her ascension to the rank of full Assassin. She wore a long sleeved robe top of lavender color with white trim along the edge of the currently lowered hood, as well as the front of her robe as well, with a coat tail in the back. She also wore pants of the same color, tied around the ankle with her zori covering her feet. Over her left shoulder and arm was articulated metal armor, leading down to a modified hidden blade bracer with a gauntlet attachment covering the back of her left hand, but still leaving the fingers free. Her right forearm was covered in a regular hidden blade bracer, made of matching metal material to her shoulder armor and gauntlet. Around her waist was a white sash with long tails, with a belt for supplies over it with a small assassin emblem for the buckle. Finishing her outfit was her sword sheathed at her side, her bow secured on her back, and the locket given to her by her mother around her neck. (1)

Neji just continued to smirk, not fazed by her new outfit. "Is your change of clothing supposed to signify something? Surely you do not think I will be intimidated by your appearance? Fate decreed you are a loser, a weakling, and nothing you do or say can ever change that. The clan recognized it, and so they banished you. Do you believe you can go against fate?" He asked her.

Hinata just watched him before slowly reaching back into her supply belt, pulling out a throwing knife, smaller and slimmer in design from the normal kunai. Casually she began tossing it up and down, catching it with ease as she gave Neji a smile in return. "You know what Neji? My time away from the clan has taught me a lot of things. I've learned what it means to have people who teach me without sneers and beatings and insults. I've learned how to grow, both as a shinobi and a person. I've see both nobility and darkness in people both rich and poor. And I've learned a very valuable lesson about fate itself: it's nothing but bullshit spouted by people too weak or too cowardly to take responsibility for their own failures and weaknesses," she said, internally smirking at the slightest flinch in his stance, the barest flicker of fury in his eyes. "There's only one fate that is absolute, that is inescapable, and it is death. It comes for us all. How, when, and why, those are all up to chance, but death? That is the only fate that is certain in this world, Hyuuga," she said, almost spitting the name of her former clan out.

Neji settled into his combat stance, palms pointed towards her. "Then come…and meet your fate, failure," he returned, the barest hint of venom in his voice.

Hinata just grinned, before her left hand flicked out, a kunai shooting towards Neji. He tilted his head to one side, only for his eyes to widen as the throwing knife in her other hand was already heading towards him, right where his head had moved. He was forced to duck, activating his Byakugan in time to see her descending on him with her sword drawn. Quickly drawing a kunai, he managed to block her strike, a slight air pressure blowing dust away from them as their blades met.

Hinata quickly pulled her sword back, bringing it around for a side slash that Neji stepped back enough to avoid. He went for a jab at her arm, but she brought the flat of the blade up, smacking his arm into the air, before driving the pommel down at his face. Neji blocked her strike with his palm, pushing her back though and stepping after her to try and follow up with another Jyuuken strike.

Hinata however spun back away from him, spinning the sword as she released the catch on the hilt and causing it to extend into naginata form. Using the momentum of the spin she thrust the blade of the polearm at Neji. The Hyuuga prodigy was forced to sidestep and back up.

Hinata grinned as she spun the naginata in a flourish, settling back into a ready stance. "I'm a bit disappointed so far Neji. Fate hasn't let you hit me yet. I would think you would have at least hurt me by now."

Neji just remained impassive, eyes narrowed. "Your fate is set, no matter what you might think. Two minutes from now or ten, you will still fall to me."

Hinata just kept up that grin to show off her confidence, before taking a quick step forward. She feinted a side swing at him, and as he ducked she quickly spun around, slashing down quickly with the blade. Neji barely moved away in time, but the blade still cut into his sleeve, drawing a small gash in the material. Seeing him momentarily off balance from her two attacks she turned, driving the butt of her naginata into his stomach before he could react, before slamming it up into his chin, sending him flying. He barely managed to land on his feet, as she spun the blade around again into a ready position. "Your move now, bitch," she said.

Neji, refusing to dignify her by touching his bruised stomach or spitting the blood from his mouth caused by the blunt blow to his chin, simply retook his stance, eyes narrowed. "You think you have the upper hand, don't you? That you are better than me? Do not make me laugh. You use the tricks and tools of shinobi weaker and less capable then their betters. If you were a Hyuuga-."

"I would be an egotistical asshole with a tree sized stick up my ass and no appreciation for the hard work and talent of others," Hinata said, mentally rolling her eyes while she continued to use the psychological tactics Anko had added into her training during the previous month. "But I'm not, am I? The man who donated his sperm to my conception made sure of that. Besides, we're shinobi. We're supposed to use every advantage we've got. Maybe you and the rest of the clan forgot that, but thanks to what was done to me, I haven't. Now either shut up and fight me, or-," she said, only to be interrupted by him lunging at her.

Neji, catching her off guard, had a triumphant look in his eyes as he struck a chakra point in her right arm. He was forced back by her bringing her naginata back at him, but he still smiled condescendingly at her. "Bit by bit, I will show you the true failure that you are."

Hinata made a very soft growl in her throat, annoyed he had hit her. She held her naginata in a defensive stance as she watched him, flexing her fingers around the weapon. She shifted her feet slightly before lunging at him, rapidly stabbing multiple times at him. Neji sidestepped or parried each blow, until Hinata spun, bringing the blade down in an overhead slash. As Neji sidestepped it she hit the release again, causing the weapon to retract into sword form before she stepped forward, thrusting at Neji. He quickly moved to the side, pulling out his kunai again to block the sword, moving to try and strike her with his free hand. She stepped to the side, eyes narrowing in concentration as she slashed down at him at an angle. He stepped back, and she stepped forward, slashing now from the other shoulder.

Neji instead stepped forward, grabbing the hilt of the sword as he dropped his kunai and struck at her left shoulder where the armor didn't cover it. He was preparing to strike at her with more blows, only for Hinata to head butt him, causing him to stagger back. But his grip on the sword remained, ripping that from her hand. He shook his head, as did Hinata, both of them disoriented slightly from her action. When his focus returned, he grinned maliciously as he saw he had her weapon, before tossing it aside.

Hinata, grimacing slightly due to a very light trickle of blood falling from under her forehead protector, quickly grabbed a few throwing knives from her belt and tossed them at Neji. As he dodged or blocked them, Hinata quickly pulled out her bow, backing up rapidly as she unfolded it and unsealed an arrow.

Neji just raised an eyebrow at that, smirking lightly. "Where is your bravado from a few minutes ago? Afraid to engage me in hand to hand combat? Afraid to see how useless your taijutsu is against the Jyuuken?" He asked her, easily dodging to the side to avoid her arrow, drawing a kunai as she quickly unsealed another arrow.

Hinata merely saved her breath, focusing on firing at him again while stepping back, preventing him from getting closer. In truth, she had no real desire to get into taijutsu with him if she could avoid it. She knew her taijutsu was strong, but taijutsu was a Hyuuga's bread and butter. Her plan had always been to keep him at range, either with her blade or her bow. Seeing him avoid her second arrow, she drew a third one from a second seal on the grip. This arrow she channeled some chakra into before firing it, quickly closing her eyes as she did so as the arrow flew only a few feet before exploding in a flash of light and a loud bang.

Neji, caught off guard, let out a cry of surprise, backing up as he was blinded by the flare of light and chakra. Quickly shaking his head to rid himself of the blinding spots in his vision, he barely heard the twang of a bow over the ringing in his ears, causing him to quickly drop in order to try and avoid the arrow.

Hinata drew out two arrows this time, turning the bow horizontal as she prepared to fire them both at Neji as his vision began to return. Grunting at the strain as she pulled them both back, she quickly released the arrows, both of them shooting towards his shoulders.

Neji, seeing two blurs shooting towards him, turned sideways, causing both arrows to barely slip past him. Reaching into his supply pouch, he hurled a pair of shuriken back at Hinata, who flicked her bow out, blocking one with the metal blades of the bow as she dodged the other one. Pulling out another arrow as she turned the dodge into a spinning turn, she brought the arrow up on her bow, firing it quickly at a charging Neji.

As the Hyuuga prodigy dodged the arrow and kept pressing forward, she found herself being pushed back towards the wall. Deciding to deal with the situation, she unsealed an arrow from the second seal, channeling chakra into it like the flash-bang arrow. Aiming, she quickly released the arrow, watching as it shot towards Neji, before exploding. Unlike the previous flash-bang arrow this one instead exploded into several arrows that all shot towards Neji in a swarm.

Neji narrowed his eyes at that, a bit annoyed that he would need to play his trump card so soon. He began channeling chakra through all his chakra points, releasing it as he rapidly spun in place. And as he did so, a sphere of chakra appeared around him, rotating with him and deflecting the arrows.

In the stands, Hiashi could only gape in surprise, his previous disappointment at Neji not quickly crushing Hinata forgotten at the sight before him. His nephew not only learning the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō, but also the Hakkeshō Kaiten (Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven) was unbelievable. He would never have believed he could learn and use both techniques without a member of the Main family teaching him. And yet he had done so. It was amazing…and frightening as well.

Hanabi was also stunned as well, seeing the ability and power of her cousin. It honestly scared her, as she knew her cousin had no love for her or the Main family of the Hyuuga clan. If he could learn these abilities so easily on his own, he could grow powerful. Too powerful in fact. She hoped her father could control him, or else she feared what might happen.

On the arena floor, Hinata could only gape in growing horror. If Neji had mastered that technique, then her plan was all but ruined. She'd never be able to hit him with arrows, as he could easily dodge them or block them with the Kaiten. Drawing another arrow, she hoped she could maybe catch him as he came out of the technique as he slowed down, the chakra dissipating.

Neji eventually halted, a dark grin on his face as his Byakugan let him easily see her actions, and so he was already dodging the arrow she fired. "It is useless, failure," he sneered. "I've taken away your weapon and proven your bow is useless. You have no choice but to engage me in taijutsu. Or surrender, of course. Either way, your fate is sealed."

Hinata kept her bow out, glaring him down. "You don't have any idea of what I'm capable of," she said, gripping her bow tightly.

Neji simply smirked. "I gave you a chance," he said, now charging towards her. Only to be surprised as Hinata turned, running up the wall without using chakra and back flipping right over him. Landing she spun and ran back towards her sword. Seeing through her Byakugan that Neji was quickly pursuing her, she spun around, hurling the bow rapidly at him and forcing him to slow down as he dodged the flying metal bow aimed at his head. This gave Hinata the time to slide on her knees to her blade, grabbing it and spinning, coming into a crouch as he charged her and thrusting as the blade extended back into naginata form.

Neji turned to the side and slammed his palm against the shaft of the weapon, knocking it aside as he prepared to strike at her. She spun on her knees, spinning her weapon around her head and back at him again, forcing him to step back as she quickly got back to her feet.

Neji settled back into his stance. "I would have thought you would already know this will not help you. But considering you are so scared of engaging me in taijutsu, I suppose it is not a surprise," he said.

Hinata shifted slightly, her eyes scanning the area through the Byakugan. Spying something, behind her, she suddenly spun backwards, kicking a rock into the air before smacking it with the naginata blade straight at Neji with high speed and force. The Hyuuga sidestepped it barely, only to find Hinata on him again, slashing down at him. He stepped back, dodging the attack, but she quickly brought the blade in an upward thrust, forcing him to actually substitute himself with her bow to avoid being gutted.

Hinata grabbed up her bow, sheathing it on her back as he stood several feet away. She retracted the weapon back into sword form, holding it at the ready as she began a slow approach towards him, and he did the same, pulling out another kunai.

The two soon were engaged in combat, Neji forced to use his kunai to prevent his palms or arms getting cut up from blocking and parrying her sword. Hinata thrust at him, using the momentum of his parry to spin around into a side slash that he ducked under. She blocked a jab from his kunai, using her arm to quickly parry a strike from his free hand as he attempted to hit another of her chakra points. She half jumped back before lunging into a quick thrust, spinning with him as he dodged the stab and bringing the sword into a spinning side slash at his head, which he ducked under, attempting to slash at her only for her to use the armor on her left arm to block his strike.

The two separated, both panting now as sweat glistened on their exposed skin. The trickle of blood down Hinata's face had stopped, but blood still stained her face, while Neji was finally forced to spit blood out of his mouth. The two eyed each other carefully, slowly circling each other as they now were more wary of the other.

Neji was the first to react, moving quickly to strike at her with his kunai. But as Hinata blocked with her sword, he dropped down, quickly striking with his left hand on her leg, causing her to yelp and back up, her leg twitching slightly from the pain and the chakra point being blocked. Neji suddenly spun again, emitting chakra as he unleashed a Kaiten, using the move in an offensive manner this time as the sphere of chakra struck Hinata and threw her flying away.

As she hit the ground, Neji panted, feeling his chakra running out. But he had enough to finish this fight. As he saw her slowly getting to her feet he lowered his stance, extending one arm forward and the other back. "You're in range of my divination," he said.

Hinata had barely turned towards him, eyes widening as he unleashed the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō. He rapidly moved in, striking her repeatedly with the sixty-four strikes. The final blow struck her hard in the chest, sending her flying again and causing her to roll along the ground, her sword cart-wheeling through the air and stabbing into the ground a distance away.

Neji smirked at that, only to frown as his Byakugan noted a thin layer of chakra dissipating from her body, as she struggled up to one knee. "What did you do?" He demanded, stepping threateningly towards her.

Hinata panted heavily, spitting up some blood as she looked at him. "You really…didn't think I wouldn't think…of ways to counter that, do you?" She asked, slowly trying to push herself to her feet, only to collapse again, her body spasming slightly from the blows she received.

Neji's dark grin returned as he saw this. "Even so, it seems you are still finished. Do you see now the futility of what you tried to do? Do you see now the truth of fate? You were born a loser, and despite all your so called strength and bravado, you always were and will always be a loser," he said, advancing towards her, savoring the moment.

In the stands Anko bit her lip worriedly, looking from Hinata to Neji, then to Genma, mentally pleading for the jounin to end the match, before Neji did anything else. She could practically see the killer intent in his stance, as he moved towards Hinata.

In the shadows, Ryoushi frowned as he watched his unofficial student predicament. 'Do not falter now, Hinata-san. You have come too far to give up now,' he thought.

Hiashi smirked, seeing the expected outcome about to occur. It had taken longer than he would have liked, but the end was inevitable. This would be what he needed to ensure his hold over Hanabi, and the legacy of his rule. Next to him, Hanabi remained still, eyes focused, even as a small part of her was pleading for the fight to stop. A sentiment shared by her fearful mother next to her.

In the balcony, Naruto clenched the railing, willing his teammate, his fellow assassin, his friend, to get up and keep fighting. He was tensed, ready to jump down in a moment's notice, but he prayed that Hinata would still stand and fight.

On the ground, Hinata trembled as she steadied herself with one hand on the dirt, panting. Her body ached, her head throbbed, and she felt pain in her chest from some injury she couldn't even fathom. But worse still was the feeling of hopelessness stealing over her as Neji advanced. 'I-Is this really all I've become? A-am I really not strong enough? All my work…i-is this all I've amounted to?' She slowly looked up at Neji's cruel smile, and felt her heart drop. She closed her eyes, slowly dropping her head, as if accepting her fate.

Fight Song by Rachael Platten (2)

And yet as she did, images flooded into her mind of her time spent with Naruto, Anko, Raphael, Yugito, Ino, Kiseki, and Ryoushi. Of the time spent training with them, of their encouraging words and actions. Of the faith they put in her. She thought of every moment when she had wanted to give up, when they had stopped her and helped her move on.

She opened her eyes, looking at Neji again as they hardened. She would not betray that faith. She would not be that weak again.

Genma was about to call the match before anything happened, when Hinata slowly stood up, standing straight with only the slightest tremble in her frame. Neji stopped short, surprised at that and the look of determination in Hinata's face. What happened next shocked him even more, as Hinata reached up, undoing her forehead protector and pulling it off her head, revealing the Outcast Seal on her forehead. Her bangs dropped down, partially hiding it, but it was still visible as she slowly tied her forehead protector around her right bicep, and then slid into her taijutsu stance.

Neji, taken aback, steeled himself. "What do you think you're accomplishing, revealing your shame and fighting to the bitter end? You simply show why you're a failure and disgrace and will die for your efforts."

"If I die, then I die. But I'm no longer going to hide from what was done to me. To the Hyuuga, this is a symbol of the ultimate shame. But to me…it is a symbol of my freedom! It is the symbol of what made me into who I am! And I will no longer hide it. I am Hinata Mitarashi…and I'm taking back my life," she said. "Now come and let's end this Neji."

The two charged each other, Neji rearing back for a palm strike. Hinata slid down, dropping under the strike and spinning around Neji. As she did, he felt a sudden pain and slight burning sensation along his abdomen, causing him to look down and see not only was his shirt cut, but a thin line of blood appeared on his torso from a cut into his skin. He turned, seeing Hinata standing there, no blade evident in her grasp.

Hinata gave him a slightly pained grin before she advanced against him. He struck out at her with his left palm, which she deflected with her right arm, wrapping it around his and locking it before striking at his face with her left palm. He leaned his head back, only for his eyes to shoot wide open as with a flex of her arm, a blade shot out from the underside of her left gauntlet, causing him to quickly turn his head to the side. The blade, instead of burying in his face, cut along his right cheek. Before he could react she retracted the blade and suddenly brought up her left knee in his chest, causing him to double over, before she delivered a strong palm strike to his chest with her left arm while releasing his captured arm.

Neji was sent stumbling back, off balance from the blow as Hinata advanced, striking out again and striking his left shoulder. Instead of chakra though, her blow was aimed at his nerve, and he let out a cry of pain at her strike as she followed up with several more blows, some of them harsh palm strikes while others were strikes to the nerves. He did his best to block or deflect her blows but she was attacking too fiercely for him to block them all, or even retaliate. He saw the look in her eyes, a fire, a determination he had seen in Lee's eyes in their spars. That same fire that he had scoffed at, that now burned in her and was leaving him on the ropes.

Desperately he began to channel his chakra, thinking to unleash one final Kaiten with his depleted chakra reserves, but before he could even begin his spin she spun low, those secret blades of her shooting out as she lashed at him. One of the blades cut into his leg and he cried out, the leg buckling as he stumbled, struggling to fall back and get to his feet again. But she quickly rose up, leaping into the air as she spun and slashed down at him with her hidden blades again, forcing him to fall onto his back and quickly roll away. She stumbled on the landing, her own body aching from his earlier attacks, but she refused to listen, willing her body to movement as she quickly went on the offense while he struggled to get up.

He was barely able to bring his arms up to block the kick she launched at him, which knocked him on his back. Hinata was on top of him in an instant, but he managed to get his legs up into her chest, kicking her off him. She hit the ground, but pushed herself back up as he shakily got to his feet, his injured leg trembling and buckling as blood seeped from the wound.

The two stared at each other, panting, before they charged at each other. Neji let out a yell, his palm flaring with as much chakra as he could muster, but Hinata ducked under it as she slashed at his other leg, causing him to yell out and drop to the ground, rolling from his momentum. She panted heavily as she turned, her blade dripping with blood as she limped a bit back to him.

He struggled, trying to push himself up only to be stopped by her dropping to one knee next to him, grabbing his shirt with her right hand as she lifted her left hand, extending her hidden blade. The message and intent was clear; she was ready to kill him.

He looked up at her, a mixture of fear and rage in his eyes. "Well…do it! Kill me!" He spat at her.

Hinata stared at him, panting and trembling from exhaustion and pain, before she let out a yell as she stabbed down with her blade, as many in the audience gasped.

Neji's eyes widened in confusion as he saw she had stabbed into the ground near his head, before she pulled her arm back, retracting the blade. "I don't need to kill you, Neji," she said. "Not anymore." She looked up as Genma approached.

"Neji Hyuuga is no longer able to fight! Hinata Mitarashi is the winner!" He shouted, as the crowd began to clap and cheer.

Hinata slowly stood, only to hear a growl from Neji. "N-No…I will not be denied…I will not be denied vengeance for my father," he said, trying to push himself up again.

Hinata just looked at him, before slowly shaking her head. "You blame me for your father's death? I was three years old, Neji," she whispered. "If you can't see that…then fine. Remain trapped in your sad world; remain trapped by fate and the past. But me? I'm moving on. I'm not caged any longer by you, by Hiashi, or by the clan. I'm free," she said, before turning to look at where her clan sat. Her eyes locked on her mother, and she could only smile at the shy but proud look on her mother's face. That smile disappeared as she then saw the barely concealed shock and rage on her father's face, and the stunned, confused look on her sister's. Shaking her head quietly she slowly turned, and began to limp her way towards the medical area, while a pair of medical ninja came out to retrieve Neji.

In the stands, Anko was grinning madly while wiping tears from her eyes. "You go imouto. You show the whole damn world who you are now," she said, as Raphael nodded next to her.

"Yosh! Your student's strength and flames of youth were truly incredible Anko-san! For her to beat Neji is indeed a testament to her spirit!" Gai shouted excitedly, a wide grin on his face. Kurenai and Asuma both shared his excitement and optimism, while Kakashi remained quiet and neutral.

With the genin in the stands, Tenten could only shake her head in amazement. "I can't believe she actually beat him," she said. "I knew she was tough but…I didn't think she could do it."

"Never underestimate her," Kiba said with a sheepish grin. "I learned that the hard way in Nami."

Sakura could only smile at the sight of the victorious Hinata, glad that she had won. Thanks to Ino, she was somewhat friends with Naruto and Hinata, and so she was happy to see Hinata prevail.

With the Hyuuga elders and Hiashi though, the mood was the exact opposite. This fight could not have been a greater shame or outrage to them. Here, in front of clients and nobles from across the continent, their best and brightest genin had been defeated by one they had cast out as a failure, too weak and shameful to even keep in the clan. They had been shamed and humiliated by Hinata's victory over Neji, none more so Hiashi himself. The Hyuuga clan head glared spitefully at Hinata's back side, wishing somehow that he could end her with a thought, as he barely kept his hands from trembling from his emotions. Next to him, Hanabi could only stare at her sister, her whole world shaken for the second time in her life, while Hitomi could only smile, relief flooding through her as well as pride.

Rock Lee, in the contestant area, could only shake his head in admiration. "I cannot believe Hinata-san defeated my eternal rival," he said, looking to Naruto. "You have a truly strong and determined teammate, Naruto-san."

Naruto could only grin and nod, his eyes never leaving Hinata. "I didn't doubt her for a second, Lee. Not for one second," he said, as inside his heart soared in triumphant and excitement. 'I always knew you were strong, Hinata-chan. I always knew it.'

And chapter. Wow…well I…I really hope this fight is good enough for everyone. I kept re-writing it over and over, because I felt like it had to be perfect, you know? This is something that not only has been highly anticipated since the preliminaries ended, but this was also my way of resolving the horrible thing I did to Hinata so many chapters ago. I hope this makes up for that.

So, I hope you all really enjoyed this chapter! I felt like it wouldn't be right adding any more fights since this fight was so important to the development of Hinata, so just the one fight.

Thanks go out again to Bill Alain for his work as my beta. Thank you Bill.

Till next chapter then!

1. For better visual reference, look up Shao Jun's outfit, and imagine that, but altered for what I described here.

2. For those of you wondering why this particular song, I was debating between three songs for Hinata's fight, or parts of it. This song is the one that won out, because this song best fit the theme I was going for with this portion of the fight, which was Hinata taking her life back, and proving she was strong. I hope you enjoyed it.