
Kakashi grunted as he slashed through the throat of a charging Oto shinobi, spinning to backhand a Suna kunoichi behind him before he drove his kunai into her neck, finishing her. Gai appeared at his back, his knuckles slightly bloodied from his enemies, grunting softly. "That's ten for me now, my eternal rival."

"This isn't a contest Gai," Kakashi said, watching for his next target, frowning. "We need to hurry up and finish the enemy here, so we can move elsewhere. I'm sure they're attacking more than just the arena."

His words were prophetic, as in the streets there was chaos. Civilians not present at the arena were being escorted towards the safety areas, a series of bunkers used to protect them in times of conflict. But Suna and Oto shinobi had already begun spreading from the arena, engaging what Konoha shinobi were in the streets, leading to blood and carnage in the usually peaceful village. The Konoha shinobi fought fiercely, even brutally, to protect their home, but the invaders had the advantage of no restrictions, no civilians to protect. Bodies of both sides could be found lining the streets, some moaning in pain and agony, others forever silent.

Near the Academy, Yugito growled as she slashed sideways with both of her katar, deeply cutting into the neck of a Suna shinobi and nearly decapitating him. She whirled, stabbing an Oto kunoichi through the face before kicking her away, her eyes starting to glow blue with her pupils becoming slit like as, in her anger, she drew on her biju's chakra. Near her, Iruka grunted as he pulled a kunai out of his forth kill of the day, turning to throw several shuriken at another Suna shinobi who screamed in pain as the shuriken wounded him. The two of them had been at the Academy, as Yugito, despite wanting to support Naruto and Hinata, had wanted to stay away from the Kumo shinobi while Iruka had been stuck at the Academy teaching students. When the invasion began, the two of them had quickly moved to help evacuate the students, only for several enemy shinobi to appear. The two of them agreed to hold them off while other instructors got the students to the safety of the bunkers. Now, as they finished off the last of their opponents, they quickly rushed off to help others in the village.

Outside the village wall, a second wave of Suna and Oto shinobi charged the wall of Konoha, attempting to scale it rapidly even as the shinobi defenders hurled kunai and shuriken down at them or launched powerful ninjutsu, slaughtering dozens of the exposed attackers. It would seem that the attacks against the wall were futile, as the attackers on the ground could not aid their brethren charging up the wall without hitting them, and the ones charging up the wall had no cover from enemy attacks.

That all changed though when a massive three headed serpent, summoned by a ritual summoning seal further back in the woods, appeared, towering high above the wall as it let out a shrieking hiss. Beady reptilian eyes glared down at the wall as the snake surged forward, heedless of trees that were uprooted and tossed aside by its massive body, of allied shinobi unable to get out of the way and were crushed or tossed aside by its scaly bulk. The weapons thrown against the massive bulk, the jutsu launched against it, did little to stop it, save for leave some scorch marks where fire jutsu burned ineffectively. The massive snaked reared back, all three heads opened wide to reveal massive fangs and forked tongues, before they lunged forward, smashing down on the wall, creating three massive gaping holes in the wall. As it pushed its bulk forward, the three holes became one massive breach, to let the Suna and Oto shinobi pour through.

On the top of the arena, the Kazekage smirked behind his veil, watching the chaos. "Quite a sight, isn't it Hokage-san?" He said, slowly reaching up to his face, only to stop as he heard Sarutobi's voice.

"Please forgo the theatrics, Orochimaru. They are tiresome," he said in a resigned voice. "If you were the Kazekage you would have trapped me in his golden sand. Which means he most likely is now dead, isn't he?"

The figure let out a snake like chuckle, their voice changing."My my, how perceptive of you, Sarutobi-sensei," Orochimaru said, peeling away the flesh mask he wore to reveal his own visage, the Kazekage hat falling to the ground. "I imagine this is not the reunion you were expecting?"

"Do not mock me, Orochimaru. Hundreds of innocent are dying right now," Sarutobi snarled at him, only for the kunai to tighten against his neck.

"Hundreds of innocent people in other countries die all the time. Do they bother you, or is it that it is your own people dying today?" Orochimaru asked mockingly. He smiled at the sight of his snake started to advance into the village. "You do not know how long I've waited to see this. After you betrayed me and gave what should have been mine to that Namikaze brat, I dreamt of this day for so long. It is glorious."

Sarutobi's eyes narrowed a bit at that. "Don't you think you're getting a little ahead of yourself? The village is not destroyed yet, and its shinobi are not dead yet."

"Do you really think there is anyone who can stop what is happening?" Orochimaru asked, only to stop, his eyes widening as a massive smoke cloud appeared above where the three headed snake was at.

There was a massive shadow that suddenly covered the snake, before a gigantic toad landed on top of it, crushing it beneath its bulk. On its head stood Jiraiya, grinning as he directed the toad to the opening where a massive swarm of Suna and Oto shinobi was starting to pour through. "Oil, now!"

The toad turned, its cheeks bulging before a massive spout of oil shot out, engulfing the charging shinobi and throwing them back, the entire breach covered in oil. The Konoha shinobi in the area quickly fell back as Jiraiya finished his own hand signs and breathed a stream of fire out, igniting the oil and turning the entire area in and around the breach into an inferno. The Suna and Oto shinobi caught in the blaze were incinerated, most only able to scream as they saw the fire approach, only to be silenced in an instant. Others however were not as lucky, caught on the edges of the blaze and set on fire, their deaths more slow as the fire burned them to death instead of destroying them instantly.

In one single move, Jiraiya had stopped the breach, and the majority of Suna and Oto shinobi meant to invade the village were either destroyed or trapped outside the wall, forced to try and climb the defensive fortification as their only way to enter was denied them by the still raging inferno.

Sarutobi smiled as he heard Orochimaru's snarl of anger. "I thought I taught you better, Orochimaru. Plans never survive first contact with the enemy," he said.

Orochimaru growled, signaling the two Suna bodyguards, who split apart, revealing now four individuals who quickly formed a square formation around them on the rooftop. Cloaked ANBU, free from the fighting in the arena, were quickly dashing up to try and aid their leader, only for the four individuals to summon a large purple barrier around them, separating the ANBU from them, their leader, and Sarutobi. Orochimaru shoved Sarutobi away, shedding the robes of the Kazekage as Sarutobi turned to face him. "Whether the village burns or not today, I will still have the pleasure of killing you, Sarutobi-sensei. Let us see your precious village recover from that," he said, readying himself for combat.

Sarutobi let out a sigh, shedding his own robes, revealing his old shinobi battle armor underneath. "I was almost hoping I wouldn't need to use this today. But very well. Let us begin, my former student," he said, also readying himself.

Meanwhile, Kankuro and Temari had quickly made their way out of the village, needing to get Gaara somewhere safe where they could stabilize him, and he could play his part in the battle. Both of them were sweating, not from exhaustion but from fear of the now silent jinchuuriki they carried. They knew that it was very possible that any minute, Gaara could lash out at them and kill them. They honestly were not sure if he was less or more dangerous in his current state, as he had never been wounded before.

Temari glanced over her shoulder, cursing as she saw movement in the distance, but closing fast. "We've got company!" She shouted.

Kankuro cursed under his breath. "We'll never get away in time. Guess we'll need to try and fight them off, till Gaara recovers," he said, searching for an ideal combat area.

Behind them, Naruto and Sasuke were closing in fast, catching glimpses of the trio in the distance. Naruto, looking at his ally, nodded in their direction. "Any idea what we do when we catch up to them?" He asked.

Sasuke grimaced a bit in thought. "I think you should engage the puppet user, and I'll go for the sister. We'll need to try and take them down fast, before Gaara recovers. Otherwise we'll find ourselves in a very bad three on two fight."

Naruto nodded at that as they chased after the Suna shinobi, intent on stopping them.

Elsewhere, Hitomi was hugging Hanabi to her, the young girl still shaken and horrified at what she had seen at the arena. They were being escorted towards the Hyuuga compound, though fighting in the streets had forced them to take a more circuitous route, forcing them to one of the wooded training grounds. They could still hear the fighting in the distance, and through gaps in the trees, they could now see a purple barrier towering above the arena.

One of the two Branch members stopped, raising his fist as his active Byakugan detected something. "We're being followed," he said, turning. "At least four pursuers, with shinobi chakra levels."

The other guard quickly moved into a defensive position. "Hitomi-sama, you must leave quickly. We'll hold them off," she said.

Hitomi nodded quietly, knowing that there was little reason to argue. She and Hanabi were prime targets, as neither could handle fighting trained shinobi. She quickly began to move away, aiming towards the Hyuuga compound, as the Hyuuga guards held their ground. Soon enough the four figures appeared, revealing themselves as masked shinobi with no emblems or other signs of village affiliations. The two Hyuuga held their combat stances as the four shinobi charged at them, kunai drawn.

Hitomi had only made it perhaps thirty or forty feet when two more figures appeared, both also masked and displaying no emblems. She quickly held Hanabi closer as the heiress of the Hyuuga clan trembled in fear. All her confidence and control, instilled in her by her father and his training, was out the window, destroyed by the sight of dead bodies and fighting, and by fear of these adult enemy shinobi. Now she was nothing but a frightened little girl, tears forming in her eyes.

"Hyuuga, we will make this simple. Surrender to us now and you and your daughter will not be harmed. Resist, and we will have to beat you both into submission," one of them threatened, both of them drawing kunai. Hitomi trembled at the sight of them and their demands. Her motherly instincts were to protect Hanabi, but she couldn't. Fighting would be futile and they would both be beaten. And surrendering would simply result in them being likely used as breeding material for whichever village they belonged to. Tears started to form as she almost took a step back, feeling fear and despair at failing her second daughter as well.

One of the shinobi started to step forward, only to let out a cry of pain as an arrow took him in the back, even through the flak vest he was wearing. He dropped to the ground, writhing in agony as he tried to reach back and pull out the arrow, while the other shinobi whirled, eyes wide behind his full face mask. There was no sign of the one who shot the arrow, meaning they most likely were hidden in the trees. He snarled, turning back to Hitomi and Hanabi. "Come out here now or I swear I'll kill the young one!" He shouted, moving to grab Hanabi away from Hitomi. Hanabi could only scream in terror, seeing them reach for her with a kunai, as Hitomi attempted to move away while hugging her.

That was when a shadow appeared over him and the shinobi quickly spun, throwing his kunai up at the figure, only for his weapon to pass through the clone of the lavender hooded figure, revealing it was just a clone. At the same time the same figure appeared in front of him, crouched. He barely had time to look down, to see lavender eyes burning with rage before she shot up, and he felt something pierce under his neck. And then he knew no more.

Hanabi could only gape, seeing the ninja who had been threatening her and her mother standing there, rigid, before there was the sound of something metal retracting and his body fell to the ground in a lifeless heap. And standing there, blood on her left hand and sleeve, was Hinata, her face a mask of fury and rage. She turned to the downed shinobi who had managed to get shakily back to his feet, still panting heavily from the pain and shock of the arrow in his back. They could see now that it had pierced through his right shoulder, laming his ability to move that arm and forcing him to carry a kunai in his left hand. He growled as he lunged at her with said weapon, only for her to turn and sidestep, grabbing that arm and twisting it violently, snapping the point. He let out a shriek of pain, only for Hinata to jab his throat, silencing him, before she yanked him down and smashed her knee into his face. He fell back, blacking out from the pain and blood-loss combined, as Hinata stood there, panting heavily. "You're lucky I messed that shot up, you son of a bitch," she whispered, before slowly turning to her mother and sister. (2)

Hitomi and Hanabi both were staring at her, eyes wide and mouths gaping. Hinata suddenly felt self conscious of the blood on her and them witnessing her being so brutal to the two shinobi. Before she could speak however, Hanabi suddenly shot forward, sobbing as she crashed into Hinata, hugging onto her tightly. "NEE-CHAN! NEE-CHAN! I'M SORRY NEE-CHAN!" She sobbed almost hysterically, still hugging her tightly.

Hinata's eyes widened, before tears started to form as she wrapped her arms around her little sister, relief and happiness filling her heart. "Imouto…it's so good to see you," she said softly.

Hanabi just kept crying as she hugged her big sister, all self control lost. She wasn't Hanabi Hyuuga, daughter of Hiashi Hyuuga, heiress of the Hyuuga clan. She was a scared little girl, terrified at what she had seen and happy to be with her big sister, the one who had just saved her. Hinata just held her, before looking up as another pair of arms wrapped around her as well, as Hitomi hugged her firstborn.

"Hinata…it's so good to see you my little sunshine. I've missed you," Hitomi said quietly, her voice breaking as well. "I-I'm so glad to see you're safe a-and doing so well."

Hinata just smiled, one hand coming up to wrap around her mom. "I am…thank you kaa-chan," she said softly, before she flinched as she heard the sound of battle, knowing they weren't safe. She reluctantly pulled back enough to look at them both. "We need to get going. It's not safe here," She said, looking in the direction where the others were fighting.

Hitomi gave a soft nod, gently picking up the still sobbing Hanabi. "Of course. But c-can we make it to the compound?" She asked in a worried tone.

Hinata shook her head. "There's heavy fighting near the compound. I saw it while on the way here. They probably wanted to wipe out the clan members not attending the Finals. I'll need to take you somewhere else," she said, moving to the blacked out man, tying him up and dragging him and his dead comrade into the bushes to hide them for later retrieval. "Please, come this way," she said, drawing her sword.

Hitomi nodded, holding Hanabi close, as the young Hyuuga girl tried to clear her eyes, watching her exiled sister. Somehow, she knew she wasn't in danger anymore. Hinata was here for her. Her nee-chan would protect her. She hugged her mother as they followed Hinata to safety.

Back at the arena, the tide was slowly starting to turn. Despite being caught off guard, the Konoha shinobi had the advantage of teamwork and several powerful clans with bloodlines or unique abilities, allowing them to overwhelm the Suna and Oto shinobi, most of who either had no team work or only worked well with shinobi from their own village. This created a sense of disunity amongst them that the Konoha shinobi were able to exploit.

Raphael grunted as he was forced to resort to taijutsu, the fighting becoming too close for his sword. He grabbed the arm of a Suna shinobi, yanking him closer as he punched with his other arm, disorienting the man long enough to then extend and stab with his hidden blade, finishing him. He let the corpse go, turning now to engage a new opponent. An Oto shinobi rushed him, hand signs finished as he prepared to unleash a jutsu at him. Raphael responded, his hand flicking out and hurling a throwing knife that buried itself in the man's head, killing him. He continued to move on, only for his eyes to widen as he saw a cloaked figure moving towards Anko, drawing a curved kunai out from his robes. Raphael quickly drew out another throwing knife, throwing it at the figure as he rushed forward.

The cloaked figure, reacting on a sixth sense, whirled and blocked the throwing knife, their face hidden behind a mask. Raphael quickly reached him, drawing his sword and lunging as the man blocked his sword with his kunai. "I'm afraid your opponent will be me," Raphael said, eyes hard.

The figure simply drew a second curved kunai. "Very well then," he said in a slightly muffled voice. "Then let us fight." The two of them moved, weapons clashing.

Up on the roof, three ANBU, cloaked and masked, could only watch helplessly on the outside of the barrier, unable to reach their Hokage and protect him. Yet they also were in awe as they watched the two fight each other. It was rare for them to see their Hokage fight, and against an opponent almost at his level in skill and power. They had watch the two of them trade ninjutsu, ranging from massive dragons made of mud and fire, and other powerful ninjutsu that would leave them panting and sweating. Yet neither had been fazed or even seemed tired yet. Their eyes widened as they saw Sarutobi hurl a kunai, quickly multiplying it with a variant of the shadow clone jutsu that created a barrage of them.

Orochimaru merely smirked as he finished his own hand signs. "Impressive, but not good enough, Sarutobi-sensei! Edo Tensei!" With that shout, a portal seemed to appear at Orochimaru's feet, and from it rose a casket with the symbol for 'First' imprinted on it, as the kunai impacted into the improvised shield.

Sarutobi's eyes widened in horror as he heard the jutsu, and its result, as a second coffin rose, this one imprinted with the symbol for 'Second' on it. "No…Orochimaru, not even you could have gone that far!" He shouted.

"Are you so certain Sarutobi-sensei? It seems that I have," Orochimaru said with a laugh, as a third coffin started to rise, this one having the symbol for 'Forth' on it. Sarutobi cursed as he clapped his hands together, channeling his chakra to try and suppress the last coffin, knowing he couldn't let that one be summoned. The coffin froze, before sinking back into the portal, disappearing. (3)

"Hmmmm, disappointing. Still, I'm sure these two will be more than enough for you, Sarutobi-sensei," Orochimaru cackled, as the lids to the coffins fell to the ground and two figures slowly, stiffly stepped out. Sarutobi shook in disgust and anger as he saw the two figures.

"Hiruzen, is that you?" The first, a man with long black hair, wearing red samurai like armor, and with skin that would be tanned if it wasn't tinted by grey, asked, studying the Sandaime Hokage.

"You look so old. How long has it been?" The second man, dressed in blue armor with short spiky white hair and red markings on his face asked, his pale skin made worse by the grey tint.

Sarutobi closed his eyes, tears forming. "Hashirama-sensei, Tobirama-sensei…it's been far too long," he whispered quietly, not able to look at his two old sensei and the Shodai and Nidaime Hokage respectively.

Tobirama glanced around, his eyes narrowing. "It would seem that blasted technique of mine has been used on us this time. I guess you were right Hashirama, this technique would come and bite me in the ass one day," he said, as Hashirama chuckled.

"You never knew when to listen to me, did you Tobirama?" He asked, only for them to be interrupted by Orochimaru stepped up behind them.

"While this is quite enjoyable, I'm afraid that the time for pleasantries is over," he said, as he held up two kunai, each with a seal attached to it. He stabbed them into the back of the resurrected kage's heads, smirking as both corpses stiffened, the grey tint disappearing as their faces became stoic, as the kunai with talismans sunk into their heads. "Now, Sarutobi-sensei, shall we begin?"

Sarutobi opened his eyes, his face set in a hard scowl as the tears were banished. "I swear Orochimaru, you will fall this day," he said. "I will not stand for this desecration." He quickly ran through hand signs, biting his thumb and slamming his hand down in a summoning jutsu. A cloud of smoke erupted, before a large monkey dressed in a leopard skin vest and Konoha headband stood next to him.

"So…your snake of a student finally returned," Enma, the monkey king and boss of that summoning contract, stated as he eyed Orochimaru and the two resurrected Hokage, before looking to Sarutobi. "Are you ready this time Sarutobi? Will you kill him?"

"Yes Enma, I will," Sarutobi said, holding out his hand as Enma smirked, transforming into a large black and gold staff that fell into Sarutobi's hand,

Orochimaru just smirked, pointing at Sarutobi. "Kill him," he ordered, as the Shodai and Nidaime shot forward.

Clearing in the Woods

Temari cursed as she and Kankuro were forced to drop to the ground in a clearing, her releasing her hold on Gaara. Their pursuers were too close and they couldn't run much farther, not if Gaara was going to be of any help to the invasion. "Get him out of here! I'll hold them off," Temari said, drawing her fan and preparing to fight. Kankuro however shook his head, setting Gaara down.

"There's no way you can hold them both off. We'll just have to fight and beat them here," he said, drawing out his puppet as well.

Temari looked at him, before nodding quietly as they both stood, ready to face the two Konoha genin. Temari narrowed her eyes, seeing them approaching, before she quickly unleashed a wave of wind at them, to try and blow them apart and allow Kankuro and her to engage them on their own terms. Yet the Uchiha quickly shot a fire jutsu back, overwhelming her wind jutsu and making his jutsu stronger in return as it shot towards them. They both quickly moved, while Gaara's sand, acting on its own, blocked the fire jutsu. Temari looked up as the Uchiha shot towards her, making her wince. She'd have preferred fighting Naruto, as he was a wind user like her, but also relied heavily on his weapons it seemed, which she could defeat with her wind. Sasuke however could use fire jutsu to beat her wind jutsu. Still, she had no choice as she readied herself for the fight, her brother doing the same as Naruto made a bee line for him.

Naruto quickly shot forward, ninjato drawn and slashing down at Kankuro, who maneuvered his puppet to block the strike and jab at Naruto with a retractable poisoned blade in one arm. Naruto easily side stepped it, turning the maneuver into a spinning slash that cut the arm off the puppet, causing it to drop to the ground. Kankuro cursed as Naruto grinned at him. "You really don't have much luck with Konoha shinobi, do you?" He taunted. Kankuro just glared at him, readying himself for the next round of fighting.

Neither of the two Suna siblings, or their Konoha opponents, noticed that as they began fighting, Gaara began to stir, a sickly yellow chakra starting to form around him as his lips twitched into the beginning of a manic grin.

And chapter. Sorry if things seemed sporadic there, jumping from fight to fight like that. With so many things going on, it was kind of tough to keep it focused. And sorry for another cliffhanger.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and if not, well sorry then. Hopefully the next one will make up for it. Guess we'll see, won't we?

To recap, Aclux has a NarutoxWarcraft fanfic idea, so please talk to him if you're interested. But again, it is in Italian, so you'll need a translation if you don't read Italian.

Thanks go out to Bill Alain for his help in betaing this fanfic. Thanks man.

So, again, hope you all enjoy this chapter, and see you next time.

1. This is to correct a mistake from an earlier chapter. I referred to Darui as C, which was my mistake. Sorry about that.

2. To those worried that Hinata seems overpowered, she's not. She's utilizing three things far more powerful and dangerous than any jutsu, and can topple the newest genin to the most experienced jounin: surprise, stealth and deception. They don't always work but when they do, they can finish even a powerful opponent in a single move.

3. I know that canon says that you can't summon someone who's soul already belongs to the Shinigami, but I maintain that said rule was thrown in at the last moment by Kishimoto to prevent Kabuto from summoning the previous Hokage, and therefore is not a true valid ruling. Especially since we then see that there is an exception to the rule that had just barely appeared in the first place. Kishimoto, during Shippuden, was creating inconsistencies when he tried to tie up loose plot holes created by Shippuden's plot trying to connect to Naruto's plot, as well as wildly making up powers necessary to move his plot forward *CoughRinneganandSharinganhaxscough*. It seems pretty obvious that Orochimaru was summoning the 4th Hokage, and it was not the Shinigami that prevented the summoning, it was Sarutobi himself. So, I'm sticking to that, as it makes far more sense to me.