
Brie divvied out the files, asking us to please keep everything as it was in the folders. I grunted but we settled in, flipping through pages and files.

"What EXACTLY am I looking for here?" I moaned for the fifth time.

"Again, you're looking for the shipment manifests, there should be an itemized list of everything we're moving from the offices. Or really an reference to the shoes, ancient artifact, shoes of unknown date or origin." Brie tosses a balled up paper at my head.

"Hey, I though you said we couldn't screw these things up!" I grumbled, throwing the paper back at her.

"It was just an end paper. IT didn't have anything on it!" Brie bickered back. Kaden groaned.

"Are you sure you two are friends? This has GOT to be the thirtieth argument you've had since I met you, oh only SIX HOURS AGO!" He griped. We looked at him aghast.

"Of course we're friends!" "She's like my sister!" "I would die for her!" "What do you mean ARGUMENT? This isn't an argument, this is two friends being rude sarcastic!" Brie and I shouted over each other. Kaden held up his hands in defeat.

"Ok. OK! That's so much worse in your heads." He rubbed his forehead.

"You're in our heads?" Brie asked while I snorted my reply of "Stay out of our heads then."

"Yes Brie. And I can't Rue. The more I'm around you two, the more 'tuned in' I get to your brainwaves. Plus I'm a little drained and hungry right now and this task allows for your subconscious minds to wander, which is sending me some serious sleep vibes here, which makes it worse and..." He stopped talking when he saw us gaping at him.

"This must be how a cow feels." Brie stated. I started giggling uncontrollably, a sure sign I was well past tired at this point.

"Or you lab experiments." I retorted.

"Hey! That's not what I do! You know I don't work with living creatures!..." Brie started rambling and I heard Kaden sigh "Thirty-one" under his breath.

"Ok, I'm exhausted, and we're getting nowhere right now. Kaden needs to recharge, I'm hungry, Brie you have to be too." I stood up.

"Yeah, coffee, soup and cookies are enough to keep me going long. I can order us a pizza or something." Brie shrugged. "Kaden what do you like...oh wait do you even eat?" She looked at him curiously. He rolled his eyes. I thought we might be rubbing off on him.

"Yes, I can eat, I'm not a vampire. While I have a form in this realm, I can eat and drink and do any other things a natural biological creature can. I just need a little something extra to keep myself stable. Anything's fine, I do like the food on this plane." Kaden replied "And Rue-don't ever think that again, sweet lord! That you might actually be influencing me!" He shuddered. That sent me into spasms of laughter again as Brie left the room with a stern glance in my direction to make a call for food delivery. Apparently I was too noisy for her tastes.

"Oh wait, I think I've found something here!" Kaden exclaimed excitedly. I stepped nearer to see what it was. "Yes, I'm sure this is the label number for the package with the item we need. Brie? Oh, she's already left..." Kaden was holding the paper aloft, so I reached for it with interest. My fingers accidentally brushed his hand and as soon as they did my headache returned with a vengeance and the room disappeared around me.