Officially Becoming an Adventurer

As the sunlight peeked through the covers of the window and entered my room, my eyebrows started to flutter as I was brought back from the wonderful realm of dreams. I set aside Ambrosia and went to go wash up to prepare to officially register as an adventurer at the Guild here in Orario.

Subconsciously, I looked around the room for a shower and sighed in disappointment as this world isn't as technologically advanced as my previous world.

"Times like this makes me miss my life back on Earth. Although it was boring, it was sure as hell comfortable."

I grumbled to myself as I proceeded to head towards the pub and met the cat-like waitress on my way there.

"Ohoho, if it isn't our dear patron with the legendary storage magic."

I raised my left eyebrow in response as I wasn't aware of the fact that storage magic was so 'legendary' as it could only store Ambrosia and my armor.

"It's truly not as 'legendary' as you think it is..."

I wryly responded to the teasing of the cat-like maid. After speaking my piece, I remembered that I wanted to freshen up and asked her for some directions.

"By the way, would you be so kind as to point me towards the washroom?"

She nodded to me then responded.

"Keep going down the hall and take a right. A few more steps from there and you should see the sign for the men's washroom."

I promptly thanked her as I began to make my way to the washroom. Before I continued onward, I turned around and decided to ask for her name.

"Also, how should I refer to this teasing, feline friend of mine?"

She laughed in response and then decided to ask a question in response to mine.

"Ohoho, you already consider us friends, dear patron?"

"If I were to be given a chance to do so with your wonderful self, then I would be honored."

I jokingly flattered her as I answered the question while also passing the decision of deciding of whether or not we were friends back onto her.

"Then friends we shall be. My name is Chloe of Hostess of Fertility, nice to meet nya~"

She extended her hand out for a handshake while I was still slightly stunned by the 'nya~' sound that she made at the end of her sentence. I quickly snapped out of it as I extended my hand to shake hers.

"I am Reza, a wandering adventurer. Nice to meet you too."

After we shook hands, we then promptly said our farewells and went on our own ways. After I turned the corner of the hallway, Chloe seemed to mutter something to herself but I paid it no heed and continued towards the washroom.

"So he isn't officially registered to the guild yet, huh?"

Chloe muttered as she went deep into her thoughts while laying against the wall of the hallway.


After finishing to freshen up, I finally made my way towards the guild. Before I left Host of Fertility, I asked the leader-figure of the pub whom I learned to be called 'Mama Mia' for directions to get to the guild. While I was walking around the streets towards where the guild supposedly was, I thought of something that really interested me.

"Hm... I wonder if Bell has already arrived in Orario..."

Although I knew that I would inevitably be directly or indirectly affected as a result of Bell being the main character of this anime, I decided not to think about it unless the situation required me to. Basically, my thought process at the moment was that if he didn't interfere with my plans and actions, I wouldn't do much to him either.

"However...If he were to annoy me or do anything of the sort."

I would decisively choose to kill him. After a while of more thinking, I decided that killing him would be a last resort as, firstly, he was the main character so surely, even if I decided to kill him, he might pull something completely unexpected out of his ass and turn the tables on me. Secondly, killing him so early might change the knowledge I have of the near future of the Danmachi world. However, beyond the timeline showed by the anime, I have no knowledge of as I didn't read the manga nor the light novels of Danmachi back in my world. Because of this, sooner or later, I wouldn't need to worry about altering the timeline by killing Bell as I have no knowledge of the far-future of Danmachi anyways. After thinking of how I should deal with Bell, I found myself in front of the guild and entered the building.

"Thank you Eina! I love you!"

As I entered the building, a person shorter than myself bumped into my chest and fell onto the ground while shouting the words 'I love you'.

'Speak of the devil.'

I thought to myself as I looked towards the figure that bumped into me. He was quite short for his age, sporting white hair and ruby-like eyes full of innocence and naivety. This person was, of course, the main character of the anime Danmachi. Bell Cranel.

"Ah, I'm sorry for bumping into you sir!"

He said while bowing deeply towards me.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

I responded to his apology as he bowed towards me once more then continued to run off.

'It seems that I coincidentally arrived in the timeline of the beginning of the anime.'

I think to myself as I proceeded to go towards the counter which was occupied by the very person that Bell said 'I love you' towards.

"How nice is it to be young~"

I say to the half-elf teasingly while she blushed and responded flustered to my teasing.

"Hmph! Like you aren't young yourself!"

She says to me as her saying that struck me quite deeply. Although I was now probably around 12 years old in this new body of mine, I still lived a full 20 years in my previous life, added on to that the almost 2 years that I've spent in this world, I was pretty much 22 years old mentally already. I decided that it was useless to dwell on those thoughts and asked the young half-elf for what I came here for.

"Miss half-elf-"

After I got serious, she quickly composed herself as she got her business-like attitude on. It was like the flustered elf that was present a few moments ago completely disappeared.

"This 'YOUNG' sir may call me as Eina."

On second thought, it seemed that she was still there, just that she was very good at her poker face.

"Well, Miss Eina, I would like to register as an adventurer."

"Ah, you aren't already an adventurer?"

She said surprised as she began to inspect me. At this point, I was around 5'8 feet while also being quite ripped with my muscles showing through my clothes.

'Now that I think about it, I should probably head out and buy some new clothes after this that aren't so tight-fitting on me...'

"Yeah, I just arrived in the city yesterday."

"I can hardly believe that you aren't registered as a adventurer yet but if that's the case, then it seems like the guild would soon receive another great adventurer. By the way, which familia are you a part of?"

I felt my ego inflate a bit when she complemented me but that feeling quickly faded away as it was then replaced by a feeling of confusion.

'Why the hell did she assume that I belong to a familia?'

It was at that point that I realized that only those that received the blessing of a God or Goddess would be able to become stronger through the use of excelia, for only those blessed by the Gods would be able to strengthen themselves with it through Falna. After a few moments of thinking, I've decided that saying I was a part of a familia was for the better as it would allow me to stay low-key as a mortal whom was able to become progressively stronger without the blessing of a God would surely alarm them and cause them to keep an eye on me, or even worse, kill me.

"Uh, Miss Eina, my Goddess ordered me to not reveal her arrival in Orario and only told me to register as an adventurer, so please forgive me for not being able to disclose anything."

I said as I lightly bowed towards the young elf.

"Ah, no, it's fine. Anyways, there is a fee of 100 valis to register for an adventurer's ID. You also need to fill out some paper work and from there onward, you will officially become an adventurer."

I proceeded to pay the fee and filled out whatever paper work I needed to do. After finishing everything, I went back to Host of Fertility, got myself some dinner, then rented the room I occupied before and promptly walked towards the room.

After getting to my room, I locked the door then did a swan dive onto the bed. Hugging Ambrosia once more before I went to sleep, I was looking forward to entering the dungeon tomorrow as other than Ambrosia, the only thing that truly comforted me was my own strength. After thinking about it for a bit, I closed my eyes and re-entered the realm of wonders and dreams.