Farewell, my Beloved...

It was now the next day after my meeting with Loki and her familia. Finn agreed to my challange as we decided to have it held in one of the combat rooms of the Twilight Manor of Loki's Familia in the afternoon. As I had quite a bit of free time on my hands, I decided to go buy some new clothes because they were truly too-tight fitting to the point of suffocating me a little. I made my way out of my room and was about to exit the pub when I stumbled onto Chloe whom wore casual clothes as opposed to the usual maid-like getup.

"I see that you have some time-off today Chloe."

I said to her as she seemingly flinched then looked at me with a wry smille.

"Sorry Reza. I'm still a bit shaken up by the scene that you caused yesterday."

She said while staring and having her tail droop down onto the floor. Seeing this action of hers, I realized that I scared her yesterday and she probably wasn't comfortable talking to me at the moment either.

"I see. I'm sorry then, Chloe."

I said as I swiftly made my way out of the pub. Although me and Chloe were not really friends but more-so acquaintances, it still kind of stung me a bit but reminded myself of my previous life and shook of that feeling.

'It's not like you haven't experienced parting away from friends in your previous life Reza.'

I thought as I numbed myself to the feelings I was being pained by.AS if to look for comfort, I slightly caressed Ambrosia whom was always right beside me.

'As long as you and me are together, nothing else matters.'

I mutter to myself as I finally came across a clothing shop and entered inside. I then compared the sizes to myself and realized that my size already came in at XL and was kind of surprised that my medium-sized shirt and pants lasted as long as they did. I then chose some black slacks along with a grey button down polo. When I inspected myself in the mirror, I felt quite satisfied with my appearance other than my hair which I haven't cut ever since I was first reincarnated to this world 2-3 years ago. After thoroughly imprinting the image of how my hair looked from the mirror in my head, I exited the store and made my way to a back alley and gave myself a haircut with Ambrosia. Then, as it was almost noon, I went towards the nearest restaurant and ate some lunch and promptly made my way to the Loki Familia's manor.

When I arrived, a young elf with golden yellow hair whom I saw along with Loki yesterday at the pub was waiting by the gate, seemingly quite nervous and even a bit scared as she was constantly moving around her hands and fingers.

"Uh, hello there."

I initiate the conversation as she froze up and slowly looked up towards my face and stuttered as she tried to speak.

"We-Wel-come Mr. Re-Reza! Pl-Please follow m-me!"

She said as she quickly turned around and lead me into one of the combat rooms of the Twillight Manor.

'Well I'll be damned. This place is even grander than most of the mansions that we had in my previous life.'

The place even gave me the weird vibes of the Church as I scowled at that feeling in my head as after I grew up, I wasn't a big fan of religious practices.

'Well, I guess such a vibe should be expected from the manor of a goddess...'

I think to myself as we finally arrived at the combat room.

"Yo, you've finally arrived. I see that you gave yourself quite the makeover as well."

Loki said as she welcomed me into the room. Surprisingly, a lot of people were present in the wide room which made me cautious as to why they were here. Loki having noticed this gave me a cheeky smile.

"Don't worry Reza. They're all just here to witness the capabilities of their new ally."

She then went towards the side along with the other members of her familia as she set some ground rules for both me and Fin.

"Make sure not to disable any party of your opponent's body and of course, not to kill kill each other. Other than that, you can fight to your hearts content."

She stated in a sloth-like manner as she then asked both sides if they were ready to begin.

"Fin, are you ready?"

"Yes, Loki-sama."

Said Finn as he went into a battle stance with his spear. Loki nodded to this and turned her attention towards me.

"Reza, are you ready?"

I equipped my armor and also got into a stance with Ambrosia which got me quite a bit of 'woah's from the audience as they witnessed my 'storage magic'.

"Then, you shall now... BEGIN!"

As soon as Loki finished saying her words, Finn immediately launched towards me as I activated my [Phantom] and [Bloodlust] skill. He came at me with lightning-like speed and stabbed his spear towards my head.


I managed to instinctively parry his attack and went for an attack of my own towards his neck during the time he was stunned.


As this was what I would usually do when I wanted to swiftly execute the monsters in the dungeon. Of course, he dodged it with his lithe figure as we continued this stalemate of blocking and attacking each other. However, as time went on, he started to slowly overpower me.

'As expected of a level 6 adventurer.'

I grinned viciously as I tried to keep up with him as much as I could. What happened next, however, made my pupils dilate and made the world around me seemingly freeze.


I went for the parry to try and give myself an opening to attack Finn, only to find myself with Ambrosia breaking into pieces as Finn's attack slashed through my armor and into my chest. The pain didn't affect me as I was still dazed from the fact that Ambrosia broke into the pieces as my mind went dark and my consciousness seemed to be pulled towards another dimension.