Weird Secret

"Oh my! I found a gem!" The girl with her signature violet bow gasped to herself.

Ms. Violet Guinevere Baroque had found another BL comic book with two demon hunters as the lead characters.

Ever since she fought Alucard and Granger on one Rank Game, she have shipped the two. She was hiding in the bush when two of her fellow teammates passed by. They were so close to each other while talking and Guinevere couldn't help but feel awestruck by the two demon hunters' chemistry. And now, she was collecting all the AlucardxGranger fan-fictions she could find in their local book shop.

But ever since then, she gets fidgety whenever she's around the two, especially to the ever scary Death Chanter. Whenever Mister Granger looks at her, it was as if he knew her deepest darkest secret. No one, not even her brother nor Odette knew of her latest obsession!

She couldn't concentrate whenever the two were her teammates or enemies. She lags whenever the two were her teammates. They almost got defeated twice because of her.

Hence she decided to go on a three-day break from fighting on any match up games.

After buying the comic book, she immediately went out before Diggie, who was the cashier and owner of the book store, found her true identity. She didn't want anyone to find out that she's buying fan-fiction books about her comrades. Especially that she's from an esteemed family in the Land of Dawn. The author is anonymous but, boy, were they marvellously written!

She hurriedly put the book in her satchel and tightened the hood of her purple cloak. As she turned around the corner, she bumped into something and fell down. Or someone since he produced a familiar grunt. So she got up and ran away as fast as possible.

"Hey! Don't even try escaping my sight!"

She even bolted faster until she was near her brother's castle. She didn't dare use her powers or else they would find out it was her. The familiar man tried to run after her, but was stopped with another familiar guy.

"Don't mind that suspiciously cloaked person Granger! Come on, we'll be late for our match with the team from the Abyss. I smell the stink of monsters!"

She didn't stop running until she was in the confines of her room. If she still lived with her parents, her father would probably scold her for running inside the castle. Thankfully, after finding her brother, as part of the deal with Princess Silvana, she now lives with her brother alongside with her brother's wife, Odette, the Swan Princess, in a different castle from their controlling parents.

She was blushing furiously, not from the running but because of the two guys earlier. It seems Alucard and Granger were teaming up today too for a match up game.

"Ohoho! How lovely! Those two couldn't get enough of each other! Ohohoho! Now time to read my newly purchased boo--"

She froze for a full minute when she didn't feel the book in her bag. Then she finally realised what happened...


Her cries of sorrow was heard all over the borders of their home.

"Hiyah! Feel my sword, you monster!--" Lancelot bursts through the doors, wrecking it in half.

"Where's the monster?-- Oh no! My dear little sister! Are you hurt?"

He dashed towards his sister and attempted to make her face him. But his sister hissed. She would usually do this when she's upset.

"Oh...kay...Gwen? What happened?" He gently asked.

There was no sign of forced entry and no monster. Only his little sister, who was squatting on the floor, was in the room.

"B-brother! I...." Her lips quavered, Guinevere's tears were welling up in her eyes.

She wasn't only sad that her freshly purchased comic book was gone, but she was also frustrated that she couldn't tell anyone, not even her brother of her weird secret.

"Hush now, little sister. Big brother is here!" Lancelot cooed and rubbed her back. He didn't know what was happening to his little sister, yesterday she was so happy despite losing her matches.

She was grateful Lancelot didn't pry. After the crying session, Lancelot helped her up so she could rest on her queen sized bed. She was very drowsy after pouring all her tears out.

She woke up the next morning, her eyes swelling. Odette already prepared a breakfast-in-bed meal for her darling sister-in-law. Her cooking was great. It somehow cured her loneliness for a bit.

"Lance told me what happened yesterday. Sorry I was not there to comfort you. Whoever broke your heart will be punished, I will turn him to a duck, and make him dance with the swans! I promise you that. Was it that Paxley again? I'm going to curse him!!"

Odette said as she hugged Guinevere. A thunder was heard outside the window despite being it sunny.

Guinevere was about to explain her side, when Odette's phone rang.

"Please excuse me, dear Guinevere. I'm gonna answer this call. It's from Lancelot my love~" Odette said and skipped outside Guinevere's room. Guinevere noticed how her room's door was terribly destroyed.

She finished her breakfast and casted as spell to the tray. The tray magically floated in the air and went on its way towards the kitchen. At a flick of her hand, her room was once again organized. And it didn't took a lot of mana to fix the door of her room.

"I would like to stay and chat more, but, I'm sorry Gwen, I have several matches lined up today. Call us when you need anything, alright?" Odette smiled apologetically.

"Oh wow, the door looks good as new! Nice work!"

"Of course. I was a top student at the academy after all!" Guinevere took pride of her work.

"Alright. I have to get going! Rest well and enjoy the day!" Odette said and transported out towards the castle's gates.