Feed Me

Guinevere blinked at him.

"It's simple. Just two things." Granger rested his head on his palm that was propped up on the table by his elbow.

"Two?" Guinevere repeated.

"Yes. First of all, you will let me braid your hair. See? Simple!" Granger's ruby eyes crinkled.

"Oh. Okay..." Guinevere sighed in relief.

'Oh my! Atleast he was not going to use me for his target practice. And he's really a wife material! Ohoho!' She thought and drank her Brainfreezer.

'Oh! It really is addicting! No wonder many people recommend buying drinks from Queen Aurora. It taste like strawberry!'

Guinevere shifted in her seat so Granger could start braiding her hair. She haven't seen herself in the mirror yet but her curls were probably in a mess. And to think that she met the Queen of the North in that state embarrassed her.

'Ahh...there's mo point in crying iver spoiled milk...' She sighed inaudibly.

Granger's long fingers weaved through her hair as gentle as feather. It felt like it was her mother or Odette who was the one touching her hair because his hands felt light.

'Granger's wife material level is exponentially rising! Keep it up! Mister Alucard is so lucky to have you!'

Guinevere was almost lulled to sleep because of Granger's gentle strokes when Nana loudly expressed her thoughts. Her childish voice was filled with admiration.

"Oh my gosh! Miss Violet became even more beautiful!! I wanna be pretty like her!"

"Eh? But you're cute already!" Harith responded, which made Nana red and started hitting him.

"You dummy! Of course I know I'm cute! But I want to be pretty! You dumdum!"

"Ugh! Girls!" Harith gave up and grumbled.

Guinevere snapped out from her dazed state and looked at her newly braided hair.

"Huh? You bought a hair tie?"

She asked as she fiddled with the hair tie with a purple bow. It also had a sparkling red gem in the middle, almost shaped like a heart. Granger suddenly took a picture of her with his phone.

"Yeah. It's like hitting two birds with one stone. You look good and you can eat peacefully without your hair getting in the way." Granger said as he let her look at her photo.

'Oh! He's good at braiding as well! More points to Wife Material Granger!'

"How did you knew how to braid this elegantly?"

Guinevere took a bite at her corndog as she looked at her photo on Granger's phone that was at the table. She have never tried this type of hairstyle because of her curls. But this classic braid actually suited her.

"I learned it back in the orphanage. I helped the girls style their hair. Hmm...now, as for the second one..." Granger trailed off.


"Feed me."

Guinevere immediately looked up to Granger with her eyes wide, abandoning his phone on the table.

"Every time we eat out, you shall feed me." Granger elaborated. Guinevere almost choked on the food she was munching on.

"Miss Violet!" The kids' faces were etched with worry.

"Woah. Easy there! Here, drink this..." Granger grabbed the nearest drink and let Guinevere sip on it.

"Thanks! Uh..wait..this isn't mine-- Oh Gord!"

Guinevere gasped when she realized what she had done. The flavor wasn't the same as before so it could only mean one thing.

'Please don't tell me that I drank from his cup! Be ashamed Guinevere Baroque!! Shame!!'

"Hmm? Oh, it's okay. I can drink from yours if you like, so we're even." Granger shrugged and lowered his face mask.

Then the unthinkable happened! Granger drank from her own large cup of Brainfreezer. When Nana and Harith saw the exchange, the two possessively held their own cups. They feared Granger would prey on theirs too!

Guinevere was at a loss for words. It didn't help that he also hid his mask on his pocket, so his ridiculously handsome face was exposed for all the world to see. She still wasn't used to seeing him without the mask nor his excessively high collars.

'He looks like an actor for a food advertisement! Why does he look handsome with the way he drinks it? Ah! And Mister Alucard also looked good while eating his fries when we first ate at the fast food chain too! They are a match made in heaven!'

"Since you're injured today, then we have no choice but to take turns in feeding ourselves!" Granger suddenly announced.


Granger grabbed Guinevere's wrist. It was the hand that was holding her corndog which she took a bite earlier.

"HUH?!" Guinevere's eyes widen when Granger ate her corndog! Her food!

Seeing this, Nana and Harith hurriedly gobbled up their food, afraid that Granger would also steal their food. He then let go of her hand and focused on the other food on his side of the table.

"What are--mmm!"

Before Guinevere could finish her question, Granger put food on her mouth. He tore his hotdog to smaller pieces so they would be readily put in her mouth.

Guinevere gracefully chewed the food that but still glared at Granger who was happily taking bites from the corndog on her hand and drinking her Brainfreezer.

"I know I'm handsome, Guine." Granger said as soon as the food went down to his intestines.

"What?" Guinevere couldn't believe Granger would utter such a thing! It sounded like Lancelot!

'Was he hanging out with my brother? Oh, I'm so going to punish brother dear later.'

"Am I not?" Granger frowned slightly which made Guinevere panicked.

"N-No! I mean, yes, you're h-handsome! Even more handsome than my brother!" Guinevere cringed at her words. Blood rushed up to her cheeks, tainting it red from embarrassment.

'Oh no! Friendship over! And I'll be his used in his target practice!'

"I'm only kidding, Guine. I don't care about looks anyway," Granger chuckled and ate the remaining corndog on Guinevere's hand.

'He was teasing me!'

Guinevere sat further away as she sulked. She drank Granger's brainfreezer that was still full, unlike hers that was already half empty because he kept drinking from it.

'It is only fair that I do this too! Oh it taste like lemon...'

Guinevere puffed up her cheeks. She usually does that when she's annoyed. Granger has been teasing her the whole day and it irked her how he easily gets on her skin!

Then she felt someone poking her cheeks.

"Are you mad at me, Guine?"

She didn't notice Granger was sitting closer to where she was now. She couldn't even scoot away because if she does, her butt will land on the floor. She carefully crossed her arms and pouted. She was determined to ignore the marksman beside her.

"Please stop being mad at me. I'm sorry. And stop pouting, Guine or ... I'll kiss you!" Granger taunted. There goes Guinevere's resolve to ignore the ruby red eyed man.


"I'm just kidding!" Granger chuckled.

"Stop teasing me, Granger!" Guinevere grumbled and stood up.

Since they were finished eating, they then started collecting their trash and put them in the nearby garbage can. Harith and Nana happily segregated the trashes and put them in their appropriate places.

"I'm really sorry. I was just trying to cheer you up. We're supposed to have fun today, so smile!" Granger patted her head.

Guinevere then suddenly giggled at Granger's sentiments. Her annoyance dissipated the moment he said those words.

"What?" Granger raised his eyebrow.

"You sounded just like Angela earlier!"

Harith and Nana also burst into laughter when they heard Guinevere's comment.

"Huh? Oh. You're right. That kid blabbers about smiling all the time. Gotta thank that kid later..." Granger mumbled.

"Even Sir Leomord is smiling a lot because of her now."

"Huh? Leomord? That long haired guy with his pet horse?" Granger led them to the the souvenir shop he passed by earlier.

"Oh yes! They've been teaming up lately. And we're friends. I even lend him my unicorn plushies when he visits my brother..." Guinevere smiled at the memory.

"You have peculiar friends, my lady." Granger commented.

"Hey! Don't insult yourselves!" Guinevere giggled.

Granger only shook his head as he put his hands on his ripped jean's pocket. They walked inside a colorful shop.

A lot of cute trinkets were scattered around the shop. She saw other hair ties that were similar to the one she was wearing.

'Oh! This must be the place where Granger bought it. Eh?! For a hair tie, it is is expensive!'

"What's pick-your-lar??" Harith tugged Guinevere's sleeves which made her forget about the price of the hair tie.

"It's peculiar. Pee-kyul-yar! Dumdum!" Nana corrected to which Harith only glared.

"Now, now kids. Don't fight. Peculiar. It means strange or unusual..." Guinevere answered to which Harith gasped.

"Am I strange??"

"Oh no, Harith. You're adorable!" Guinevere smiled and patted the little boy's head.

"Yay! Miss Violet said I'm adorable!!" Harith happily chirped towards Nana. Guinevere caught sight of cat ears headband with assorted colors.

'Hmmm...I should buy that...'

"What about me??" Nana tugged Guinevere's sleeve too.

"Nana is the prettiest leonin I have became friends with!" Guinevere also did the same head pats to the little girl.

"I'm the prettiest leonin?? Oh my!" Nana giggled in delight.

After buying the kids a matching cute bear bags and other souvenirs, they went to the photo booth to get pictures. Guinevere forced Granger to wear the black cat ears head band she bought before taking pictures.

Fanny just came right on time and insisted that she take the kids back to their castle.