
Guinevere looked up from her phone and fixated her eyes to Granger who was frowning a little. He looks a bit displeased about something.

"Hmm? Oh. Just Swan Butler."

"What-- I mean, why?" Granger's eyebrows furrowed, both due to curiosity and confusion.

"Ah. I'm just ordering him to get two hot chocolates from the kitchen and a plate of cookies we baked earlier. Then bring it here. A-S-A-P!" Guinevere said as she show two fingers up from her free hand. Granger sighed in relief.

"You want to order something?"

"No. I'm good."

Once finished composing the message and sending it, Guinevere stood up from her seat to turn the AC on which was next to the cabinet of handicrafts. She then grabbed two of her quilts from the cabinet where she stores her finished products of handicrafts and gave one to Granger.

"Please feel free to be at home, Grangey!"

Though not knowing what Guinevere was planning to do, Granger still accepted the monochromatic quilt. It suited his style well. Guinevere then sat cross-legged on her side of the comfy couch after putting the quilt and pillow on her lap. She really looked comfortable as if she was in her safe haven.

"You know Grangey, you're surprisingly good at baking. I wasn't bluffing when I said you were a genius earlier! You got it perfect on your first try." Guinevere's eyes shone in admiration.

She really looks up to talented people, no matter what talent it may be. And admires them more when they work hard on improving their craft.

"Seriously, the cookies you made was sooo good that I just had to hide some left overs haha! I was planning on eating it for a midnight snack but this time is the best to eat it! The pastry shop may have competitor if you decide to build a patisserie of your own."

Guinevere tried saying it nonchalantly, but in her heart she was fangirling! She was so proud of Granger as if she was his stage mother.

'A hundred more points for Wife-Material Granger!! Ahh! Can't wait for their wedding cake! It would probably taste heavenly!' Guinevere unconsciously held her cheeks as she imagined what the wedding cake would look like.

"Thank you for your kind words, my lady. I feel honored. But anyone can do it as long as they follow the recipe, Guine." Granger grinned broadly but he was trying not to laugh. He recalled their baking session earlier.

It started out as mundane; nothing special happened aside from Guinevere secretly admiring Granger who looked good wearing an apron. But then Guinevere excused herself for a minute or two. And then she came back with flowers in her hand. A moment later, Granger was trying so hard to stop Guinevere from putting random flowers and spicy ingredients like black peppers into the mixing bowl.

But when he was busy making his chocolate chip cookies, Guinevere actually put the additional stuff, that were not mentioned in the recipe, into her own mixing bowl. Her excuse was to make a unique and spicy flower themed cookie. Granger and the Swan Kitchen Staffs looked utterly defeated.

The result was, as Granger predicted, disastrous. Even Guinevere hearself couldn't stomach her own creations. The jade-green eyed girl was so embarrassed that she hugged her knees and kept mumbling,

"I'm talented at anything but baking and cooking!" for nth times.

So Granger had to calm her down by eating the rest of the cookies she made. He referred to it at as,

"Removing the evidence."

It was edible enough and tasted good if you don't know it was a cookie. In the end, Granger made another batch with more chocolate chips to cheer up the dejected youngest Baroque.

"'re right." Guinevere smiled wryly at the memory. She didn't want to  remember the small fiasco earlier so she tried changing  the subject.

"Anyways, our Swan Chef's hot chocolates are the best not only for winter but when talking about ghost stories! It will even taste better when it is paired with your cookies!"

"I look forward to it, my lady." Granger let out a small smile of contentment.

Three soft knocks were heard from the double doors. Guinevere's eyes lit up with excitement.

"The hot chocos and cookied are here!! Oh my. Please come in, Sir Swan Butler~"

Guinevere was visibly giddy in her seat. The Swan Butler, who was in his human form, emerged from the doors carrying a tray of two mugs of hot chocolate and a plate full of Granger's cookies. Granger couldn't believe he was about to beat up this innocent old man for pity reasons. He was disappointed with himself.

"Please enjoy the chocolate treats, m'lady and m'lord. Message me if you need anything." Swan Butler nodded and immediately left the lounge room, not forgetting to close the doors.

Guinevere urged Granger to try the warm thick and luscious sweet cocoa drink which is filled with floating marshmallows. Her phone was ready to capture the aftermath of drinking it.

"Oh you're right, my lady. It is delicious." Granger nodded which made Guinevere smile smugly. He thought his favorite donuts would also go well with this chocolate drink.

Guinevere snickered at the photo she captured and let Granger see it.

"Congrats Mister Death Chanter! You have been blessed to acquire the Hot Chocolate Mustache!" Guinevere laughed to her heart's content. Granger really looked funny. His mustache can rival Sir Clint's!

"Yes, yes. Thank you, Miss Violet."

The marksman only shook his head and licked the chocolate that were stuck on his upper lip. His tongue looked really red against his pale skin. Like a ripe strawberry in the middle of vanilla chocolate dips.

'Eh!? Why am I admiring Granger's tongue?! Argh!! I'm reminded again of that lewd kissing scene in the Alucard x Granger comic!! That's so naughty of you Guinevere Baroque!! Shame on you! Shame!!' Guinevere stopped laughing and coughed up to hide her embarrassing thoughts.

Guinevere fiddled with her phone until a sound of fire crackling emitted from it.

"Okay...Cold atmosphere: check! Hot chocolates and cookies: check! Fireplace: err check...let's pretend we're using it."

Guinevere whispered the last part to Granger. They couldn't use the fireplace since there were no logs available and Swan Butler forbid them from using it since it was not winter yet.

"Now that everything is ready. Let's start the ghostly tales that surrounds this Swan Castle! Are you ready to get spooked out Granger?" Guinevere said enthusiastically. Granger seemingly caught the girl's vigor, also nodded fervently.

"Long ago...before this palace became the Second Swan Castle, this place was known as Braidwood Castle. The Duke's name was unknown 'til this day because they said that if you speak his name, you will be cursed." Guinevere started which piqued Granger's interest.


Granger was reminded of the isolated town, which had been abandoned by the people there, due to a famine. It is now used as a hideout for getaway burglars and criminals. He used to chase a demon who hid in that corrupted town. The people there tried swindling money off of him when he asked for demon sightings in town. In the end, he beat the shit out of them until they told him reliable information.

"Yes, that small town plagued with famine. The duke's ancestors founded that town. It is another story, but the famine started when the duke died. Anyways back to the story..." Guinevere confirmed.

"The Braidwood Castle was an ally of the Moniyan Empire. The Duke himself fought along Imperial Knights Order in conquering lands that were claimed by selfish humans who aligned themselves with the Abyssal Demons. He tortured those humans who were branded as traitors. But when peace was within reach, the dwindling Abyssal Demons couldn't quench his thirst for war. He was dismissed for a year because he almost killed an innocent man. The war made him crazy, it seems.

When the last firght broke out in the farthest town of the empire, he went on the war himself. Though he emerged victorious, he also claimed the lives of the victims of the war who were unable to evacuate. They said he couldn't differentiate demons and humans due to the traitors. In his eyes, they're all the same."

Guinevere sipped on her cup filled with hot chocolate and chewed on the floating marshmallows before continuing the story.

"And then out of nowhere, a vicious rumor circulated around these walls. From one servant to another, they passed it on as if it was a ball until it reached the Duke's ears. It was said that his wife and her family were also allies with the demons. His heart was torn that the woman he loved the most would betray him this way by teaming up with the demons who killed his beloved parents.

The people in the Knights Order tried stopping him ftom doing something he will regret. But because he was still fresh from the war, he marched up to his wife's family and killed them. The wife found out of the news and lashed out on her husband when he went inside their bedroom. With one swoop, the wife's head tumbled on the cold marbled floor. The very same floor where your feet are planted, Grangey."