
Guinevere placed the books she borrowed on the table and sat across Granger, who was heavily focused on reading the Demonology book. The white-streak haired man pulled his mask down and smiled.

"Ah. You're finally here. Drink this tea, it's still hot and eat these as well." Granger placed the warm tea and two bars of dark chocolate in front of Guinevere.

"Oh my! What are these for? We already got enough snacks though." Guinevere tilted her head and unwrapped the chocolate bar.

"Food to calm your nerves."

Granger rested his chin on his open palm and watched the red head pop a piece of chocolate in her mouth. The way Guinevere's lips quirk up as she eat sweets will always be Granger's favorite sight. One of the little things the young demon hunter wouldn't want anyone to see but him.

"Mmm! It has almonds! Thanks Grangey!" Guinevere squealed lightly. Any kind of sweets would lift her mood, such a sweet addict, this girl.

"Why'd you bought two by the way? I can't finish these at once and I wanna eat my cream puffs as well. Are you fattening me up, Crinkles?"

"I don't mind you gaining weight, Gingerbread. The healthier, the better." He smirked and continued, "Ah, and the other one is for me. C'mon, time to feed me, Guini!" Granger slightly parted his lips.

"Tsk. Seriously this guy!" Guinevere clicked her tongue but she still put two pieces of the chocolate on his mouth. She can't refuse if he smiles adorably like that.

"What book did you get that took you so long?" Granger asked nonchalantly. He was worried of leaving her alone when she just had a panic attack earlier. But the girl in front of him is now back to her former self. Dark chocolates with almonds are really that effective, huh, he thought.

"Oh. Just books about human hearts." Guinevere smiled widely as she showed Granger two books, one was about heart diseases and the other was about the human anatomy.

Guinevere hummed as she flipped open the medical book and reminisced what happened earlier.





The two girls jolted at the same time when a novice librarian warned them. They immediately collected their respective books that were still scattered on the floor. The blonde girl then grabbed Guinevere's arm dragged her towards a secluded area. Once she made sure no one was loitering around, the blonde girl put the stack of books beside her and kowtowed.

"Miss Violet, I beg of you! Please don't tell anyone, especially Sir Death Chanter that I read BL comics about him! Ah! And I'm sorry for bumping into you yesterday! I swear, I didn't mean to!" The girl pleaded with all her might.

She heard about some rumors about how the Death Chanter was very protective of the young miss of the Baroque family. And she just had to bump to Miss Violet of all people, not just once, but twice now! Luck wasn't on her side.

As the blonde girl cowered in fear, Guinevere was beyond ecstatic. Her hunch was right! The book really was Bloodlust, the special edition AlucardxGranger comic! It was a one-shot about the two demon hunters in which Alucard became a Vampire after a solo-mission and then his hated junior colleague, Granger, for help. She haven't read the comic yet because it went missing right after she bought one.

"Oh. Sure! No worries~"

"Please, spare me. My life is at risk-- hah?! You're okay with that!?" The eye-patched girl was in pure disbelief. "You won't punish me for shipping Sir Death Chanter with Sir Alucard?"

"Yes? Why would I punish you for that? I condone violence outside the arena. Except for self-defense, that is." Guinevere looked at the girl strangely. Was her face that scary? Have they heard rumors about her punching drunkards?!

"Seriously?! Even though you two are dating?! No take backs! You're a cool AF girlfriend!"

Guinevere's soul almost left her body when she heard that.

"What! We're not...d-dating! My goodness! Where the heck did you hear that?!" Guinevere's pulse quickened. Her biggest fear was becoming reality! She was reminded of Queen Aurora's assumption at the Brainfreezers stand.

"Everyone in the Capitol is talking about you guys. I mean-- you two are so obvious and not to mention inseparable!! And like, you're always in Sir Death Chanters Instagram posts! I wish I was like that too to Sir Alucard but he only treat me as a colleague!" The girl sighed dreamily.

Guinevere felt like her blood run cold and her knees were about to give up. She finally realized why the people stared at them back at the fun park; and why Odette, Lance, and even their swan servants were giving them funny looks during Granger's visit.

"Oh Gord! No! That's impossible! I can't betray my favorite ship! I'm really just friends with Granger." The auburn haired girl held her cheeks in despair.

Guinevere never imagined becoming similar to Lancelot's character in the comics series she was addicted to. She didn't want to become the villain to her fave ship. And most importantly, she didn't want to be the reason why the ship sunk!

"Wait-! Did you just say ship?" The girl was wide-eyed, she couldn't believe what she heard from a noble lady's lips.

Guinevere gasped when she realized her slip of the tongue. The secret she had been trying so hard to hide was slowly getting out of the closet. The purple bowed girl then went into deep thinking; she reconsidered the consequences of telling this stranger, her deepest, darkest, weirdest secret-- her clandestine life as a BL shipper.

The red head made a gamble. She decided to confide with this strange girl, who also happens to be a shipper. And at least clear up the misunderstanding between her and Granger's relationship. The rumors might sully her friendship with Granger, the way it did with Gusion. Guinevere pulled the girl up from her kneeling position.

"To be honest, I'm just like you." Guinevere started. "I also ship Granger with Mister Alucard. So please keep this secret between us too. And the thing about Granger and me is false. We really are just friends." Guinevere confessed, making the blonde girl's jaw drop to the floor.

She had been hiding this secret for almost four months now and she felt the weight on her shoulders get heavier as each day passes. She had no one to tell her thoughts to. She couldn't tell her family because they won't understand. So Guinevere felt light when those words escaped her mouth.

But despite that, there was this small, tiny feeling that was gnawing at the back of her head. As if it was waiting for the right time to be unleashed. Is it possible to feel good and bad at the same time?

"Shit! Seriously?! You're just like me?! That's so fucking amazing! Meeting a fellow shipper in this circumstance! And you're a lucky one at that! Being close friends with the people we ship! I promise I won't tell a fuckin' soul! Cross my heart!" Guinevere cringed at the girl's string of curses.

The unknown feeling that was making Guinevere sour her mood felt noticeable now. She was getting more sensitive these past few days. Was it something with what the girl said in passing?

The young Baroque was really happy that she now had someone to fangirl with, that she wasn't alone in her secret shipper life. But why does she feel...sad? No, she wasn't sad, nor was she upset. She forgot the exact word for it. Before Guinevere could ponder on what she was actually feeling, the girl in front of her suddenly gasped, reeling her back to reality.

"Ah! I haven't introduced myself yet. Sorry for being rude, Miss Violet. My name's Ruby, a.k.a. The Red Hood, at your service!" The girl clad in red cloak attempted to curtsy.

"Oh, yes. Nice to meet you Miss Ruby. I'm Guinevere Baroque, but please do call me Guinevere or Guin." The red head curtsied back. The two girls then laughed at their attempt at being formal. Their clothes were too casual to act like noble girls.

"Kidding aside, I'm also proud to be an A-Ranked BL shipper in the whole Land of Dawn!"

"Oh my! There are ranks? So that means there is an organization for BL shippers?!" Guinevere suddenly became excited. The gnawing feeling she had earlier vanished.

"Uh-huh! We're a book club that consist of BL shippers! We're the confidential organization called YS Book Club. Y.S. as in Yaoi Shippers." Replied Ruby, showing a sparkling rainbow badge pinned on her shirt. "If you struggle with being straight, we also have an affiliated organization just for that. Oh! And if you're more into Yuri, our sister org, the GL Book Club is also open!"

"Woah! Clubs like that actually exists! Amazing!" Guinevere couldn't help but get infected with the girl's smile.

"Yup! Ooh! I should invite you to our comic book reading this Saturday! Pro tip: read the book before coming because all we do is gush and fangirl at each page and panel. And some members are huge spoilers! 10% reading, 70% fangirling! 20% wiping nosebleeds of wild members! It's fun and freaking chaotic!"

"Oh my! That sounds great! B-But am I really allowed to join?" Guinevere asked shyly, fiddling with her hands. She really was excited but then she remembered of the swirling rumors about her and Granger. And not to mention, her brother Lancelot was also a character in the comics.

"Of course! Anyone is allowed to join! Don't worry, Guinevere. My fellow members are very welcoming! Just bring your copy of the next volume which will be released on-- Friday! Holy shit! That's two days from now! Fuck! I totally forgot!" Ruby slapped her forehead for her forgetfulness.

"Oh my! The author will finally release the next volume?! We have to wait up early! The last time I bought the comics, there was a long line!" Guinevere shuddered at the memory.

"I know right?! When the special edition one-shot was released, I was too late. It was already sold out! But luckily someone donated this baby to this library!" Ruby kissed the book on top of the pile she was hugging.

"These kinds of books are here as well?!" Guinevere was shocked at the revelation. She had to come here every day!

"Hell yeah! You should totally check out the last two rows of books in the Fiction Section, most fanfictions are stored there, both novels and comics. Ooh there's so many other ships that exist, I'm sure you'll love them too!" Ruby almost bounced as she whispered the things that a fellow shipper must know.

"Oh my gosh! Other ships?! I should check them out!" Guinevere squealed in delight.

"Uh-huh! And the *cough* lemons *cough* are at the lowest shelves." Ruby winked.

'Yes. This is it! My fangirling life is evolving into a new level! My heart is happy! Let's focus on the present, Guinevere Baroque!! Let's fangirl in peace!' Guinevere clutched her heart and sighed contentedly.

Then suddenly, Guinevere felt her phone vibrating like crazy in her skirt's pocket. Granger sent three messages!


[what's taking u so long?]

[where r u Guini?]

[do u need help? i'll come find u if u don't reply :< ]

[I'm good! No need to come~]

"Oh. Granger's looking for me." Guinevere sent a quick reply to the ever worried Granger. She had to get another so she wouldn't look suspicious.

"I have to go now. It was a pleasure to meet you, fellow shipper!" Guinevere held out her hand.

"It was nice meeting you as well, my dear friend! Don't make the Death Chanter wait!" Ruby hugged the books on one hand and used her other hand to meet Guinevere's outstretched ones.

After shaking hands, the two green eyed girls with similar height and interests, walked to opposite directions. What a time to be alive! To meet someone so similar to oneself. Guinevere was so glad to make a new friend. And a fellow shipper at that!