The Birthday

The morning of my birthday I woke up feeling refreshed as I have never felt before in my new life because every day since I did the first Lumos charm, I have followed my schedule very strictly with practicing meditation and magic every day, never slacking off. But if it feels this good after just a day of rest, then I think I should start taking regular breaks from time to time maybe once or twice a month and maybe it will be good for my magic like how all the gym trainers say that rest is also part of the workout.

Early in the morning my mum came and dressed me in some kind of wizarding robes made for children in the color black and blue. After that, she took me down to the living room and put me on the rug in front of the couch. Then she took out her wand and started decorating, she cast some spells silently while for others she spoke the incantation. She conjured some shiny decoration and animated some stuffed toys. After that, she made a banner with Happy Birthday Ruby written on it and on which the words were dancing.

While my mum was decorating stuff in the living room tweaky was making food in the kitchen, from what I could see she was not making stuff with her hand but rather she was just clicking her fingers and the vegetables were being cut into pieces and flour was being made into dough and stuff like that. She would just concentrate on the things and click her fingers to make magic happen. House-elf must have some really good control over their magic.

Sometime before noon my dad came out of the floo in the hallway, after seeing me playing on the rug he came and wished me Happy Birthday while kissing me on top of my head. After greeting my mother he went to change on the first floor. I found out some time ago that my dad was a healer and works at St. Mungos while my mum used to work at Gringotts as a curse breaker. After getting pregnant with me she left that job to take care of me but from what she said this one time while talking to my dad I can conclude that she will resume it after I am a little older.

After an hour people started showing up, first came my grandparents looking very happy and after a while came Frank and Alice. While my mum was setting my birthday cake with the help of Aunt Alice another couple came out of the floo one after another. The man was very young a little younger than Frank with dark messy hair and hazel colored eyes while the woman had fiery red hair and bright green eyes. I am sure from that description you can conclude that they were James and Lily Potter. Aunt Alice went to greet Lily with my mother while James went to sit in front of the fireplace with my dad, Frank, and my grandpa while my grandma was playing with me.

My mum called for everyone when it was time to cut the birthday cake. After they all sang Happy Birthday my mum and dad helped me cut the cake and while blowing a candle on which the flames were dancing. After that everybody gave the presents they bought for me to my parents.

After my mum cleaned everything up, everyone sat in the living room in front of the fireplace with me in my mum's lap where I was pretending to be asleep while actually listening to them. Because James had just asked a question to my grandfather about the new bill in the wizengamont.

"It's a good bill and it can really help our Aurors fight the death eater because it gives them the freedom to use lethal force when cornered but whether it really passes or not is a 50-50 chance because while some people like Crouch are all for it on the opposite side we have people like fudge who would do anything for the right amount of money!" My grandpa said gruffly.

"It would really make mine and James job easier if that bill were to pass so that we can legally give them as good as we get in the battle. I mean it's not like we follow the law to the letter but still, it would lessen our workload if we didn't have to get creative with our spells" Frank said while drinking what I can only assume is firewhisky.

On this side, my mum was telling lily and Alice a story of the time when she went into a tomb with her team of curse breakers and encountered a live mummy and how they defeated it using glue.

The story was really fascinating from the start to the finish and I could tell from listening to it that it was a really dangerous job and whenever the team encountered a tough situation they always went at it very cautiously and always having a backup plan.

The people started leaving when it was time for dinner one after the other while thanking my mum for the food and telling her how good her cake was. After everyone had left my mum took me to my room and my dad bought all my gifts into the room with the help of his wand. After thinking that I should at least look at the gifts I started acting like I just woke up. When my mum saw that I had woken up she called tweaky to get my food while my dad started to open the presents while showing them to me.

The first presents he opened was from my grandparents, they had gotten me a stuffed hippogriff

that if you bowed before it, it would read bedtime wizarding stories. Frank and Alice had gotten me a picture book that had animations like with sounds inside it that taught you how to read if you repeat after it. James and Lily had gotten me a toy broomstick that I had fallen in love with after I tried to fly on it in my room. I wasn't really good at it and I kept falling but I never got hurt because it had some kind of safety mechanism that made you slowly touch the ground instead of falling and it was really fun.

All in all, it was the best birthday I've ever had my previous life included and when I went to sleep that night I had a smile on my face.... zzz...zz...z.