The Vacation Part III

I was shocked for a moment when she introduced herself because I never expected to meet the future Triwizard tournament champion here.

"Bonjour, I am Rubin Florean. Nice to meet you " I said to her while shaking her hand.

"So are you a tourist or did your family just move to France because seeing as you can't speak french I assume you're not from around here"

"I and my family are here on vacation..."

Before I could complete my sentence harry called for me from the exit.

"Hey ruby, we are leaving, are you coming?"

"No, you guys go ahead, I'll catch up" I yelled back and watched them leaving while snickering and whispering something to each other.

"So are you from around here, or did you come to shop in the village" I turned back to her and asked.

"My mum is a professor at Beauxbatons, she had some things to pick up at school and Gabrielle wanted her favorite sweet, so she left her with me while she went to school to run her errand. From your accent, I presume you're from England"

"Yes, I am" something about the way she said England told me that she didn't like the country very much.

"I take it you're going to attend Beauxbatons when you're older"

"Oui, next year"

"Me too, I mean I too am going to attend Hogwarts next year"

While we were talking Gabrielle started to pull fleur towards the exit and told her something in french.

"I am sorry, but my mother must be waiting for us so we have to go, Thank you again for the chocolate and it was nice meeting you"

"It was nice meeting you too, and hey if you're free tomorrow evening say at around 7, we are having a bonfire party, so if you wanna come the floo address is "Sirius's party house", you can bring your parents along."

"I'll ask my mum" she said before leaving the store with a smile.

I looked after her while she left and then I went to join the others. When I found the others they were waiting for me and the second they saw me most of them started snickering at me.

"So what is this that harry and Neville are telling me about you finding yourself a girlfriend... huh" Sirius said while winking at me.

"What girlfriend! I was just talking to a girl and gave her chocolate" I said flustered.

"Oh, so we are already at the gift-giving phase... but aren't you a little too young to be having a girlfriend" Aunt Alice said joining Sirius in teasing me.

They teased me until we reached the beach house and just when the atmosphere was starting to calm a little, I made the mistake of telling Sirius that I invited fleur to the bonfire party. Another round of teasing started. By the time we all went to bed I was red like a tomato.

You know, you'd think that after getting reborn and being transmigrated into another world you'd have somewhat of thick skin and not be embarrassed so easily, but no that was not part of the package.

The next day we didn't leave the villa at all and just relaxed while lazing around on the beach, playing indoor games like exploding cards and wizard chess. When it was about 5 pm, Sirius went with the kids in his car somewhere and came back carrying boxes filled with butterbeer and while he was gone I, frank and my father started arranging the wood for a bonfire while my mum and Aunt Alice made burgers, sandwiches, and other snacks.

Fleur came with Gabrielle and her mother at around 7 and I and Aunt Alice welcomed them in front of the floo. After I had introduced everyone to them and fleur introduced her mother to us, we all went to sit around the bonfire.

Sirius started telling scary wizarding stories when the sun had set. Harry and Neville were listening raptly and Gabrielle's mother was translating the stories for her in french. I sat with fleur and talked to her about the differences between the French and British wizarding culture. From our conversation I had concluded that the reason Fleur is not so fond of Britain was because of discrimination that was present there against muggle-borns and all kinds of different magical species. She was really happy to see that I was not acting any differently towards her after she had told me that her grandmother was a veela and that she was a quarter-veela.

I went to the table and bought burgers and sandwiches for us while fleur carried butterbeers. I asked her about her father while we were drinking butterbeers after finishing the snacks. She told me that her father worked in the Aurour department of french ministry and he was busy at work at the moment and that's why he could not come.

Before we knew it her mother was calling for her from her place at my mother's side where she was talking to my mother and aunt Alice about something. Before fleur left we promised each other that we would write to each other when we went to school and exchange information about the things taught at our respective schools.

Before leaving, fleur gave me a soft kiss on my cheek and thanked me for inviting them. After they had all gone through the floo and I went back to join the others, there was another round of teasing from Aunt Alice, Sirius, and the kids.

We enjoyed the rest of the vacation by visiting the various tourist spots on the muggle side of the country and tried different kinds of french cuisine and french desserts and before we knew it, we were standing in a circle in the French MOM waiting for our portkey to activate. It was the most memorable vacation of my life and I don't think that I would ever be able to forget it.

By the time we arrived at our home, it was already dinner time. I went back to my room to unpack and while I was doing that tweaky came carrying a letter for me that was from Gringotts. I had expressly told her beforehand that she was to give me any letter addressed to me from Gringotts only when I was alone. It was a letter from goblin Gortuk who was asking me to come to Gringotts for a meeting to discuss my investments...