Chu Yuechan was looking at all this with amazement. She couldn't believe that this girl was so strong. Besides him Yan was looking at Xiao Mei with a proud look.
The tiger tried to stand up again when Xiao Mei pulled out her katana and held it with both her hands. She then lifted it over her head.
A burst of golden light shot out of the blade which shot direcrly towards the sky. She was using her holy light arts together with her zanpakuto.
" LIGHT ARK!!!" She said as she brought down her Katana which released a massive golden coloured sword energy slash.
*Woooosh* The sword energy slash split the injured tiger in half from its torso and back and went on lesving a long line on the ground as it then split an entire mountain which was hundreds of meter away.
" *Huff huff huff* This technique takes so much out of me " Xiao Mei said as she panted heavily. Yan has taught her to fuse her element with the zankpakuto. She had been training hard for a week to use this technique and she could now use it but barely as she was only at early nascent soul realm thus her energy pool was small. So using such a powerful technique was quite taxing for her.
On the side Chu Yuechan was looking at this with wide eyes and open mouth. She couldn't believe that this kid was able utilize such a powerful profound attack.
Xiao Mei slowly landed on the ground as came running towards Yan.
"Did you see that elder brother. I was able to use the technique" She said enthusiastically as her eyes fell on Chu Yuechan.
"Waaah what happened to you elder sister?!" She said as she saw how injured the woman was. She quickly went towards her and started healing her with her powers. A golden light surrounded Chu Yuechan as her wounds started to heal.
Yan who was standing near them narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything. He coldly looked at that.
Chu Yuechan saw that her wounds were healing at a speed visible to her eyes. This was one more shock that she couldn't believe.
'This girl also has this sort of profound arts that can heal such wounds at such speed. Unbelievable!!!' She thought. She was already impressed by her powers and that unknown light based profound arts but this , this completely shook her.
She looked at the girl who was busy healing her with a neutral expression. She then looked towards the man who was slowly walking towards the dead tiger which got it's skull crushed. He went near it and took out a sword out from. somewhere and sliced the beast. From its chest fell a blueish white coloured crystal ball on the ground. This was the profound beast core. He took it and kept it under his cloak where she. couldn't see.
At this time Xiao Mei had completely healed her.
"You are all healed up elder sister. You can get up" She said with a smile.
Chu Yuechan nodded her and stood up. She again put her cold face forward and said in calm voice," Thank you for healing me. Can i know your name?"
"It's Xiao Mei elder sister" She said as she greeted her.
"What a beautiful name you have. My name is Chu Yuechan, you can call me elder sister Yuechan" Chu Yuechan said calmly and in an elegant tone.
"T... thank you" Xiao Mei said bowing her head as she stuttered a bit.
"Who is that person ?" Chu Yuechan asked Pointing at Yan who was walking towards the other dead tiger.
"Oh he my elder brother. He is the most coolest!!" Xiao Mei said with a grin.
"Brother he doesn't look anything like you though" Chu Yuechan said narrowing her eyes. She thought about something as her eyes widened and looked at Xiao Mei with sudden worry.
"Tell me did he kindnap you or did he do something bad to you!" Chu Yuechan asked her with worry as she held Xiao Mei's hand.
"No no elder sister, Elder brother didn't kidnap nor did he do anything to me. On the contrary he helped me and adopted me. He really takes care of me" Xiao Mei said hurriedly.
When Chu Yuechan heard that, she calmed down and her cold temperament returned. She looked at Yan who had already reached the other tiger and was taking out the profound core. She didn't know how to approach this person. She knew that this man was extremely strong so she didn't want to anger him.
Yan who had collected the other core now turned and started to walk towards them. He stopped in front of them and looked at Chu Yuechan. She too looked at him with her cold by respectful face.
Xiao Mei who was watching this quickly decided to introduce each other to them.
"Ah this is my elder brother Yan" She said as she pointed at Yan. Next she pointed at Chu Yuechan and said to Yan," And this is Elder sister Yuechan".
When he heard the name Yuechan his eyes narrowed a little. He thought ' Is she THAT Chu Yuechan?! I can't believe I am meeting her here. It seems like I am somewhere in an unknown part which the novel never introduced'.
They looked at each other for a few moments after which Yan asked, " Are you all right?" Truthfully he always felt that this woman's life was miserable. Getting raped by Yun Che and getting impregnated by him. Then that bastard said that he loved him but was nowhere to be seen when she needed him the most.
"Yes thanks to her I am fully healed" She said as she looked at Xiao Mei with a soft expression.
"Very well then let's go Xiao Mei" Yan said as he turned to leave.
"Wait I need to ask something!" She quickly said stoping Yan. Yan turned around and looked at her with a calm look.
"What is it?" He asked in a neutral tone.
"Can you let Xiao Mei come with me?" She said in her usual but respectful cold tone.
"What ?!!" Xiao Mei almost shouted as her eyes widened. On the side Yan looked at her with his calm and neutral expression.
"Why do you ask me you should just ask the girl if she wants to go with you or not" He said looking at Chu Yuechan then closing his eyes.
On the side Xiao Mei was horrified as she quickly said," No No Elder sister I can't come with you!!!"
She said as she bowed her head as an apology for denying her. Chu Yuechan saw the desperate look on her face and understood that this girl didn't want to leave her elder brother so she didn't pursued the matter anymore. She turned to look at Yan.
"I have another request and that is, can you sell me that beast core?" She asked.
"Well I can't sell mine " He said as he pulled out another orb and tossed it at Xiao Mei and said, " But I don't know if that girl wants to sell or not cause she was the one who killed the beast".
Xiao Mei who caught the orb knew what Yan meant by that. She looked at Chu Yuechan and said," Please take my profound beast core. I don't need it".
Chu Yuechan nodded her head as took the core from her hand and kept it in her interspstial ring.
"Thank you, please tell me how can I repay you?" She said looking at Xiao Mei.
Xiao Mei looked at Yan with a pleading eyes.
"You don't have to repay anything" Yan said.
"No I don't like to be indebted to others so please tell me how I can repay you"She insisted.
" Well we don't need anything right now may be sometime in the future we may " He said as Yan beckoned Xiao Mei as they left the area leaving Chu Yuechan silently watching them leave.
After that she too flew away lost in the thoughts of what has happened today. She. needed to inform her master about the girl Xiao Mei and her powers as she believes that together they might find a way to bring her in.
Currently Xiao Mei and Yan were walking through the forest. Xiao Mei was looking at Yan from time to time it he completely ignored her.
" something the matter elder brother?" She asked as she looked at Yan with worry.
" Today Xiao Mei you made a serious mistake" Yan said without emotions.
When she heard this Xiao Mei's eyes widened and her body shook.
"What do you mean elder brother? What did I do?!" She asked her eyes filled with fear.
"Didn't I tell you never to reveal your healing abilities. Yet today you healed someone about whom you have no idea is a good person or not" Yan said.
Yan and Xiao Mei were sitting near a lake when a rabbit suddenly crawled out of the forest leaving a trail of blood. It was injured and was missing one of its leg. Xiao Mei who saw this instantly rushed towards it and used her healing abilities to completely regenerate the missing limb and completely healed it. Yan who was seeing this called her.
"What is it elder brother?" She asked as she was lifting the rabbit.
"Xiao Mei never let others know that you have healing abilities. You got that?" Yan looked at her and asked.
She quickly nodded her head as she started to play with the rabbit while Yan started to cultivate.
flashback end;
When Xiao Mei remembered this she fell on her knees as tears poured out of her eyes.
"I....I v...very so...sorry e....elder brother!!!" She said as she started to cry.
"*Sigh* Don't cry but be careful not to heal someone just because they are injured. You must know that there are evil people who will backstab you and exploit you and you might not be able to do anything. And you are still not strong enough to face powerful beings in this world" He said seriously to the crying girl.
She nodded her head as she wiped her tears although she kept her head down.
After that they left the area to continue their journey.
'After three months the real plot is going to start but I believe I changed some things. Let's see how things turn out. In the mean time I need to become even stronger to face those divine realm expert' He thought as a crazy grin spread across his face.