How can I leave you alone?

'Why does the air feels so awkward?' Zoey wondered, altering her gaze from Zion Kwan to Matthew Xi. 

Earlier, just when she thought she was in trouble for something she was unaware about, Matthew Xi just dragged her back inside; Zion Kwan also followed. 

Somehow, her suggestion about 'enjoying their morning drinks' pursued. However, this suggestion of hers was not even fun. They don't seem to enjoy their hot drinks. 

It was just awkward, that's all. Neither of the men talked, as if they were preoccupied studying the atmosphere around which made things more awkward. Zoey had tried striking a conversation that the three of them could share, but to no avail. 

Both Zion Kwan and Matthew Xi would only utter one sentence and kill the conversation right there and then. The reason Zoey gave up and kept silent as well.